April 16, 2024

FBI: Hillary Didn’t Know Giant Letter ‘C’ In Emails Meant ‘Confidential’


Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton didn’t know that a standalone capital “C” in her emails was used to mark classified information, recently released FBI documents reveal. Instead, she apparently speculated the “C” was just used for alphabetizing documents.

The revelation comes in the FBI’s notes concerning its July 2 interview with Clinton at the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. During the interview, Clinton was repeatedly questioned about individual emails, including one that she had sent from her server that included classified information, and had been marked as such.

“After reviewing an email dated April 9, 2012, with subject line ‘Call to President Banda,’ CLINTON stated she did not remember the email specifically,” the FBI’s notes say. “When asked what the parenthetical ‘C’ meant before a paragraph within the captioned email, CLINTON stated she did not know and could only speculate it was referencing paragraphs marked in alphabetical order. CLINTON could not say for sure if the parenthetical ‘C’ is used for portion marking classified documents.”

When used in documents, the capital “C” marks paragraphs that are “Confidential,” the lowest tier of classified information.

The FBI’s notes also reveal that Hillary didn’t care about the difference between different classification levels, and may not even have understood them.

“When asked of her knowledge regarding Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential classification levels of U.S. government information, CLINTON responded that she did not pay attention to the ‘level’ of classified information and took all classified information seriously.”

The notes also suggest that when confronted with the possibility of cavalierly handling classified information, Clinton was defensive and argued that the information didn’t actually matter.

“CLINTON was not concerned the displayed email contained classified information,” the notes say. “Clinton believed the email amounted to a ‘condolence call’ and questioned the classification level.”

Clinton used her private, unsecured email server to send at least 22 emails that included information classified as “Top Secret,” the highest level of confidentiality.

Source: The Daily Caller