January 20, 2025

It’s time to hold Democrats responsible for Chicago’s violence.

Most Americans are appalled to read that 63 people were shot in Chicago over the weekend, with 10 fatalities.  The numbers are huge, downright massacre-level.  News coverage says Chicago’s hospital and emergency rooms are now crowd scenes.  Here in California, we are appalled at the death toll among firemen and other public workers in California’s massive wildfires, brought about by eco-wackos and their environmental mismanagement, which have killed 7.  In Chicago, seven dead would be a good day.

What’s going on?  All of these attacks are gang-related, according to this report, and are happening in the 6th, 10th, and 11th Districts, all led by Democrats.  What a massive sludge of corruption and thuggery rests behind that.

Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit has retweeted an invaluable article from the January 2012 issue of Chicago magazine about how the city’s famed violence is all the result of gangs and Democrats being in bed with each other, one hand washing the other, and in those very districts named above.  Democratic politicians sidle up to gang leaders for votes and use their thugs as substitutes for their political organizations.  They muscle voters to the polls for the Democrats, and anyone who rebels gets a beating.  Gang leaders in turn make demands of politicians for protection from police and get flows of city funds from these same Democrats, generally as city subcontractors, calling it “jobs for youth” and “second chances” or something.  The left benefits, so it gives the gangs what they want.

Is this a revolting picture?  Obviously, with the stepped up shootings, the Democrats don’t seem to be worrying too much, given that they have the votes and deals they want, so word is out that they aren’t going to do anything.  Meanwhile, the cops have been ordered to stand down because of the political ties of the gangs, and word has gotten out about that, too.  Now the gangs are challenging each other because Democrats have made the power so easy to get.

When is someone going to say something about how the Democrats have created this gang-hell bacchanal of murder, unknown in few places outside Caracas?  This is Democrats’ doing, based on that 2012 report, because Chicago’s politicians are in bed with Chicago’s gangs.  It’s also a worthy topic for a class-action lawsuit, for one.  More important, it’s got to become a campaign issue, not just in Chicago, but everywhere.  Hold them accountable.  Democrats have made their deals with gangs, and this is what has become of the city.

Source: American Thinker