Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow, author of and host of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily, joined Thursday’s edition of Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News Channel to discuss how President Joe Biden’s speech about the COVID-19 outbreak made no mention of government-decreed lockdowns.
Marlow also highlighted Biden’s refusal to acknowledge threats to public health posed by an unsecured southern border despite the president’s framing of the coronavirus as the primary threat to national welfare.
Transcript below.
CARLSON: Alex, thanks so much for coming on. What do you think Biden left out of tonight’s speech?
MARLOW: It seemed like he left out virtually everything other than the guy really likes vaccines and masks. He didn’t talk about personal responsibility. He didn’t talk about the government’s role in any of these anti-science lockdowns. He didn’t talk nearly enough about the fact that we could probably open up all of our schools today. He didn’t talk at all about the fact that this virus came from China. He didn’t talk about the fact that the virus is coming over our borders.
I want to know how he’s going to hold people accountable who are responsible for these policies that cram sick patients into our nursing homes, killing way more people than necessary. There’s no justice for these people, and it certainly doesn’t look like Joe Biden has any interest in investigating.
CARLSON: Well, he also suggested — probably the most divisive thing he could have said — that there has been this outbreak of anti-Asian violence, and the implication was [that it is] committed by people who tied the virus to China, therefore they’re attacking Asian Americans over that. Is there any evidence that that’s real that you’re aware of?
MARLOW: I was stunned when I heard that, and he focused on this at the same time [that] he wants us to have a moment of healing and unity. He wouldn’t even give Donald Trump credit at all for what he’s done with his operation Warp Speed to get us where we are with the vaccines. We wouldn’t have had this situation we’re in — where Biden can take credit — if Trump hadn’t bought over 100 million doses of vaccine before they were even ready to go, and he relaxed regulations, and he also made the opportunities for this R&D to get done on the cheap.
That was all about Trump, and Biden threw shade [at him] towards the end”
CARLSON: Yeah, I certainly noticed that.
Biden made no mention of lockdowns or shutdowns in his speech focusing on the coronavirus. Americans experienced a “collective suffering” due to a “pandemic,” he said, without any acknowledgment of government decrees or mandates denying people’s access to their livelihoods and social lives.
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Breitbart News 2021-03-12 04:52:00