The NRA Has a Direct Message for Michael Bloomberg: Freedom Isn't For Sale in Any Town

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Last week Michael Bloomberg launched his latest $50 million gun control effort under the new name Everytown. Bloomberg and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense (also a Bloomberg project) Founder Shannon Watts said, "The NRA should be afraid of us," while discussing their new initiative. Their goal is to take on the NRA with a specific focus on women and mothers.

Today at the NRA Annual Meetings in Indianapolis, a direct response from the gun rights organization was issued to Bloomberg and his money: Freedom is not for sale. Not in America, not in ANY town.

"Let's see who crushes who."

Katie Pavlich is the News Editor at Follow her on Twitter @katiepavlich. She is also the author of Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up.

“ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATING! Intrepid investigative journalist Katie Pavlich rips the lid off Team Obama’s murderous corruption and anti-Second Amendment zealotry" says Michelle Malkin.

"Katie Pavlich draws back the curtain on a radical administration that put Mexican and American lives at risk for no discernible reason other than to advance an ideological agenda." - David Limbaugh

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