January 17, 2025

Americans Aren’t Buying EVs: Electric Vehicle Adoption Continues to Stall Out

Ivan Radic/Flickr The electric vehicle revolution is encountering significant hurdles as consumers grapple with high costs, infrastructure challenges, and geopolitical tensions, potentially slowing the transition from traditional gas-powered cars, according to a report by Fast Company. Fast Company reports the automotive industry has undergone a significant transformation with the push towards electric vehicles in recent years.

Nolte: Christian Adoption Agency Opposes Interracial Adoptions

Bethany Christian Services, one of the country’s largest adoptions agencies, has publicly come out against placing black children in white families. Yes, a prominent Christian adoption agency is openly calling to essentially overturn the Multi-Ethnic Placement Act, which outlaws racial discrimination when it comes to adoptions. If you are think this is some kind of terrible…

Florida HB 7111 Faith Based Adoption Conscience/Religious Liberty Protection Bill

URGENT ACTION ALERT: In order to protect the good  work of these agencies and probably to more political reasons, the House has passed HB 7111 with specific conscience protection/religious freedom language for faith based adoption agencies that is more protective than Florida’s current religious freedom statute.  Opponents of this bill, including Republican Don Gaetz are […]
