April 19, 2024

NPR podcast argues ‘thinness’ a product of ‘White supremacy and patriarchy’

“Fat Talk” author and journalist Virginia Sole-Smith asserted that the “thin ideal” is a byproduct of White supremacy and the patriarchy while appearing on NPR’s “Fresh Air” podcast. Sole-Smith spoke with NPR journalist Tanya Moseley on the podcast Tuesday to discuss her new book as well as obesity issues throughout the country. During the discussion, […]

Pelosi, Dems put politics first in Trump impeachment, new book argues

“A clear picture began to form of an impeachment that had been crippled by doubt and exploited by avarice — emboldening the president and weakening the legislative branch,” the authors write in “Unchecked: The Untold Story Behind Congress’s Botched Impeachments of Donald Trump.” When asked for a response to the authors’ assertion, Pelosi spokesperson Drew
