September 19, 2024

‘Unprecedented:’ Why John Brennan’s Extraordinary Partisanship Justifies Revoking His Security Clearance.

President Trump’s decision to strip former CIA Director John Brennan of his security clearance, announced yesterday, clearly lies within the president’s authority.  But was it the right thing to do?  Officially, the White House says the move comes as a result of Brennan’s ‘erratic’ behavior and history of dishonesty.  Here’s a portion of President Trump’s […]

Joe diGenova on John Brennan’s Lost Security Clearance: “A Glorious Day for America. An Evil Man Has Lost Something He’s Not Entitled To” (VIDEO)

Former US Attorney from the District of Columbia Joe diGenova joined Lou Dobbs on Wednesday night following the news that former CIA Chief John Brennan had his security clearance revoked. For months crazy John Brennan attacked the sitting US president. On Wednesday, Sarah Sanders announced President Trump revoked ex-CIA Chief John Brennan’s security clearance during […]

John Brennan’s Thwarted Coup

As his plot to destroy Trump backfires, his squeals grow louder. It was the Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky who coined the phrase the “dustbin of history.” To his political opponents, he sputtered, “You are pitiful, isolated individuals! You are bankrupts. Your role is played out. Go where you belong from now on — into the […]

Was CIA Director Brennan’s 1976 Vote for a Communist Just a Youthful Indiscretion?

During a panel discussion Thursday at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual conference, CIA Director John Brennan (shown) was trying to make the point that just because an individual has an “activist” background, that wouldn’t, or shouldn’t, keep him from working for the federal government in sensitive positions. After all, he said, the CIA hired […]
