April 23, 2024


Two events have been in the news the past days. Both sad. One refers to an American dentist who went on a safari to Zimbabwe and killed with an arrow, and then shot, a lion that was lured by locals to abandon the refugee where he was. The second story was about more video exposing […]

Zimbabwe Reveals Shocking Truth About “Cecil the Lion” Animal Rights Groups Are Desperate to Cover Up

Both social media and the progressive mainstream media have been in an uproar over the past few days about the death of “Cecil,” a 13-year-old lion in Zimbabwe. Cecil was killed in an organized licensed hunt by a big game hunter, Minnesota dentist Dr. Walter Palmer, who has now gone into hiding after receiving numerous […]

Cecil the Lion and the Cultural Perils of Internet Outrage

Walter Palmer, it turns out, is far from the only American who enjoys bloodsport. That irony is, of course, lost on the hordes to whom it applies — the thousands of Twitter users and Yelp posters and (non-digital) protesters who have shut down Palmer’s Minneapolis dental practice and forced him into hiding, all because he […]

Liberals Vent Outrage At Killing Of Cecil The Lion But Silent On Abortion Deaths Of Little Babies

To a liberal, one lion’s life has more value than 327,653 human babies in their mother’s wombs. “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20 (KJV) Liberals in America and abroad are horrified […]
