“Jeopardy!” contestants made an error of biblical proportions on last night’s game show. Fans were enraged Tuesday after all three contestants failed to answer what many believed to be a very easy question about the Lord’s Prayer. Host Mayim Bialik read a clue that began, “Matthew 6:9 says, âOur Father, which art in heaven, [THIS] […]
‘Jeopardy!’ fans unleash wrath over ‘pathetic’ lack of response to biblical clue: ‘Sad world we’re in’
ALERT â Weiner Thought Hillary Was Going To MURDER Him, Left THIS âClueâ For FBI
Hillary Clinton has had the worst week of her entire campaign with the FBIâs letter to Congress stating that they would reopen their investigation into her email server. Then, because Anthony Weiner could not stop sexting, his stupidity is now helping put Clinton behind bars. Recently, when conducting an investigation to Anthony Weinerâs alleged sexting […]
We will not comment of the embarrassing interchange between Raul Castro and Obama, where Raul made demands appropriate of a leader of the strongest nation on earth, and our president meekly responded as one representing a small Caribbean island. I will speak to the time when he thanked Cuban physicians for âvolunteeringâ to assist in […]
Scandinavia gets a clue about Muslim migrants
Not long ago, there were words, images, and ideas absent from our lives. But the religion of war has invaded like a deadly disease, and savagery has afflicted civilization, as it has done, waxing and waning, for 1,400-plus years. So thatâs how you wind up with hundreds of barbarians (otherwise known as âmigrantsâ or âasylum […]