February 7, 2025

Report: Kamala Harris Secures Support Among Enough Delegates to Become Democrat Nominee

Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson/Flickr Vice President Kamala Harris has been coasting toward the Democrat Party nomination in the wake of President Joe Biden dropping from the race, earning enough delegates to shore up support. Biden exited the race on Sunday and immediately endorsed Harris, which prompted waves of support and endorsements from

Anti-Trump Delegates Mount Last Stand at RNC, Say They Have Enough Signatures to Force Unbind Vote

CLEVELAND — Advocates of a delegate unbinding maneuver aimed at unseating Donald Trump as the Republican nominee have put their plan in motion. A group of anti-Trump delegates are attempting to force a floor vote at the Republican National Convention on an effort to allow states to unbind their delegates, freeing them to vote for […]

Watch: Chaos at NV Dem Convention… Team Hillary Disqualifies Bernie Delegates… Clinton, Sanders Fans Clash

Supporters of Bernie Sanders lost their cool at the Nevada Democratic convention Saturday night after the Hillary Clinton campaign successfully challenged the credentials of 60 Sanders delegates–mostly for not being official Democrats.  Videos quickly emerged online showing Sanders supporters clashing with Clinton supporters and shouting down Clinton surrogate Senator Barbara Boxer of California. According to […]

Donald Trump 100 Delegates Away from Winning GOP Nomination… Doubles Cruz Delegate Count

Donald Trump won West Virginia tonight with over 70% of the vote. Donald Trump also won Nebraska, a winner take all state with 36 delegates. Trump will end the night with 1138 delegates (Update – He has 1135 with 3 delegates in WV yet to be awarded) By the end of the night Donald Trump will […]

The Republican Race Becomes The People vs. The Delegates

Now that Donald Trump has won his big victory in the New York primary, the crucial conflict on the Republican side is The People versus The Delegates. (On the Democratic side, that’s not a problem. The Delegates won long ago.) Trump has been in the middle of this debate — isn’t he always — taking the position that […]

The Establishment Strikes Back: Bernie Wins Wyoming, Hillary Leaves With More Delegates

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders trounced Hillary Clinton in the Wyoming primary by 12 points, 56 to 44 percent. But thanks to how the Democratic Party of Wyoming awards pledged delegates, the state’s 14 delegates will be awarded evenly — 7 each. That, however, is not the only curious outcome from the Wyoming primary. The structure of […]

Cruz Bags at Least 21 More Delegates in Colorado

Whatever you want to say against Ted Cruz, the excellence of his campaign operation is unarguable. The Cruz team has stood head and shoulders above any other national campaign in either party and the Texas senator just might be rewarded with the nomination because of it. The Cruz delegate wrangling operation literally ran rings around […]

Cruz Wins Six Delegates In First Days Of GOP Colorado Conventions

Six delegates from two separate GOP conventions in Colorado all went for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz97% Saturday. The first and sixth Congressional Districts of Colorado,which the Texas senator swept, will each send three delegates to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland . The Colorado GOP decided to forfeit its role in the early nominating process after the 2012 […]

Trump, Cruz Delegates in TN Join Forces Again to Stop GOP Establishment – AUDIO

Former radio talk show host Steve Gill, an elected Cruz delegate, and State Senator Mae Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet), an elected Trump delegate, tell Breitbart executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon that along with former State Rep Joe Carr, a Cruz delegate, they are inviting their 49 fellow Trump and Cruz delegates in Tennessee to meet later this […]

Super Saturday 2016 Republican Results: Cruz Has A Big Night, Trump Still Leads In Delegates

Ted Cruz 97% had a big night Saturday with decisive wins in the Kansas and Maine caucuses, bolstering the Texas senator’s argument that he is the only Republican routinely defeating front-runner Donald Trump. But Trump, the New York businessman who has shown strength in a number of southern states, also pulled off victories in Louisiana and Kentucky and […]
