The Nicaraguan Ortega regime published a series of photographs and videos this weekend of Matagalpa Bishop Monsignor Rolando Ćlvarez amidst growing pressure from human rights organizations and international groups that demanded proof of life for the Catholic priest. The media, published via state-owned outlets aligned with the Ortega regime, mark the first time the priest
Nicaragua: Imprisoned Dissident Bishop Resurfaces, Notably Thinner, in Proof of Life Broadcast
April 1, 2023 by
Cuban Dissident Arrested For Waving American Flag As Cruise Ship Enters Havana
May 4, 2016 by
President Obama had a historic visit to Cuba in March, and an American cruise ship has just entered Havana, Cubaābut it has yet to yielded any freedom dividends for the Cuban people. As the cruise ship entered Havana harbor, a lone dissident waved the American flag, which prompted his arrest (via Fox News Latino): A […]