September 9, 2024

Some Harvard students are fearful of ‘doxxing’ after their letter blaming Israel for the Hamas attacks

Some Harvard students are claiming that they are victims of doxxing and public harassment after they signed onto or were affiliated with an anti-Israel letter that went viral after the Hamas terrorist attacks.  A number of those students agreed to speak to The New York Times “but insisted on anonymity, saying that they feared for […]

BREAKING: Capitol Police Just Arrested a Democratic Congressional Staffer in the Doxxing of GOP Senators.

Capitol Police on Wednesday evening arrested a Democratic congressional staffer who allegedly doxxed a handful of Republican senators and then posted their personal information online. Jackson Cosko, 27, was charged with making public restricted personal information, witness tampering, threats in interstate communication, unauthorized access of a government computer, identity theft, second-degree burglary and unlawful entry, […]
