April 19, 2024

YEAH, IT’S ABOUT “JUDGMENT”: Al Qaeda Financier Frequented The Clinton White House

Islamists pose a particular security risk to our U.S. government. They want to slowly introduce Sharia law into our system of government and take away our most cherished freedoms. Islamists such as Muslim Brotherhood affiliated groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) not only strive to take away our fundamental freedoms, but they oftentimes […]

Yale Islamic Law School Funded by Bin Laden Financier

Stealth jihad. A couple of days ago, I published the ghastly news that the craven and corrupt Yale Law School will establish “the country’s top center for the study of Islamic law,” bought and paid for by a Saudi businessman. But there’s more. Apparently, Saleh Abdullah Kamel, “a Saudi banker who is now worth billions […]
