September 9, 2024

WATCH: Iranian Missiles Intercepted over Islamic Holy Site Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem

David Silverman/Newsmakers via Getty Images Israel intercepted missiles over one of Islam’s holiest sites, the Dome of the Rock, during the attack launched by the Iranian regime this weekend. Video captured several missiles being intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome in the sky above the Dome of the Rock, one of the world’s oldest surviving works

Missouri church foils armed robbery by praying for alleged assailants: ‘Holy Ghost turf’

Armed robbers who allegedly stormed into a church in Missouri were reportedly foiled when the pastor and congregation prayed for them. Former police officer Marquaello Futrell, pastor of All Creation Northview Holiness Family Church in Ferguson, Missouri, said that the alleged would-be robbers were apprehended by the Holy Spirit during the Sunday morning service on […]

HOLY CRAP! Christine Ford’s Stanford Bio Page WAS ALTERED — Updated 10 Days Before Hearing.

During testimony Thursday in front of Senate Judiciary Committee Christine Ford identified herself as a “Research Psychologist” at the Stanford School of Medicine. However a search through the Department of Consumer Affairs License Bureau produced NO RESULTS for Christine Ford or deviations of her name. Earlier this week NPR explained why they don’t call Christine […]

Callista Gingrich Confirmed as Ambassador to the Holy See

Callista Gingrich, wife of former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, has just been confirmed to be the new U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See. Gingrich is a lifelong Catholic and sings in the choir at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. JUST IN: US Senate approves Callista Gingrich, lifelong Catholic and […]

RUSSIA DECLARES ‘HOLY WAR’ ON ISLAMIC STATE – While Obama sides with Christian-murdering “freedom fighters.”

The Orthodox Christian Church, which is reclaiming its traditional role in post-Soviet Russia, has just described its government’s fight against the Islamic State and other jihadi groups in Syria as a “holy war.” According to Vsevolod Chaplin, head of the Church’s Public Affairs Department, The fight with terrorism is a holy battle and today our […]

OBAMA’S AMERICA: Look What Our Troops Are Being FORCED To Do For Islam’s Holy Month

I often tell folks that when tolerance becomes a one-way street, it leads to cultural suicide. I have no problem respecting others, but it MUST be a two-way exchange. Recently, we learned of the U.S. ambassador in Indonesia who made the decision – or someone did – to change the 4th of July celebration at the embassy […]

U.S. Embassy in Indonesia Celebrated American Independence Day One Month Early to ‘Respect the Holy Month of Ramadan’

Anger has ensued following reports that the U.S. Embassy in Indonesia celebrated American Independence Day on June 4 rather than July 4 in an intentional effort not to offend Muslims in the region. Getty Images As it turns out, July 4 falls right in the middle of Ramadan, an Islamic holiday that involves fasting in […]
