September 20, 2024

Hamas, Thanks to Iran, Just Launched Hundreds of Rockets at Innocent Israelis.

In recent days Islamic terrorist organization Hamas, which is funded and sponsored by Iran, launched hundreds of rockets into Israel. Their goal was to kill as many innocent people as possible. Since last night:?Approx. 180 rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip at Israel. ?The Iron Dome aerial defense system intercepted over 30 launches. The […]

Not So Honorable: Docs Show Mueller’s FBI Denied Justice To Four Innocent Men.

As FBI director in 2002, Special Counsel Robert Mueller directed his agents to oppose the pardons of four wrongfully imprisoned men because exculpatory evidence was merely “fodder for cross-examination,” newly revealed FBI documents show. Four years later, the four men, or their estates, were awarded $102 million by a federal judge in Boston for their […]

Sessions Defends Withholding Funding: No Tolerance for Loss of ‘Innocent Lives’ in Sanctuary Cities

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Wednesday that a sanctuary city is a “trafficker, smuggler, or predator’s best friend,” specifically taking a whack at Chicago, the first sanctuary city to sue the Justice Department for withholding federal grants. “If voters in Chicago are concerned about losing federal grant money: Call your mayor,” @USAGSessions says. Sessions heralded […]

Bombshell: Unclassified DHS Documents Prove Local Law Enforcement is Being Propagandized against Innocent American Patriots

Homeland Security documents, which have been marked as “Unclassified/Law Enforcement Sensitive,” appear to demonstrate just how local law enforcement is being propagandized against Patriots in the united States by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah. And who did the document target? The Constitutional militia, specifically those who engaged the […]
