September 15, 2024

“He’s Out!”: Establishment Democrats Rocked By Joe Crowley Primary Loss To Socialist Millennial

Establishment Democrat Joe Crowley’s nearly two-decade career in Congress came to an end Tuesday night in a shocking primary loss to 28-year-old Democratic Socialist and former Bernie Sanders organizer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – a harsh critic of Israel and immigration enforcement. Crowley – the 56-year-old Chairman of the House Democratic caucus had long been viewed as […]

How Millennial Socialists Endanger America.

Millennials, those born between 1982 and 2004, are the largest age cohort in American history, and according to a recent poll, most of them (44%) prefer socialism to capitalism (42%).  An earlier 2015 poll found an even larger number of Millennials (53%) with a “favorable opinion” of socialism.  Inference: America is in trouble. Maybe Donald […]

Bin Laden’s Millennial Son Designated a Terrorist by U.S.

Osama bin Laden and Hamza bin Laden WASHINGTON — The State Department has designated and sanctioned Osama bin Laden’s son Hamza as a global terrorist. Hamza, who is in his mid-20s and bin Laden’s eleventh son, has been rallying millennials to jihad in audio messages over the past several months. “The followers of the thought of Sheikh […]

Millennial Journalist Goes Off on Her Generation in Stinging Video Message. Check Out Why It’s Gone Mega-Viral.

Millennial journalist Alexis Boomer sat in her car, flipped on a camera and recorded a video message to her generation that’s absolutely scorched the Internet — it’s been viewed in excess of 33 million since its Friday Facebook posting and is still climbing fast. In the two-minute clip, Boomer gave her two cents on why […]

Why Are Millennial Men Such Wimps? – WATCH

Ladies — sick of posturing hipsters still living in mom’s basement while they role-play their lives away, in between trying to pick up chicks with somebody else’s money? You’re not alone: Last week, Tomi Lahren, a 23-year-old political commentator for The Blaze, ended her show by raising the following question:“Is it just me, or have […]

A Millennial in Support of Ted Cruz

It is no secret that millennials are supporting the perceived anti-establishment candidates –– Donald Trump on the right and Bernie Sanders on the left.  Being a millennial myself, I have had several discussions with my politically engaged friends about why our generation is attracted to these candidates. In regards to Sanders, I feel that some […]

A Response to the Millennial Who Thinks She’s Entitled to Everything

By now, most people are probably aware of the latest stupidity trending on social media.  If not, to briefly recap, on Friday, a spoiled brat named Talia Jane flipped her boss the bird via an open letter on and, surprise of surprises, got the axe.  Unfortunately, the idiocy in this nation has reached such […]

Hillary’s Student-Loan Plan Is a Desperate Gimmick for the Millennial Vote

The likelihood of Hillary Clinton becoming the next president of the United States seems to be slipping further and further away as she continues to struggle with the perception that she is out of touch with American voters. Her latest policy proposal on student loans and debt reform is undoubtedly a part of her plan […]
