Republican presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy told Breitbart News the “neocon establishment is threatened by the fact that I’m speaking the truth” about Ukraine and endless wars. LISTEN: Breitbart News Saturday host Matthew Boyle told Ramaswamy that Americans are tired of “endless wars,” and pointed out that right after President Joe Biden withdrew troops from Afghanistan, he
Exclusive — Vivek Ramaswamy: ‘Neocon Establishment Is Threatened’ by My Views on Ukraine
September 28, 2023 by
Neocon Lindsey Graham Calls For Bypassing the Constitution
March 18, 2016 by
South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham parades as a conservative. But he and his ideological confrere, Arizona Republican Senator John McCain, are neoconservatives. The distinction is important because neoconservatism has become a dominant force among many elected officials and media pundits. What is neoconservatism? The man who always claimed to be the “godfather” of the […]