January 20, 2025

NewsGuard Ignores Durham Report, Continues to Praise Russiagate Hoaxsters

It has been over two weeks since the publication of the Durham report hammered the final nail in the coffin of a years-long panic, largely fomented by the media, about connections between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Yet organizations that advertise themselves as impartial media watchdogs, like NewsGuard, appear to have taken little notice.

Is John Brennan The Mastermind Behind Russiagate?

The report (“The Dossier”) that claims that Donald Trump colluded with Russia, was paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign. The company that claims that Russia hacked DNC computer servers, was paid by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign. The FBI’s counterintelligence probe into Trump’s alleged connections to Russia was launched on the […]

Nuclear Option: Forget RussiaGate, Rice Scandal Constitution Crisis

Well, that explains the deafening silence from President Obama. All these months, it turns out, it was his right-hand hatchet gal and exposed serial prevaricator Susan Rice who was behind the scenes in his administration working all the levers of the most powerful espionage machine on planet Earth to spy on Mr. Obama’s political enemies. […]
