April 16, 2024

Protesters scream obscenities, crash car into Ramaswamy campaign vehicle outside Iowa event

Something has gone wrong… It seems you clicked on a bad link and stumbled upon our 404 page Here’s what we think you might be looking for: How did I get here? The story, page, or video you were trying to get to might have been moved It’s possible there was a typo in the […]

My Declaration of Incivility: Media Call Us Nazis. Celebs Call Us C*nts. Dems Scream ‘F*ck You’

All around us the organized left (establishment media, Hollywood, and Democrats) are lamenting the loss of civility. Of course, to express this lament, they must first take a break from calling us “Nazis,” calling us “cunts,” and screaming “fuck you” throughout the halls of the U.S. Capitol. Oh, and they must also take a break […]

Devout Muslims on social media scream “Allahu akbar,” celebrate Brussels jihad mass murders, “tears of joy”

The political elites brought millions of these invaders into Europe. Obama wants to do the same in America while excoriating liberty-loving Americans that it is anti-Muslim to oppose his treacherous plans. After these monstrous acts, world leaders proclaim, “we are at war” and do nothing. And my colleagues and I continue to be blacklisted and […]

Obama Defends Black Lives Matter Movement While Protesters Scream Threats Against Police

I would say the president’s timing was a little off. Defending the Black Lives Matter movement, President Barack Obama said Thursday the protests are giving voice to a problem happening only in African-American communities, adding, “We, as a society, particularly given our history, have to take this seriously.” Obama said the movement, which sprung up […]
