April 17, 2024

Stealing Votes from the Very Vulnerable – Nursing Home Voter Fraud

The Untold Story (June 2016) Democrats Trying to Lock Up the Alzheimer’s Vote with ‘Voting Day’ Events Is This Happening in Your Area? (tips@liberato.us) It appears that the Democratic Party is trying to commandeer the voting process in nursing homes in at least one locale in Virginia, and perhaps elsewhere.  A well-known Democratic operative asked […]

Waking Thought! Get Voter Registration Information

In your travels you are probably meeting people who say, “I’m voting for Trump (Cruz, Carson, or Paul)” and they haven’t voted in recent elections or have never voted in a primary. Remember we learned in 2012 that if all of the middle class Republicans had bothered to vote, Romney could have won, but discouraged, […]

Sen. Ted Cruz Wins Straw Poll at Values Voter Summit in DC

The Republican presidential candidate Texas Sen. Ted Cruz again won the straw poll at the Values Voter Summit, the annual Washington meeting for social conservatives.  Cruz received 408 votes. Carson got 18 percent of the vote, or 204 votes; Huckabee received 14 percent, or 166 votes; Rubio received 13 percent, or 148 votes; and Trump […]

Ted Cruz Dominates Values Voter Summit Straw Poll

WASHINGTON – Sen. Ted Cruz (R, Texas) handily won the presidential straw poll at Family Research Council Action’s tenth annual Values Voter Summit on Saturday, claiming 35 percent of votes cast. Dr. Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon also running for president, came in second with 18 percent. Donald Trump, the current GOP frontrunner, placed fifth […]

Obama Admin. Won’t Let States Ask for Proof of Citizenship … On Voter Registration Form!

Non-citizens are voting in American elections, and the federal government refuses to do anything to stop it. Worse, the current administration seems to be doing everything they can to prevent the states from trying to stop it. First, they sued states that asked people to present ID before voting. Now, the administration will not let states even […]
