February 7, 2025

Merriam-Webster Announced the Best Words. We Have Some Opinions.

As a child, I used to read the dictionary. There I said it. I was the nerdiest kid alive. Good thing I can (kinda) monetize my love of words. Over this last week, one of my favorite word-masters, the Merriam-Webster Twitter account, helped us warm up our voting muscles and asked followers to pick superlative

Danny Trejo celebrates 55 years of sobriety, offers words of wisdom for anyone ‘struggling,’: ‘YOU CAN TOO!’

Action star Danny Trejo celebrated 55 years of sobriety in a motivational post — reassuring others suffering from addiction that they can overcome their “struggles.” “I’m 55 years clean and sober today by the grace of God!” the 79-year-old actor wrote in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter on Wednesday. “I’ve done this […]

Alabama’s First Black Poet Laureate Makes Words Her Weapons in the Fight for Social Change

This is an excerpt from the book The Moment: Changemakers on Why and How They Joined the Fight for Social Justice, edited by Steve Fiffer and published by NewSouth Books. The author of more than a dozen books, Fiffer most recently collaborated with the late civil rights icon Dr. C.T. Vivian on his memoir, It’s

Calling Good, Evil and Evil, Good: How ‘Christian Liberals’ Twist the Words of Jesus to Wage War on the Second Amendment.

When it comes to the gun control debate, there is little sunlight between the most ardent Marxist and politically liberal “Christians,” especially those of the so-called “Red-Letter” stripe. So when a homicidal maniac shoots up a mall, a movie theater, a concert, or a school, as was tragically the case last week in Parkland Florida, […]

‘NO WORDS’ — Victim’s Mother UNLOADS On MSNBC Host For Pretending MS-13 Isn’t A Serious Threat – VIDEO

MS-13 Victim’s Mother Slams Joy Reid For Minimizing Gang Threat The mother of an MS-13 victim slammed MSNBC anchor Joy Reid for claiming that only Fox News viewers have ever heard of the violent gang. President Donald Trump honored Elizabeth Alvarado’s daughter Nisa, who was brutally murdered by MS-13, during his Tuesday night State of […]

Spain: Police Shoot Dead Barcelona Killer Younes Abouyaaqoub, Last Words Were ‘Allah Akbar’

Spanish police shot dead Younes Abouyaaqoub Monday afternoon, meaning that all known members of the terror cell that perpetrated last week’s deadly attack have now been killed or arrested by the security services. According to reports in Spain’s La Vanguardia, a local of Subirats, a small town 30 miles West of Barcelona spotted a man that resembled the […]

In Their Own Words: The Radical Political Goals Of ‘Anti-Fascists’

In the days since violent clashes at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville culminated in a neo-Nazi sympathizer driving his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, journalists have mainstreamed the self-described “anti-fascists” (or “antifa”) at the rally — largely ignoring their involvement in the escalating political violence in this country. Many establishment political figures insisted […]

Mayor in France calls 91% Muslims in classroom ‘a problem’ — and pays the price for his words

Robert MĂ©nard, mayor of BĂ©ziers in southern France, took note of Muslim children flooding classrooms on the first day of school last September, tweeting that he was watching the “great replacement” happen before his eyes. BBC News characterized the term as “divisive” and “used to describe the alleged eviction of France’s white Christian population by […]

What Jesus’ Words in Death Reveal About His Life.

For every person there will come a last meal, a last breath, and of course a last statement. In many ways, what we say in the end can be an insight into what we were in life, what we stood for, lived for. Sometimes people don’t know that they are uttering their last words. Michael […]

FINALLY, Obama addresses anti-Trump protesters; says 7 words that speak VOLUMES

President Obama has earned a reputation as “divider in chief,” thanks in large part to his racially divisive rhetoric and agenda, and it appears that’s pretty much going to sum up his legacy. Amidst continued violent protests in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory, calls for the rape of incoming First Lady Melania Trump and even […]

Wikileaks exposes TWO WORDS that should TORPEDO Hillary’s Hispanic support

It’s thanks to the emails from the DNC hack released by Wikileaks back in July that we know the DNC referred to Latino voters as “taco bowls.” They were likely making reference to Donald Trump, who, the day before, released a photo on Cinco de Mayo of himself with a taco bowl and the caption, […]

Trump: Bill Clinton’s actions ‘far worse’ than my words

Donald Trump tore into former President Bill Clinton over allegations of sexual misconduct in the first half hour of Sunday’s presidential debate. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, said what Clinton did before he became president and after his election was worse than his own lewd comments about women recorded in 2005. “It was locker room […]

NRA Hits Hillary Clinton in Powerful Ad after Orlando ISIS Massacre: “Stop Talking!” Your Words Expose Your Ignorance (VIDEO)

Last weekend Islamist extremist Omar Mateen slaughtered 49 innocents at a gay club in Orlando. The Democrat party’s response to the massacre was to punish ordinary Americans and push for the immediate ban AR-15s, a gun that WAS NOT used by the terrorist during the attack. The NRA released a video attacking the Democrat party […]

BREAKING: Sanders addresses supporters, says THREE WORDS about campaign’s future

Monday night, after the Associated Press and many other media outlets declared Hillary Clinton the presumptive Democrat nominee, Bernie Sanders refused to bow out. Tuesday evening, Hillary Clinton appeared on track to win four of six primaries — including what appears to be a strong margin in California, a state on which Bernie Sanders had pinned […]

Pope Francis’ Comparison of the ‘Idea of Conquest
in the Soul of Islam’ and Jesus’ Words in the Book of Matthew May Not Sit Well With You

Pope Francis recently addressed fears of Islam and the religion’s “idea of conquest” in an interview with French Catholic newspaper La Croix, proposing that some people might also see the call for conquest as being inherent in Matthew’s gospel. “Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its […]

Obama Intel Chief SKEWERS Hillary With These Few Words

We’ve all been saying it forever now, and now a new voice has joined the chorus saying former secretary of state Hillary Clinton is not fit to be president of the United States, given her mishandling of our nation’s most sensitive information. And, this time, it’s none other than President Barack Obama’s own former director […]

Watch: Benghazi Victim’s Mom Sees New ’13 Hours’ Film, SCREAMS 4 Words Hillary Won’t Want You To Hear

The mother of State Department official Sean Smith, who was killed during the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks on the Benghazi consulate, could not bear to sit through the film 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi at the premiere Wednesday night in Dallas. Pat Smith told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly on Wednesday that she left the […]

Planned Parenthood Loves to Hear Two ‘Magic Words’: Abortion and Money, Says Undercover Investigator

David Daleiden, head of the pro-life Center for Medical Progress, appeared in a one-hour Fox News report on secretly taped videos purporting to show Planned Parenthood employees engaged in illegal activities, sharing how the investigators managed to gain access to top officials of the organization. The investigators used two “magic words,” Daleiden said on “Planned […]

UNREAL: Dems declare war on words ‘husband,’ ‘wife’

More than two dozen Democrats have proposed legislation that would eliminate the words “husband” and “wife” from federal law. Those “gendered terms” would be replaced by “gender-neutral” words like “spouse” or “married couple,” according to the bill from Rep. Lois Capps, D-Calif. “The Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act recognizes that the words in […]
