May 10, 2024

Email Scandal: Bad Day For Clinton A Good Day For U.S.

rod11111ham_345.gif.cmsCorruption: The third installment of released emails fell hard Friday on the Hillary Clinton campaign. If her candidacy lasts until the end of the summer, there’s much more wrong with this country than we thought.

Friday had to be an extraordinarily trying day for the Democratic front-runner. On the same day she releases a letter from her doctor saying she is fit to run for president, the latest tranche of emails showed that she is not fit to hold office.

Even before the 2,000 pages containing 1,300 emails were dumped, the McClatchy newspaper chain was reporting that classified emails stored on the former secretary of state’s private server held “information from five U.S. intelligence agencies.”

It also included “material related to the fatal 2012 Benghazi attacks.”

An evening earlier, the Washington Times reported the intelligence community was preparing for the possibility that Clinton’s private email account was filled with “hundreds of revelations of classified information” that could damage national security if not contained. These accounts, of course, are in direct contradiction to Clinton’s previous statement she never handled classified material on her private email.

That statement was wrecked again by the Friday release of the emails. Much of the material from this third batch was redacted, indicating that it is classified. Maybe some were marked as classified just before release and well after they were sent. But all? Not likely.

Some of the more interesting emails of the ones that could be read included:

• Clinton’s admission that “damn I am getting old.”

• A note from aide Huma Abedin telling Clinton that Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ “office just called to say they needed call to be secure” — apparently sent and read with no thought that Clinton’s email server needed to be secure, as well.

• An email from a State Department official complimenting Clinton on the coat she wore when landing in Kabul. Another said “she looked great in that blue outfit” she was wearing while saying some “gutsy” and “needed” things about Pakistan.

No, it was not a good end to the week for Clinton.

But after recent developments, perhaps a bad day for her is a good day for the country. Based on her record and her shambolic campaign, a Clinton return to the White House would take the country deeper into the malaise of the past 6-1/2 years.

Sure, there are worse possibilities. Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders is one, and he’s certain to become the Democratic front-runner if the Clinton campaign succumbs to scandal. But we doubt Sanders’ appeal will go beyond the zealots who now back him.

We don’t think it would be taking a risk to say he’s unelectable.

Vice President Joe Biden is another possibility. He could take Clinton’s spot. Yes, he’s more electable than Sanders. But he’s not quite as far left as Clinton. That’s to America’s advantage, small though it might be.

Don’t count Clinton out until she’s gone. She has the favor of the press and the minds of devotees who would vote for her even if the emails showed she wants to establish Shariah law here. That’s what scares us.
