July 27, 2024

BlackRock Driving Business Into The Arms of The New World Order

BlackRock is a critical tool of the deep state in bringing big business into the new world order, explains The New American’s senior editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. BlackRock, with about 10 trillion dollars under management, is one of the top stakeholders in virtually every company you can think […]

Dangerous Global Shift From Dollar Driven by CCP and US Policy, Experts Say

Experts warn that the CCP and US policymakers are undermining the US dollar’s global reserve status, with potentially catastrophic implications for Americans The trend away from the U.S. dollar in global trade and finance is accelerating rapidly as inflation persists, government debt levels explode, and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) roams the planet negotiating deals […]

Soros-backed “Student” Movement Against Guns Vows “Revolution”

As part of the ongoing plot to disarm the American people, a national AstroTurf movement of “students” organized and supported by the radical Left and globalist billionaires is planning a national “walk out” from schools. The so-called “March For Our Lives” movement, which has the backing of front groups for establishment billionaires such as George […]


In this explosive presentation, international journalist Alex Newman exposes the shadowy “Deep State” as well as the “Deep State Behind the Deep State.” Typically, Americans think of the Deep State as the growing constellation of bureaucracies and “intelligence” agencies working to subvert Trump. But in this presentation, Alex will expose the unseen powers behind them–the […]

New Marijuana Policy Triggers Bipartisan Love for 10th Amendment

Almost immediately after announcing a change in policy that could lead to a federal crackdown on marijuana users and sellers even in states where pot prohibition has been ended, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions sparked a bipartisan outcry. Perhaps more importantly, he also prompted renewed bipartisan support for one of the U.S. Constitution’s most ignored […]

Swamp Pushes Clinton Lackey for U.S. Ambassador to Colombia

The globalist “swamp” in Washington, D.C., is aiming to put top Hillary Clinton aide Joseph Macmanus (shown) into a key post, U.S. ambassador to Colombia, according to GOP sources cited in news reports. If the plot succeeds, it would potentially help keep under wraps the sordid details of the Obama administration’s betrayal of Colombians to […]

At UN, Trump Praises Constitution and Exposes Globalist Schemes

During his first speech to the United Nations General Assembly, President Donald Trump praised the U.S. Constitution and slammed a number of key globalist schemes to undermine it — mass migration, pseudo-“free trade” regimes that attack national sovereignty, the erosion of patriotism, and more. Trump also issued a scathing condemnation of communism and socialism, saying […]

UN Wants Artificial Intelligence to Advance Agenda 2030

Imagine a world where supercomputers programmed by totalitarian technocrats make virtually every important decision for you, in addition to manipulating you at every turn. Such a dystopian future for the world may not be that far off — at least if humanity continues on its current course. And the technocrats behind the plan barely even […]

Obama Frees Communist Terrorist, Sparking Outrage

In a fresh insult to victims of terrorism everywhere, outgoing President Barack Obama decided to commute the 70-year sentence of communist terror leader Oscar Lopez Rivera (shown), whose terrorist group unleashed a wave of savage violence that included more than 120 bombings across the United States. The brutal Fidel Castro-backed Marxist-Leninist terror group, known as […]


South Africa is in crisis, the country’s political establishment is into turmoil.  The country is preparing for civil war and the Suidlanders have put together a Civil Defense plan.  The Suidlanders are an emergency plan initiative officially founded in 2006 to prepare a Protestant Christian South African Minority for a coming violent revolution.  While most […]

Bill to Get U.S. Out of UN Introduced in New Congress

Amid growing outrage on both sides of the aisle surrounding the United Nations, legislation to get the U.S. government out of the UN and evict the scandal-plagued global body from the United States has been re-introduced in the new Congress. If approved, H.R.193, better known as the “American Sovereignty Restoration Act,” would end U.S. participation […]

Top CFR Globalist Warns UN Will Get “Hammered” by Trump

Amid escalating outrage surrounding the scandal-plagued United Nations, globalists seem to be in a panic about the fate of their beloved international organization under the incoming administration. Indeed, a high-ranking globalist with the global government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a chief promoter of the UN “dictators club” for generations, whined last week that the […]

Congress Planning To Defund UN As Critics Seek Full Withdrawal

U.S. lawmakers and pro-Israel activists are calling for an end to American taxpayer funding of the United Nations after a controversial UN Security Council vote declared some Israeli settlements to be illegal. Congress is already planning to cut the UN’s funding in response to the UN scheme. The growing outrage also came from President-elect Donald […]

UN Lavishes Praise on Brutal Mass Murderer

The United Nations, its leaders, and more than a few UN agencies such as UNESCO and the UN “Human Rights Council” have been showering praise on one of the world’s most brutal mass murderers in recent weeks. The late Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and his Stalinist regime murdered tens of thousands of innocent people and […]

Obama Training Terrorists: First Sunni, Now Shia to Fight Them

Obama is again illegally arming and training known terrorists to fight other terrorists he previously armed and funded in violation of U.S. law, unleashing more violence and terror across Iraq, Syria, and all over the Middle East. Unfortunately, the developments are neither “fake news” nor “Russian propaganda.” The schemes are highly illegal, though, with the […]

Critics Slam Congress for Creating an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth”

Under the guise of countering foreign “propaganda,” the GOP-controlled Congress quietly passed a bill last week that will unleash even more government propaganda on humanity, while at the same time establishing what critics blasted as an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.” The “bipartisan” but flatly unconstitutional scheme, dubbed the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, also calls […]

Trump Team Touts “National Standards” After Opposing Common Core

While some of Donald Trump’s appointments so far have been celebrated by his supporters, the president-elect’s nominee for U.S. education secretary, Betsy DeVos (shown), has raised serious concerns, even among Trump’s most loyal backers. From concerns about her involvement with pro-Common Core organizations and establishment figures, to growing doubts about whether President-elect Trump’s administration intends […]

UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism

The United Nations and its mostly autocratic member regimes have big plans for your life, your children, your country, and your world. And those plans are not limited to the coercive “climate” agreement recently concluded in Paris. While the establishment media in the United States was hyping ISIS, football, and of course “global warming,” virtually […]

Globalist War on Cash Accelerates

As part of the globalist establishment’s ongoing push to create a totalitarian “cashless society” where every transaction can be tracked and controlled, Indian authorities last week suddenly demonetized the two largest denomination bills in circulation. In Sweden, where government already tracks and monitors almost everything, central bankers are plotting the creation of a “digital currency” […]

UNsilenced: Whistleblower Exposes UN Culture of Corruption

When she stumbled across massive corruption and made-up statistics in her job at the United Nations, Rasna Warah knew she needed to act. But when she tried to blow the whistle, she was viciously attacked, publicly humiliated, threatened, intimidated, and more. Unfortunately, though, as Warah explains in her new book UNsilenced: UNmasking the United Nations’ […]


International journalist and educator Alex Newman will disclose some of the many crimes committed by the education establishment against the American people and their children. The pervasiveness and severity of these crimes are becoming increasingly obvious: widespread illiteracy and ignorance, staggering lack of historic and civic knowledge, economic decline, and a society in chaos. The […]

Blasting “False Economy,” Trump Takes on the Federal Reserve

Taking aim at the Federal Reserve’s politically motivated manipulation of the U.S. economy, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump blasted the controversial central bank’s artificially low interest rates. He also denounced the “very false economy” propped up by Fed monetary gimmicks. Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton, though, hit back immediately, saying Trump should not malign or even […]

The Passing of One of America’s Greatest Heroines

Phyllis Schlafly, who died at 92, was an American heroine. She was a great woman, a great conservative, and a great American. Her legacy of defending America, the family, and the U.S. Constitution will endure far into the future. We have all been blessed by her efforts. Unlike so many fake or cowardly “conservative” leaders […]

Obama Releases Details of Mass-murder by Drone Program

The Obama administration quietly released more information on its illegal mass-murder-via-drone program, in which the White House unilaterally creates a list of people around the world to assassinate without charges, trial, or even a semblance of due process. Thousands of victims have already been executed by Obama under the program. The latest disclosure was in […]

Trump Highlights Huge Role of Obama and Hillary in Rise of ISIS

Echoing past statements on the subject, Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump called President Obama and Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton the “founders” of the Islamic State, or ISIS, in Thursday speeches. The Obama administration and the Clinton camp immediately fired back. But while “co-founders” might have been a better term — they did not act […]

Philippines Rejects “Stupid” UN Climate Deal; Globalists Freak

Internationalists and climate alarmists are freaking out after the new president of the Philippines, firebrand Rodrigo Duterte (shown), blasted the controversial United Nations “climate” regime and vowed to ignore its restrictions on his nation. Now there is a full-blown global campaign to beat him into submission. Duterte’s explosive statements this week vowing not to honor […]

In Bid for Power, UN Communist Offers Obama a UN “Peace” Prize

In a major embarrassment for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), its chief, and the UN more broadly, a controversial UNESCO “peace” prize named after an African dictator was awarded to President Barack Obama in what insiders say is just the latest instance of corruption at the scandal-plagued UN agency. It seems […]

Obama and Hillary Exploit Murdered Cops to Federalize Police

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are exploiting the killing of five police officers in Dallas to push a range of assaults on the U.S. Constitution, including a decades-old plot to federalize America’s local police departments without any semblance of constitutional authority. In between subtly demonizing law-enforcement officers as racists and touting the controversial Black Lives […]

After Brexit, U.S. Congressman Promotes #Amexit from UN

As the pro-national sovereignty movement continues to surge in Europe following the historic British “Brexit” vote to exit the European Union, a growing push for a United States “Amexit” from the United Nations and other international institutions is gaining steam. After the Brexit, Kentucky Republican Congressman Thomas Massie (shown being sworn in), a leading constitutionalist, […]


The War Against America conference was conducted June 25th in Jacksonville, FL.  Six international and national speakers provided information about the war against America.  Below is the first part of a series of presentations.
