July 26, 2024

China Ramped up Harassment of the U.S. Military After Joe Biden’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

China’s military dramatically increased its harassment of U.S. aircraft in the Asia-Pacific region after the Biden administration’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal, a newly released Pentagon report indicates. The yearly report on China’s military said that between the fall of 2021 and the fall of 2023, the United States tracked more than 180 instances of People’s Liberation Army

Defense Secretary Austin: ‘No regrets’ over chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Why China is Arming Russia

With these incompetents in the Pentagon and with a semi-demented president, our national security is in great danger. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and General Millie need to be fired or America may lose a future war.  – Frank de Varona Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin testifies before the House Armed Services Committee on the […]

Exclusive — Steve Scalise: Investigation Priorities Are ‘Afghanistan Withdrawal,’ ‘Origins of COVID,’ ‘Laptop Scandal’

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) said on Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow that House Republicans’ priorities for the incoming 118th United States Congress include investigations of “the origins of COVID,” “the Afghanistan withdrawal,” and “the laptop scandal” involving President Joe Biden’s second son, Hunter Biden. Scalise, who was elected as the

‘Ripple Effect’: Military Families Pay For Biden’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

One year after the Biden administration’s military withdrawal from Afghanistan resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. soldiers, Dakota Halverson, the brother of one of the Marines killed, took his own life. The family says President Joe Biden has refused to take responsibility for mistakes made in the withdrawal, a factor that may have influenced…

Cindy McCain on Afghanistan Withdrawal: ‘I Believe in’ President Biden

Cindy McCain, the spouse of the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that she believed in President Joe Biden on his proposal to withdraw from Afghanistan. Anchor Jake Tapper said, “I want to ask you about President Biden’s decision and announcement to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan. Senator…

Trump Urges Biden To Reconsider 9/11 Afghanistan Withdrawal

Former President Donald Trump called on President Joe Biden Sunday to reconsider extending the United States’ deadline for a full withdrawal from Afghanistan. “I wish Joe Biden wouldn’t use September 11th as the date to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan, for two reasons. First, we can and should get out earlier. Nineteen years is enough,…

Trump’s withdrawal from Iran deal far more consequential than many realize.

If you’ve been following the reaction in the press to Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, you would think the most important issue is war or peace with the Iranians.  Scuttling the deal, many are saying, will force Iran to “restart” its nuclear enrichment program (that it only paused anyway), which will force the U.S. […]

Iranian MPs Set Fire to N. Deal after US Withdrawal – VIDEO

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian legislators on Wednesday set fire to the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and the world powers after US President Donald Trump quit the internationally-endorsed agreement and ordered re-imposition of sanctions against Iran. The lawmakers then chanted ‘Death to the US’ slogan and set fire to the US flag in the parliament. A […]

Congress Planning To Defund UN As Critics Seek Full Withdrawal

U.S. lawmakers and pro-Israel activists are calling for an end to American taxpayer funding of the United Nations after a controversial UN Security Council vote declared some Israeli settlements to be illegal. Congress is already planning to cut the UN’s funding in response to the UN scheme. The growing outrage also came from President-elect Donald […]

Media Blame Republicans, Ignore Hillary’s Troop Withdrawal as ISIS Takes Over Iraq

AP Photo On Monday, ISIS consolidated its takeover of the major Iraqi city of Ramadi, pushing thousands of terrified Iraqis from the city in anticipation of the rape and murder sure to follow. According to Fox News:  Some 8,000 people have fled the embattled streets of Ramadi as thousands of ISIS fighters seized the key […]
