July 26, 2024

Jan. 6 committee interview sheds light on origins of Proud Boys ‘1776 returns’ document

Samuel Armes, a former State Department and Special Operations official, said he recognized components of the “1776 Returns” document as ideas he had composed as part of a “war gaming” exercise he did in 2src2src. | Joe Minchillo/AP Photo An obscure cryptocurrency advocate from Florida may be the original source of an incendiary document at

Exclusive — Steve Scalise: Investigation Priorities Are ‘Afghanistan Withdrawal,’ ‘Origins of COVID,’ ‘Laptop Scandal’

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) said on Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow that House Republicans’ priorities for the incoming 118th United States Congress include investigations of “the origins of COVID,” “the Afghanistan withdrawal,” and “the laptop scandal” involving President Joe Biden’s second son, Hunter Biden. Scalise, who was elected as the

Hill GOP Presses Agencies Linked to Wuhan Lab Funding, Data on Research for CCP Virus Origins

An aerial view shows the P4 laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China, on April 17, 2020. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images) Congress Congressional Republicans are pressing federal officials for documents and data on the origins of the CCP virus—also known as the novel coronavirus—that has reportedly killed more than 600,000 Americans […]

CNN’s Cuomo: Pompeo ‘Dummied Up’ on COVID Origins, ‘Now He Believes in Follow-Through’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” host Chris Cuomo criticized former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and accused him of hypocrisy on the origins of COVID-19, saying, “You remember Pompeo saying, I have seen proof of the origin of COVID. I have seen what happened in the Wuhan lab. And then what? He dummied…

Giroir: ‘I Don’t Think Dr. Fauci Needs to Be Commenting’ on Virus Origins, He’s at Least Perceived as Having a Conflict

During an interview released on Friday’s “Fox News Rundown” podcast, former HHS Assistant Secretary Adm. Brett Giroir said that White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci doesn’t need to be commenting on the origins of COVID-19, and “should be careful in being the public face or the W.H.O. representative on things regarding the origins. Because…

‘No Interest In Pursuing China’: Rep. Mike Turner Predicts Biden Will Dismiss Investigation Into COVID-19 Origins

Republican Ohio Rep. Mike Turner said Sunday that he believes President Joe Biden will dismiss any investigation that blames the coronavirus on the Wuhan lab because he “has no interest in pursuing China.” “He’s already blown it off in a number of ways to indicate that it’s not important. I mean, remember, he was uninterested…

The Origins Of Our Second Civil War

Globalism, the tech boom, illegal immigration, campus radicalism, the new racialism . . . Are they leading us toward an 1861? How, when, and why has the United States now arrived at the brink of a veritable civil war? Almost every cultural and social institution — universities, the public schools, the NFL, the Oscars, the […]

The Strzok-Page Texts and the Origins of the Trump-Russia Investigation

It was July 31, 2016. Just days earlier, the Obama administration had quietly opened an FBI counterintelligence investigation of Russian cyber-espionage — hacking attacks — to disrupt the 2016 election. And not random, general disruption; the operating theory was that the Russians were targeting the Democratic party, for the purpose of helping Donald Trump win […]

MEMO RELEASED: FBI Officials Knew Political Origins of Dossier, But Used It Anyway.

The House Intelligence Committee released its classified memo detailing alleged abuse by senior FBI and Justice Department officials on Friday, after the president approved its release. The memo was released without any of the redactions sought by the FBI and the DOJ. Read it below: fisa-memo by breitbartnews on Scribd Sources tell @FoxNews the White House […]

The Origins and Genius of the American Revolution – AUDIO

As we once again pause to celebrate the founding of our country on Independence Day, we should also take stock of the great genius of our nation’s founding. Breitbart News Daily spent this July fourth exploring all aspects of our Revolutionary War against England. Speaking with Breitbart correspondent Warner Todd Huston, SiriusXM host and Executive […]

The Religious Origins of the Sanctuary Movement

Thanks to Donald Trump, the major media are being forced to cover the illegal immigration movement, such as the proliferation of “sanctuary cities” across the U.S. that attract criminal aliens, give them legal protection, and let them back out on the streets to commit more crimes. But the really taboo topic is how these sanctuary […]
