July 27, 2024

Illegal Medical Lab with Contaminants, Links to China Shut Down in California

An illegal medical laboratory with apparent links to China was discovered in a warehouse in the town of Reedley, California, near Fresno, in April, new reports reveal. Los Angeles-based news station KTLA reported Friday: The disturbing discovery was made in April and was prompted by a simple garden hose that was illegally attached to the back

Former Intelligence chief to say a lab leak is the ‘only explanation’ for COVID

EXCLUSIVE: Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe says the “only explanation” and “plausible assessment” for the COVID-19 global pandemic is a leak from a Chinese Communist Party-controlled lab, citing U.S. intelligence and “numerous, diverse and unassailable” sources for the information. Fox News exclusively obtained Ratcliffe’s prepared testimony ahead of his appearance before the House Select […]

EcoHealth Alliance: Controversial group back in the spotlight for alleged ‘double billing’ of Wuhan lab work

EcoHealth Alliance, a New York City-based nonprofit that works internationally to prevent emerging diseases, has been scrutinized by Republican politicians for its relationship with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China, and research money in the years leading up to the COVID-19 outbreak. EcoHealth is now back in the spotlight following a CBS News report […]

Report: U.S. Govt. Made Duplicate Payments to Wuhan Lab in China, Potentially Losing Tens of Millions of Dollars

The United States government reportedly made duplicate payments to fund projects at the Wuhan, China, laboratory — the proposed origin of the coronavirus pandemic. Through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Wuhan lab in communist-controlled China allegedly received double the funds from research grants, according to a

Robert Redfield: ‘Biology of the Virus’ Suggests It Emerged via ‘Accidental Lab Leak’

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), testified on Wednesday that his examination of SARS-CoV-2 virus led him to believe that the novel coronavirus emerged via an “accidental lab leak.” Redfield, a medical doctor and virologist, offered his remarks while testifying before the House Select

Media anxious that GOP will ‘jump’ on COVID ‘lab leak’ report: Republican ‘conspiracy theories’

The liberal media came out in force against Republicans after the COVID-19 “lab leak” theory gained further prominence in Washington D.C., arguing that the GOP were using the opportunity as a cudgel against the Biden administration. The Wall Street Journal revealed on Sunday that the U.S. Energy Department concluded with “low confidence” that the virus […]

Biggs: Censorship of Things Like Lab Leak Theory ‘Leads to Totalitarianism’ 

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Big Money Show,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) reacted to reports that the Department of Energy concluded that a lab leak is the most likely origin of the coronavirus by stating that the censorship of the lab leak theory and the “linkage between government suppressing and censoring viewpoints

Unbelievable! Biden Administration Still Denies Wuhan Lab Leak—Continues To Fund Gain Of Function Research

The Biden administration continues to stupefy American taxpayers. They do absolutely nothing to make us as a nation feel secure. Their most recent admission, which is as usual is being under covered by the media, is seriously jaw dropping.Despite overwhelming evidence, this administration will still not admit what we all know. SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus, originated […]

Poll: Majority of Democrats Believe Chinese Coronavirus Originated from Lab in China

A Politico-Harvard poll revealed on Friday that a majority of Democrats believe the Chinese coronavirus originated from a lab in China. “The new survey shows 52 percent believe the virus came out of a lab, including 59 percent of Republicans and 52 percent of Democrats, while 28 percent said it was from an infected animal,”…

Hill GOP Presses Agencies Linked to Wuhan Lab Funding, Data on Research for CCP Virus Origins

An aerial view shows the P4 laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China, on April 17, 2020. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images) Congress Congressional Republicans are pressing federal officials for documents and data on the origins of the CCP virus—also known as the novel coronavirus—that has reportedly killed more than 600,000 Americans […]

Exclusive: Joni Ernst Joins Watchdog Group to End U.S. Funding of ‘Cruel and Dangerous Animal Experiments’ in Wuhan Lab

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Justin Goodman of the White Coat Waste Project joined Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow to discuss U.S. taxpayer funding of virology research involving animal experimentation at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Ernst addressed her partnership with the White Coat Waste Project. “The White Coat…

Chinese Communist Party’s Level of Control over Wuhan Lab in Question as Government Deeply Embedded with Scientific Development

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has extraordinary control over vast aspects of Chinese society, which begs the question if the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was excluded from big brother’s all seeing eyes. Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State David Feith, who investigated the lab leak scandal, said on Wednesday that governments, educational institutions, and companies…

Poll: 58% Believe ‘Definitely or Probably True’ Coronavirus Originated in Wuhan Lab

Fifty-eight percent of U.S. adults believe it is “definitely or probably true” the coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab. The Economist/YouGov poll asked respondents, “Regardless of whether or not it was created or naturally mutated, do you believe it is true or false that a laboratory in China was the origin of the virus responsible…

Cotton: If China Keeps Covering Up, It’s ‘Reasonable’ to Conclude Virus Came from Lab

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) argued that if China continues to cover up the origins of COVID-19, “it’s reasonable for the American people to draw the conclusion that China is covering up an accident in those labs.” Cotton said, “I think all of the evidence…

‘Siding With The Communist Party’: Dagen McDowell Blasts Media For Blowing Off Lab Leak Theory Because Republicans Brought It Up

Fox Business host Dagen McDowell laid into media during Wednesday’s broadcast of “The Five,” saying a lot of people had written off a lab leak as the possible origin of coronavirus because it was a theory promoted by Republicans. McDowell pointed out that a number of Republicans — most notably Republican Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton…

GOP Congressman Says Fauci Needs To Answer For Why His Agency Bypassed Oversight Of Funding To Wuhan Lab

Republican Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania said it is “very concerning” that the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases bypassed oversight of a research grant that involved the transfer of $600,000 to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to modify bat-based coronaviruses. “When it comes to oversight of U.S. tax dollars headed to the Chinese…
