July 26, 2024

Minneapolis Fed Pres.: Gov’t ‘Contributed to’ Inflation, Inflation ‘Sideways’, Need ‘Many More Months’ for Rate Cuts

During an interview with CNBC Europe on Tuesday, Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Neel Kashkari stated that right now, inflation is going sideways, we need “many more months of positive inflation data” to get one to two rate cuts and government spending is “one of the factors that has contributed to the high inflation.” Kashkari began

Harris on Abortion Compromise: Most People Think Gov’t Shouldn’t Be Involved

During an interview with Wisconsin’s WTMJ’s “Spanning the State” on Friday, Vice President Kamala Harris responded to a question on if there is openness to a compromise on abortion restrictions by stating that she is finding that most people think “it should not be the government telling” women what to do. Host Kristin Brey asked

Report: U.S. Govt. Made Duplicate Payments to Wuhan Lab in China, Potentially Losing Tens of Millions of Dollars

The United States government reportedly made duplicate payments to fund projects at the Wuhan, China, laboratory — the proposed origin of the coronavirus pandemic. Through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Wuhan lab in communist-controlled China allegedly received double the funds from research grants, according to a

SAGE: No Hugging, Carolling, or Playing Monopoly on Covid Christmas, Say Govt Advisers

Britons should avoid gathering around the Monopoly board, singing with family members, or hugging loved ones during the Christmas season, the government’s scientific quango has warned. While the British state has ordained that up to three households will be able to gather for a five-day “Christmas bubble” easing of the lockdown restrictions, the government’s Scientific…

Countdown to No Deal: Boris Govt Warns Brexit Talks Are in Their ‘Last Week’

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s foreign minister said Sunday there is only about a week left for the UK and the European Union to strike a post-Brexit trade deal, with fishing rights the major obstacle to an agreement. As talks continued between the two sides in London, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said “I think we are…

SECRET EMPIRES: Joe Biden’s Son’s Firm Struck Billion-Dollar Deal With Chinese Govt 10 Days After Biden Visited China.

Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden – photo: AP via Breitbart A new book, Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends reveals how the Biden family secured a billion-dollar China deal just days after former Vice President Joe Biden visited China in 2013. The Clintons aren’t the only ones […]

Trump, Ryan clear the way for gov’t cash to Puerto Rico

WASHINGTON (AP) — On the defensive over the pace of federal help for Puerto Rico, President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans cleared the way Thursday for more supplies and government cash for the hurricane-ravaged U.S. island. Trump waived federal restrictions on foreign ships delivering cargo. And House Speaker Paul Ryan said the Federal Emergency Management […]

Mystery Surrounds Obama’s Mass Clemencies…Revealed: PC Gov’t Data Collection, Reporting Hides Key Info, Keeps Americans Vulnerable…

The Department of Justice should keep the public informed about the results of former President Barack Obama’s decision to grant early releases to 1,715 convicts, says a former federal prosecutor. “What [Attorney General Jeff] Sessions Justice Department needs to do now is track the hundreds of fellows who got these pardons and commutations,” said former […]

Govt spends $100 million ferrying illegal immigrant children around country…

ICE spends $100 million ferrying illegal immigrant children around U.S., watchdog saysdrud The federal agency that handles deportations spent more than $100 million of its money over the last few years to ferry illegal immigrant children around the U.S., according to calculations by a watchdog group that says the cash could have been better spent […]

Obama Says Trump’s Comments On Election Rigging Is Absurd, Despite Gov’t Hacks

President Barack Obama said “no serious person” could rig an election in the U.S. while at a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. Obama is responding to comments from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump whereby he expressed worries of the democratic process being undermined. “I’ve never seen in my lifetime or in […]

URGENT: Leaked Hillary Email Reveals Who’s REALLY Running the U.S. Govt… We’re Under Attack

In fact, we could be about to elect a woman as our president who has sold herself to everyone aside from the people who will vote for her. We can only hope that doesn’t happen. To all those conspiracy theorists who got dirty looks at Thanksgiving for telling your brain-dead liberal relatives that George Soros […]

AP: Hillary Clinton Destroyed Gov’t Email, Wiped Names From Her Calendar

The week ends with a double whammy for Hillary Clinton, courtesy of the Associated Press, which discovered that dozens of names and events have been scrubbed from her official Secretary of State calendar, and also confirmed that Clinton destroyed at least one work-related email stored on her illicit email server. The latter revelation has a distinct […]

Gaffney: Our Gov’t Living ‘Under Sharia’ – AUDIO

Exclusive — Frank Gaffney on Orlando Terror Attack: Our Government Living ‘Under Sharia’ Regimen that Prevents Acknowledging Jihad Threat Founder and President of the Center for Security Policy Frank Gaffney told Breitbart News Sunday’s Stephen K. Bannon that the U.S. government refuses to acknowledge the jihad threat facing America because it is “living under sharia” […]

BREAKING: Gov’t Official: ‘Top Secret’ Hillary Clinton Emails Withheld by State Actually Put ‘Sources, Methods and Lives’ at Risk

Some of the highly classified information on Hillary Clinton’s private unsecure server potentially put lives at risk, Fox News reported Monday. On Friday, the State Department asserted it would not release 22 email messages to the public because of their high sensitivity. The Clinton campaign immediately objected and called for the messages to be released. […]

Thousands Protest As Russian Govt Accuses Germany Of Covering Up Migrant Rape Of 13 Year Old Russian Girl

The Russian foreign minister has become involved in an unusual democratic spat with Germany over the alleged cover-up of the gang rape of a 13 year old Russian citizen in Germany by “Arab-looking men”. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov sits besides Russian President Vladimir Putin / SERGEI KARPUKHIN/AFP/Getty Images German police have claimed the disappearance by […]
