July 26, 2024

China and the World Health Organization

The World Health Organization cannot be trusted. It issued the following information supporting the lie stated by the Chinese communist regime: “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China”. The United Nations World Health Organization also delayed the declaration […]

Peter Schweizer: China Targeting ‘Districts in the Heart of Trump Country’ to Meddle in 2018 Midterms.

Government Accountability President and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer warned of the Chinese government’s political influence operations within America during a Monday interview with Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily. Marlow invited Schweizer’s comments on President Donald Trump’s repeated highlighting of the Chinese state’s attempts to interfere in forthcoming midterm […]

Donald Trump: United States ‘Will No Longer Tolerate’ Cheating from China.

President Donald Trump took a strong stance against China on Tuesday, during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly. “We will not allow our workers to be victimized, our companies to be cheated and our wealth to be plundered and transferred,” he said. “America will never apologize for protecting its citizens.” Trump called for […]

Sovereignty: Trump Goes After China, Iran at UN, Reminds the World About American Patriotism.

President Trump spoke for the second time in front of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City Tuesday morning. During his remarks, Trump touted U.S. domestic accomplishments on the economy, went after China for their corrupt business practices, slammed Iran for its role in the destabilization of the Middle East, addressed human rights […]

Trump Defends Tariffs, ‘Rebuilt’ China with Tremendous U.S. Money

President Donald Trump said in Tuesday’s White House joint press conference with Poland’s President Andrzej Duda that the U.S. has “just started” dealing with China on trade and it should have been done a long time ago. Trump’s response came after a reporter asked him if his trade tariffs police are working, given the U.S. […]

China Retaliates! Levies Tariffs on $60B in U.S. Goods.

China lobbed retaliatory tariffs on $60 billion in U.S. imports Tuesday after the U.S. announced new tariffs across $200 billion in Chinese goods. The $60 billion is in line with what China said it was preparing should the United States go through with the tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods. President Donald Trump flagged […]

Trump announces tariffs on $200B in Chinese goods.

President Trump on Monday announced that he is directing the U.S. Trade Representative to impose tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese imports, a move expected to escalate the trade war between the world’s two largest economies. The tariffs are expected to go into effect on Sept. 24 and will be set at a 10 percent […]

Google Built China A Prototype Search Engine That Allows Government To Spy On Citizens’ Search Queries.

Imagine if the U.S. government was able to freely access your search history and use it against you. That’s what may end up happening in China, thanks to a censored search engine built for the country by Google. As reported by The Intercept, “The search engine, codenamed Dragonfly, was designed for Android devices, and would […]

Google Thinks Trump Is An Authoritarian – Yet Google Is Helping The Chinese Government Target Its Own Citizens.

In prior posts, we have highlighted the fact that Google is biased against conservatives. It has also now been shown that most of the people who work for Google are far left and would smear President Trump as an authoritarian threat to American freedom. And yet, all of this is happening as Google is being […]

SOURCES: China Hacked Clinton’s Private Email Server.

A Chinese-owned company penetrated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private server, according to sources briefed on the matter. The company inserted code that forwarded copies of Clinton’s emails to the Chinese company in real time.  The Intelligence Community Inspector General warned of the problem, but the FBI subsequently failed to act, Texas Republican Rep. […]

China will surpass US to be world’s largest economy — it’s time for us to shift gears.

Even the most casual visitor to China cannot help but see a nation leaping into the future. Thousands of new buildings, roads and bridges; dozens of new airports; and several maglev high-speed trains – all of it reflects strategic infrastructure investment. A few years ago, the nation produced copycat technology products, but now it’s producing […]

Fake News: TIME Blames Trump Tariffs for Closure of ‘Major’ U.S. TV Factory… That Makes Its Products in China!

The establishment media and a TV manufacturer are blaming President Trump’s tariffs on cheap, Chinese imports for the closure of the company whose product is made in China. This week, the establishment media has used the closure of Element Electronics, a small manufacturing plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina, where 126 workers will be laid off, […]

Tectonic Shift in China: Xi Under Fire as China Realizes It Underestimated U.S. Trade Resolve.

Chinese President Xi Jinping is facing backlash from within the Communist Party over his hardline stance in the trade dispute with the United States, Reuters reported Thursday. Reuters reports: A growing trade war with the United States is causing rifts within China’s Communist Party, with some critics saying that an overly nationalistic Chinese stance may […]

China’s Marathon to Take Over America.

The Chinese are intent on rehabilitating their old empire.  Once Beijing has achieved this lofty goal (which it is closer to achieving than any care to admit), the Chinese hope to displace the United States as the world’s dominant power.  Many analysts – particularly Western ones – scoff at this notion.  Whatever China’s ultimate intentions are, it is […]

Reports: Dianne Feinstein’s Longtime Driver Was a Chinese Spy

An alleged Chinese spy reportedly infiltrated Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) office by posing as her driver for 20 years, according to multiple reports. Reports from Politico and the San Francisco Chronicle revealed the alleged Chinese government mole posed as a staffer in Feinstein’s San Francisco office— serving as the California Democrat’s driver, Asian-American community liaison, and […]

China Imposes $60B Retaliatory Tariffs on U.S.

China took a shot at the United States on Friday, announcing retaliatory tariffs of $60 billion on U.S. imports to the nation. China’s commerce ministry affirmed that the decision came in response to the U.S. move this week to increase proposed tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods from a 10 percent rate to 25 […]

China Forces All Religious Buildings to Fly Communist Flag.

China’s state-run newspaper Global Times derided critics in the West Thursday for condemning a new initiative forcing all religious buildings to fly China’s red flag as a means to “enhance the concept of nation.” The newspaper claimed the move was necessary because, without imposing the government’s wishes on individual religions, the nation could “lurch toward war.” […]

SHOCK REPORT=> Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein Had Communist Chinese Spy in Inner Circle for Nearly 20 Years.

New details were released this week on how California Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein had a Communist Chinese spy by her side for nearly 20 years. The San Francisco Chronicle claims none of her staff ever knew what was going on and just kept the story quiet.  CBS Local reported: New details emerged Wednesday about […]

China started the trade war, Trump is just trying to end it.

President Trump didn’t start a trade war with China – he’s trying to end and win the trade war that China launched against the U.S. As the president has frequently pointed out, the Chinese have been undermining the world trade system for years, and no country has been hurt more by China’s unfair actions than […]

Warning: Russia/China Owning The Arctic, U.S., Allies Behind

Hat tip to Senator Sullivan of Alaska for recognizing the mission and threat of Russia so much that he brought legislative attention to Russia’s military activity in the Arctic. As a side note, this activity is not without China participating with Russia. As noted below from the NDAA 2019: Senator Sullivan included a number of […]

Trump Tells China No More Mr. Nice Guy.

Trump Calls Out China For Being ‘Vicious’ On Trade — Warns ‘We Were Being Nice – Until Now!’ President Donald Trump went after China for being “vicious” to the United States on trade issues in a tweet storm Wednesday. “Every time I see a weak politician asking to stop Trade talks or the use of […]

Trump To Hand Out Billions In Aid To Farmers Caught In The Trade War Crossfire

The Trump administration reportedly plans to extend $12 billion in emergency financial assistance to farmers negatively affected by the ongoing trade war between the U.S. and China, among others, Politico reported Tuesday. With tens of billions of dollars in tariffs already in effect and the possibility of tariffs on exports worth hundreds of billions of […]

Russia, China Could Soon Outmatch U.S. in Combat Aviation

KIEV, Ukraine—Russia’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) announced that a new weapon is very near completion of its test validation trials and will soon be placed into service. If reports of its operational performance are accurate, it will threaten the survivability of every U.S. combat aircraft currently in service—particularly the newest U.S. fighter, the Lockheed Martin […]

The US-China trade war has begun – a shooting war could be next.

A trade war broke out Friday between the U.S. and China, when the U.S. imposed tariffs on $34 billion in Chinese products and China slapped tariffs on and equal amount of U.S. products. President Trump has said that would prompt the U.S. to impose up to $500 billion in Chinese products. But things could get […]

Trade Deficits Paying for China Military Buildup.

One little detail largely escaped media notice when Chinese president Xi Jinping met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un on May 8.  The visit coincided with China’s launch of its first indigenous aircraft carrier in the town where the two met, perhaps sending a message to friend and foes of both China and North Korea: The […]

Why China Represents Such a Global Threat.

 Just this year, the Chinese Communist Party held an election in the Great Hall of the People where Xi Jinping was voted “president for life.” The vote was 2,958 for and six against. With this vote they proclaimed that China is now realizing its dream of national rejuvenation, and its grand strategy to restore […]

Donald Trump Signals Victory with China as Trade War Stalls.

President Donald J. Trump signaled a victory with China on trade as threatened tariffs from both countries were put on hold as negotiations continue. “On China, Barriers and Tariffs to come down for first time,” Trump wrote Monday on Twitter, as talks between representatives of the two countries continue. “China has agreed to buy massive […]

US, China agree to abandon trade war: Beijing.

China’s Vice-Premier Liu He said the two sides “reached a consensus, will not fight a trade war, and will stop increasing tariffs on each other” (AFP Photo/) Beijing (AFP) – Washington and Beijing have agreed to abandon any trade war and back off from imposing tariffs on each other, Chinese state media reported Sunday. The […]

US, China tentatively agree on ending American trade deficit: White House.

United States and China officials have agreed this weekend to take steps to reduce the U.S. trade deficit, the White House said Saturday. The agreement between the world’s two biggest economies was made this week in Washington by high-level negotiators from both countries, including Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. “There was a consensus on taking effective […]

The Greatest Genocide Ever.

A sensational new report, the first of its kind, documents the number of abortions in the world, since the Russian Communist revolution legalized abortion, at 1 billion. This makes abortion the greatest genocide ever. Thomas Jacobson of the Global Life Campaign discusses the new report, which is co-authored with Dr. Wm. Robert Johnston and now […]
