All federal acts, laws, orders, rules, regulations – past, present or future – in violation of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States are not authorized by the Constitution of the United States and violate its true meaning and intent as given by the Founders and Ratifiers, and should be declared to be invalid in all states.
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Facebook Wants Your Bank Info, Corporations Push Financial Blacklist Gun Control.
Facebook is asking banks to share customer’s financial information in a climate where corporate America is blacklisting gun manufacturers and businesses or groups that support the Second Amendment. On March 23, 2018, Breitbart News reported Citibank’s new corporate gun controls which bar gun store customers from selling “high-capacity” magazines … [Read More...]
It’s time to hold Democrats responsible for Chicago’s violence.
Most Americans are appalled to read that 63 people were shot in Chicago over the weekend, with 10 fatalities. The numbers are huge, downright massacre-level. News coverage says Chicago's hospital and emergency rooms are now crowd scenes. Here in California, we are appalled at the death toll among firemen and other public workers in California's … [Read More...]
The NRA’s Future Rests In The Hands of One Court Case. Here’s Why.
The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) has filed a collective lawsuit against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D), New York State's Superintendent of Financial Services Maria T. Vullo and the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS). Why These Defendants? The NRA claims Cuomo, Vullo and DFS knowingly went to banks and … [Read More...]
U.S. Appeals Court: Second Amendment Protects Right To Carry Gun In Public For Self-Defense
On Tuesday, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Second Amendment protects a right to openly carry a gun in public for self-defense. That ruling was a reversal of a decision by the U.S. District Court in Hawaii, which had ruled that state officials did not infringe on a citizen’s rights when they twice denied him a permit to … [Read More...]
Conservatives Reject Unilateral Disarmament In The Face Of Liberal Social Fascism.
We are not better than that, and this is who we are. We’re fighting back, no matter how much and how shrilly the Fredocons complain. We’re Normal Americans and we’re done being the guests of honor at the liberals’ witch burnings. Case in point, one James Gunn. He’s a tiresome lefty jerk who jumped on Twitter to cheer Rosanne’s recent … [Read More...]
Kavanaugh brings clear reasoning to Second Amendment decisions — that’s why liberals are freaking out.
If we were to pick one symbol of freedom in today’s politically charged America, it must be the gun. The constitutional right to own and carry a firearm sets America apart from the world and puts us ahead of every other nation in terms of individual freedom. It is therefore fitting that both sides of the gun issue are voicing some of the clearest … [Read More...]
BREAKING: Suspected Annapolis Newspaper Gunman Identified, Possible Motive Revealed.
Law enforcement officials identified the suspected gunman who shot up the Capital Gazette newspaper building in Annapolis, Maryland, as a 39-year-old male that allegedly had a personal "vendetta" against the newspaper and had made repeated threats towards the newspaper on social media. NBC Washington reports: One senior official told NBC News … [Read More...]
Is There a Solution to School Shootings?
Last week's school shooting Santa Fe, which resulted in ten deaths, is only the latest in a series of school shootings over the last several years, and only three months after the infamous Parkland, Florida shooting on Valentine's Day. As with that shooting, many are attempting to politicize the issue in order to push various agendas. We see … [Read More...]
Thousands Rally for Gun Rights at Minnesota State Capitol.
Approximately 2,000 people rallied for gun rights Saturday at the steps of the Minnesota State Capitol. Many of those in attendance were carrying handguns or rifles. American flags and Gadsden flags were carried by many attendees as well. The Star Tribune reports the rally was an organized push-back against ongoing gun control campaigns … [Read More...]
LIBERAL BACKFIRE: NRA Breaks 15 Year Fundraising Record.
Guest post by Mike LaChance at American Lookout: The left and their allies in media have spent almost three months demonizing the National Rifle Association. They even tried to blame the NRA for the shooting in Parkland, which is absurd. All of this attention has completely backfired. The NRA just broke a fundraising record. McClatchy … [Read More...]
Venezuela Banned Guns. Now Their Murder Rate Is Skyrocketing.
Want an example of how dangerous gun prohibition for citizens can be? Try Venezuela, where since April 2017 at least 163 pro-democracy protesters have been murdered by the Maduro dictatorship. In 2012, the Venezuelan National Assembly, which was dominated by communists, passed the “Control of Arms, Munitions and Disarmament Law." The bill was … [Read More...]
Parkland survivor files first victim lawsuit against multiple people, entities.
An attorney for Parkland, Florida, shooting survivor Anthony Borges has filed the first victim lawsuit against multiple people and entities. Borges, who was released from the hospital less than two weeks ago, was shot fives times while barricading a classroom door to protect his classmates at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. (Image source: … [Read More...]