July 26, 2024

CNN’s Secret Business Links to the Castro Regime

“Wow. CNN had to retract big story on ‘Russia,’ with three employees forced to resign. What about all the other phony stories they do?” (tweet from President Trump, June 27.) Start with practically everything from CNN’s Havana Bureau for the past twenty years, Mr President. But don’t take it from me. Take it from the […]


Prepare for a chorus of wailing from Castro’s (unregistered, hence lawbreaking) U.S.  agent/lobbyists about President Trump “turning back the clock!” on Cuba relations. Brace for an outcry from Castro’s agents-of-influence accusing President Trump of “pandering to powerful Cuban-American right-wingers!” According to several reports this week, President Trump will soon be “rolling back” some of  Obama’s most pathetic, […]

Where’s President Obama on This Atrocity? (With the Perpetrators—NOT the Victims)

“We cannot forget the past. That’s what the families of the victims have done. And the United States of America wants to continue to be a partner in your efforts…. Each of us have a responsibility each and every day to make sure that wherever we see injustice, wherever we see rule of law flouted, […]

“Why did Elian’s mother leave Cuba? She was living the good life.” asks ABC’s Jim Avila

“Why did Elian’s mother leave Cuba?” the furrow-browed Jim Avila asked the (then) NBC cameras in April 2000. “What was she escaping? By all accounts this young woman was living the good life.” “Would it occur to a presumably educated reporter to ask why someone tried escaping East Germany? Of course not. They’d be laughed […]
