April 26, 2024

Eleventh Hour Atrocity: Obama Releases FALN Terrorist Oscar Lopez-Rivera

(AP photo) There is so much outrage over President Obama’s commutation of the 35-year espionage sentence imposed on treasonous American soldier Bradley Manning (aka “Chelsea”), that his commutation last night of unrepentant terrorist Oscar Lopez-Rivera is just beginning to attract attention. Lopez-Rivera is a FALN leader who was serving a combined 70 years in prison […]

Where’s President Obama on This Atrocity? (With the Perpetrators—NOT the Victims)

“We cannot forget the past. That’s what the families of the victims have done. And the United States of America wants to continue to be a partner in your efforts…. Each of us have a responsibility each and every day to make sure that wherever we see injustice, wherever we see rule of law flouted, […]
