February 8, 2025

Exclusive — Rep. Paul Gosar: Obama’s Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS Scandals All Connected to DOJ, FBI Corruption in Trump Probe.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), a leading conservative member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, told Breitbart News Daily on Wednesday that he believes that there is an interconnectivity between various high-profile Barack Obama-era scandals and the latest revelations about corruption at the Department of Justice and FBI. Gosar was asked during the […]

IRS Being Investigated For Criminal Misconduct Surrounding Lois Lerner’s ‘Missing’ Emails

Last night Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration Russell George and Deputy Inspector General for Investigations Timothy Camus updated the House Oversight Committee on the status of Lois Lerner’s “missing” emails surrounding the IRS targeting of conservatives. In an exchange with Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH), Camus revealed there is “potential criminal activity” involved in the […]

IRS Gave White House Thousands of Taxpayer Documents

The IRS improperly turned over thousands of confidential tax documents to the White House for review, according to information obtained from a lawsuit filed against the U.S. Treasury Department’s inspector general by the legal advocacy firm Cause of Action, exposing a pipeline of communication between the two, the Daily Caller reports. “[T]he Treasury Inspector General […]

Surprise, 30,000 Lois Lerner IRS Emails Discovered Late Friday Afternoon

If a Friday afternoon when the GOP is suing the administration over the Affordable Care Act, while still scrambling internally to formulate an official response to last night’s announced amnesty for five million illegal immigrants, isn’t the best time to suddenly discover 30,000 Lois Lerner emails once pronounced lost forever, it’s difficult to think of […]

Cruz Letter: Why is the IRS Auditing Breitbart News?

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today sent the following letter to the Internal Revenue Service regarding its decision to audit Breitbart News Network, LLC. The full text of the letter is available here. Dear Commissioner Koskinen: I write to express deep concern over the recent announcement by Breitbart News that the Internal […]

USPS Explores Attaching Electronic Sensors to Your Mail–Post Office as Spy

The NSA monitors all your phone calls, text messages and emails. The San Fran police monitor all your cell phone calls. The IRS makes sure you do not donate to Constitutional organizations or exercise your free speech. This is the next Obama totalitarian scandal: The Post Office is looking to put electronic sensors IN your […]

IRS Scandal and Cover Up Shocked and Outraged Members of Congress

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner John Koskinen testimony before Congress On June 20, 2014, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner John Koskinen testified during the House of Representative Ways and Means Committee hearing that the IRS destroyed the hard drive of Lois Lerner, the former IRS director of the office that oversees tax-exempt organizations, as well […]

House Rep. to IRS commissioner: ‘You have a problem maintaining your credibility’

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testified Monday in a rare evening hearing, just days after being called a liar in another House proceeding He defended the IRS against insinuations that it covered up a political targeting scheme by burying inconvenient emails Koskinen testified that the Treasury Department’s inspector general is investigating, but couldn’t explain why a […]

WATCH: Trey Gowdy Shreds IRS Commish for Claiming No Criminal Actions at IRS

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) late Monday criticized IRS Commissioner John Koskinen for claiming there’s no evidence of criminal misconduct at the IRS over the targeting scandal, even though he hasn’t bothered to examine the criminal code. “You have already said multiple times today that there was no evidence that you found of any criminal wrongdoing,” […]

The IRS Missing Email Scandal – A Brazen Obstruction Of Justice

  In what can only be seen as a brazen, arrogant defiance of the law, the IRS not only claims the dog ate their emails, they’re not sorry to boot and screw America for even doubting the all-powerful, jack-booted enforcement arm of the Obama regime. Some of the lamest lies I have ever heard in […]

IRS CANCELLED Contract with Email-Storage Firm Weeks After Lerner’s Computer Crash

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) cancelled its longtime relationship with an email-storage contractor just weeks after ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s computer crashed and shortly before other IRS officials’ computers allegedly crashed. The IRS signed a contract with Sonasoft, an email-archiving company based in San Jose, California, each year from 2005 to 2010. The company, which […]

Issa: Lois Lerner Attacked Conservatives On Obama’s Behalf [VIDEO]

Rep. Darrell Issa said Monday that ex-IRS official Lois Lerner acted on President Obama’s opposition to Citizens United in her targeting of conservative groups. “I believe Lois Lerner is hiding something. I believe the Justice Department, the IRS, and the White House are interested in her succeeding in hiding what she’s hiding, which is targeting […]

The Daily Caller Knows EXACTLY Where The IRS Emails Went

As two years worth of the Internal Revenue Service’s most important emails have suddenly disappeared without a trace, The Daily Caller thought that it would be a good idea to give the investigators of the case a hint or two about what may have happened to the emails. 1) The computer that held all of […]

Lies: IRS Also “Lost” Emails of Six Other Really Important Officials Who May Have Targeted Conservatives

Late last week the IRS told the House Ways and Means Committee, after a year of investigation, that emails belonging to former head of taxpayer organizations Lois Lerner dated between January 2009 and April 2011 have been “lost.” Now, the IRS has announced it can’t find emails belonging to six high ranking officials involved in […]

IRS Rules Say Lerner Was Required to Keep Printed Copies of Those Supposedly ‘Lost’ Emails

The Internal Revenue Service has guidelines that require all IRS employees to keep printed copies of all work-related emails. That means even if the IRS did experience a computer crash that makes it unable to retrieve certain emails to and from former IRS employee Lois Lerner, as the IRS is claiming, those emails should have […]

Convenient: IRS Has ‘Lost’ Two Years of Lois Lerner’s Emails

According to the House Ways and Means Committee, the IRS has “lost” two years of emails belonging to former head of tax exempt organizations Lois Lerner. The IRS doesn’t have a record of her emails to outside groups or government agencies from January 2009 through April 2011, conveniently encompassing some of the same time when […]

Judicial Watch New Documents: IRS Targeting Came Directly From Washington D.C.

New documents obtained and released through a Judicial Watch lawsuit show the targeting of tea party and conservative groups came directly out of Washington D.C., not a rogue IRS office in Cincinnati. On July 6, 2012, former Director of the IRS Rulings and Agreements Division and current Manager of Exempt Organizations Guidance Holly Paz sent […]

House votes to hold Lerner in contempt of Congress

May 22, 2013: Director of Exempt Organizations for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Lois Lerner prepares to deliver an opening statement to a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on alleged targeting of political groups seeking tax-exempt status from by the IRS, on Capitol Hill in Washington The House of Representatives voted Wednesday to […]

What Would Captain America Do? The Fight for Liberty Versus Military-Industrial Complex NSA Global Intelligence / S.H.I.E.L.D

Captain America The Winter Soldier , finds the Captain fighting for liberty against S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury over the question of global intelligence. What Would Captain America Do? Fight the SHIELD / “The CIA + Navy + NSA x 1,000 “ What is patriotism? Is it doing what the government says, or is it doing what you believe is true to the Constitution and American values? “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” Currently the No. 1 movie in the country wraps its message in a red, white, and blue action-packed candy shell. Unfrozen WWII super-soldier Steve Rogers – a.k.a. Captain […]

Why is Obama decimating the military while arming federal agencies?

The rate at which this administration is arming federal agencies is quite alarming. Case in point–the recent standoff against Cliven Bundy in Nevada. In recent years, armed federal government agents have stormed against citizens in Ruby Ridge, Miami (the Elian Gonzalez case), and Waco, Texas (the Branch Davidians). Each of these assaults occurred under a Democrat presidential administration. Enabled by lies and deceit, could it be that liberal progressive socialism only works by fear, intimidation, and coercion? Or is Obama more afraid of the American people than our enemies abroad? I find it humorous that liberal progressives accuse their […]

The Obama press conference — a smug, shameful liar on display

Thank you Media for turning “journalism” into the vocational equivalent of making out in the balcony Did you see the latest Obama presser?  If so, I’m sorry, because you watched a man who’s made lying an art, his life’s work and legacy, elevating the heretofore shameful practice of degeneracy to levels that could make a polygraph smoke. I did watch – every painful minute – but as I’m visiting Oregon (back in the race-car bed beneath Farrah 🙂 ) I saw it coming—TV.  The parents own one.  They turn it on.  It makes noise, lots of noise, spewing tripe […]

BREAKING: Federal Judge Rules That Obama Complicit In Rancher Conspiracy

A federal judge has recently declared that the government’s forceful dealings with Nevada rancher Clive Bundy, is a conspiracy. The government has taken similar actions in the past, according to U.S. District Court Judge Robert C. Jones. Judge Jones recently spoke out about visible patterns in the government actions, and claimed that he already knew the next moves of the BLM. He cited the case of United States v. Estate of Hage , which also involved a Nevada rancher that chose to defy the government. In the case of Bundy, the BLM claims that they are seeking to prevent […]

Labeling Its Own Citizens as Domestic Terrorists – The Ultimate Betrayal by the Federal Government

When a young man or woman joins the United States military, one of the first things they do before even being shipped off to boot camp is take the loyalty oath.  “I (state your name) do solemnly swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.” The oath of enlistment goes on to say that the service member will follow orders of the president and the officers appointed over them per the regulations of the uniformed code of […]

The Terrifying Implications of the IRS Abuse-DOJ Connection

Thank God for Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration J. Russell George. His investigation of what turned out to be the IRS abuse scandal may well have saved the Constitution and the nation. For his fair and impartial investigation into the Internal Revenue Service’s abuse of Americans who dissent from President Obama’s agenda, Democrats have called for an investigation of him . George should not be investigated, but perhaps the Democrats who want him investigated — Reps. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) and Matt Cartwright (D-PA) — should be. Their call for an investigation of the investigator might constitute interference with […]

BREAKING: New Emails Show Lerner Contacted DOJ About Prosecuting Tax Exempt Groups

According to new IRS emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request from Judicial Watch , former head of tax exempt groups at the IRS Lois Lerner contacted the Department of Justice in May 2013 about whether tax exempt groups could be criminally prosecuted for “lying” about political activity. “I got a call today from Richard Pilger Director Elections Crimes Branch at DOJ … He wanted to know who at IRS the DOJ folk s [sic] could talk to about Sen. Whitehouse idea at the hearing that DOJ could piece together false statement cases about applicants who “lied” […]

GOP sues IRS for documents

  The Republican National Committee is celebrating Tax Day by suing the Internal Revenue Service, charging the Obama administration withheld documents sought in a Freedom of Information Act request regarding the agency’s targeting of political organizations. “We’re filing this suit because the Obama administration has a responsibility to be transparent and accountable to the American people. The IRS has a legal obligation to answer our inquiry for these records,” RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement.  “On Tax Day especially Americans deserve to know whether they can trust the agency to which they’re sending their taxes." The RNC […]

Network News Stations Leave out Major IRS Scandal Updates Last Week

Last week, new developments were made in the case of the IRS-Tea Party scandal, but according to all of the network news channels, these were not important enough to be covered. IRS official Lois Lerner received a criminal referral from the House Ways and Means Committee and new emails surfaced, proving she fed tax information on a targeted group to Rep. Elijah Cummings. But both ABC and NBC news did not feel this was news worthy and gave ZERO coverage to these developments. CBS This Morning kept it brief with a 90 second report on Thursday. This was the […]

Why the feds chickened out on a Nevada ranch

Let me obliterate a bit of confusion here: the Obama administration attempted to go to war with a rancher in Nevada. Let me amplify a little bit of truth: they tucked tail and have returned home. And let me add a bit of clarity: they had no choice! As the nation began to become familiar with the plight of the family of Cliven Bundy, many of us harkened back to another standoff – way back in 1993 – in which the federal government attempted to bully its outcome: Waco, Texas and the Branch Davidian massacre. It is telling that […]

Enough Is Enough — This Is How We Get Congress To Arrest Lois Lerner

  Are her actions now starting to catch up with her? Lois Lerner, one-time head of the IRS’ tax-exempt division, has become the central figure in an ongoing scandal. In an administration with no shortage of controversy, the IRS debacle has possibly been the most contentious of Obama’s presidency. There is no question that conservative […]

House Oversight Committee approves contempt charges against Lois Lerner

As expected, the House Oversight Committee voted on party lines, 21-12, to approve contempt of Congress charges against former IRS Tax Exempt Organizations director Lois Lerner.  The resolution will now proceed to a vote by the full House, which seems likely to approve it, especially since the entire House GOP leadership team has been signaling their approval.  That includes Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), who grew very angry with the Administration’s latest attempt to protect itself from oversight by playing the race card: House Oversight deliberations on Thursday morning were quite fiery, especially since the lead Democrat on the committee […]
