July 26, 2024

Bethenny and Jill’s biggest bombshells, ‘Pump Rules’ filming tea and more with Raven-SymonĂ©

This week, we sat down with Raven-SymonĂ© and Miranda Pearman-Maday to talk about their new podcast “The Best Podcast Ever with Raven and Miranda” where they interview huge stars like Demi Lovato and more! Also this week Bethenny Frankel and Jill Zarin reunited to hash out all of their past drama on Frankel’s podcast. In […]

DOJ Settlement: IRS to Pay $3.5 Million to Tea Party Groups for ‘Abuse of Power’

Former U.S. President Barack Obama waves prior to delivering his speech during the 4th Congress of Indonesian Diaspora Network in Jakarta, Indonesia, Saturday, July 1, 2017. (AP Photo/Achmad Ibrahim) On Thursday morning, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) settled two cases in the IRS targeting scandal. In the class-action lawsuit involving 428 conservative plaintiffs, the […]

WINNING! Federal Judge Orders IRS to Reveal Names of People Who Targeted Tea Party Groups

A federal judge has ordered the IRS to release the names of specific employees involved in targeting Tea Party groups.  Via Fox News: Judge Reggie B. Walton of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia also said the IRS must provide information about which groups were targeted and why, along with a strategy […]

Tea Party Super PAC Endorses Donald Trump

Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, a Super PAC, is throwing its support behind Donald Trump for president. “On the question of whether to support Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund – the Super PAC affiliated with the largest tea party organization in the country – has made its choice,” Tea Party Patriots Citizens […]

IRS finally reveals list of tea party groups targeted for extra scrutiny

More than three years after it admitted to targeting tea party groups for intrusive scrutiny, the IRS has finally released a near-complete list of the organizations it snagged in a political dragnet. The tax agency filed the list last month as part of a court case after a series of federal judges, fed up with […]


The new tea party movement began to form with a single rant from Rick Santelli on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, February 19, 2009.  He spoke the words that millions of Americans felt but could not dare to speak.  “We’re thinking of having a Chicago tea party in July,” Santelli said in 2009.  […]

Tea Party Leader Jenny Beth Martin Lays out Case Against Trump at CPAC – VIDEO

Jenny Beth Martin, president and co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, called on conservatives at CPAC this morning to do what they can to prevent “narcissist” Donald Trump from becoming the Republican nominee, and urged them to support Ted Cruz. As she laid out her case against Trump, she noted that while he is inconsistent on virtually every issue, the […]


Ted Cruz speaks about the rise of the grassroots and the effects on slowing the Obama Administration Published Feb 27, 2014

Watch Live: South Carolina Tea Party Convention

On Saturday, Jan. 16 through Monday, Jan. 17, the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition will host the South Carolina Tea Party Convention from Myrtle Beach, SC. Agenda as follows: Follow Breitbart.tv on Twitter @BreitbartVideo


Americans are standing up to President Barack Obama’s nuclear arms deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran on Wednesday, as hundreds—perhaps thousands—of them are expected to descend on Capitol Hill for a Tea Party rally against the deal. “We’re excited we’re going to be able to let Congress know the majority of Americans think this […]

The IRS Loses a Big Procedural Battle in Its War With the Tea Party

At almost the same time last week that the outgoing U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, Ronald Machen, gave Lois Lerner a get-out-of-jail free card over her contempt of Congress citation, the Justice Department and the Internal Revenue Service suffered a huge procedural loss in a court fight in Ohio. In litigation filed in […]

Six Times John Boehner Proved His Incompetence

Win McNamee/Getty Images/AFP Led by Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Congressman Ted Yoho (R-FL), a contingent of House conservatives have formulated an electoral rebellion to the potential speakership of John Boehner. Gohmert, in announcing his run for the speakership – a run designed to deny Boehner of the majority of votes necessary to gain the […]

Common Core and the 2014 Florida Legislative Session

In 2013, parents across Florida started sounding the alarm of the disastrous consequences that would be felt by our children with the adoption of the scheme called Common Core. These concerns fell on deaf ears in the Florida Legislature. Actually worse than ignoring us, they chose to deceive the people, by playing a shell game, […]

Convenient: IRS Has ‘Lost’ Two Years of Lois Lerner’s Emails

According to the House Ways and Means Committee, the IRS has “lost” two years of emails belonging to former head of tax exempt organizations Lois Lerner. The IRS doesn’t have a record of her emails to outside groups or government agencies from January 2009 through April 2011, conveniently encompassing some of the same time when […]

Why isn’t air power lighting Al-Qaida Army up? Is Obama Giving Up?

No one seems to know what to do as al-Qaida masses an irregular Black Flag army and heads toward Baghdad for a final showdown. What am I missing here? When the bad guys come out of the shadows, out of their holes, out of their hiding places, and into the light, you eradicate them with […]

How Bill Gates pulled off the swift Common Core revolution

Five questions with Bill Gates Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates is taking heat from education groups, which say the Gates Foundation’s philanthropic support comes with strings attached. Here, he responds to his critics in an interview with The Washington Post’s Lyndsey Layton. The pair of education advocates had a big idea, a new approach to transform […]

Tea Party wins big

GOP House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has been defeated. Tea Party favorite Dave Brat won with the resounding margin of 55.6 percent to Cantor’s 44.4 percent. Cantor spent millions on the campaign, smearing Brat, lying to the voters, claiming to oppose the “Obama-Reid plan to give illegal aliens amnesty,” while pushing for in-state tuition for […]

WARNING: Flipping Texas

Texas is the chief target and big electoral prize for America’s liberal progressives. They have been spending millions of dollars to set up a ground game in the Lone Star State with an eye on flipping it from red to blue. If they win there, small-government conservatives shouldn’t expect to see serious electoral victories for […]

Read the Confidential Document Left Behind at the Democracy Alliance Meeting

Randi Weingarten Larry Cohen Amy Golbman   The Democracy Alliance takes pains to ensure that its work disbursing millions of dollars to top left-wing organizations remains secretive and free from public scrutiny. But a document left on the floor of the group’s recent gathering reveals for the first time the names of a number of […]

Primary Stunner: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor Loses to Underdog Tea Party Challenger

After being all but counted out, tea party activist David Brat pulled off a stunning victory against House Majority Leader Eric Cantor Tuesday in the Virginia GOP primary for the U.S. House of Representatives, the Associated Press reports. With 220 of 243 precincts reporting, Brat lead Cantor by nearly 11 points. The AP was the […]

Since Obama took office the indoctrination of Islam in our public school system is on the rise

  Well, apparently Obama’s love for Muslims doesn’t just stop at exchanging five Taliban terrorists for Muslim American Sympathizer who deserted his platoon. Since Obama has taken office there has been a rise of Islam indoctrination in our public school system. Obama is dead set on trying to make sure America is no longer a […]

What is the 1st & the 2nd-Largest Religion in Your State?

  While Christianity is still the biggest religion in every state, the second-largest religions in each state show the diversity of America. Large swathes of the nation have sizable followings of Buddhism (13 states), Islam (20 states), and Judaism (14 states). Hinduism is 2nd in Arizona and Delaware. But who could have guessed that South […]

Obama’s Strange Attitude About the U.S. Military

Many people think President Obama’s speech at West Point was all about politics. Setting up straw men and knocking them down, the president defined himself mainly by what he wasn’t. He was not an isolationist. He was not a warmonger. Of course, no one seriously claimed he was either one. Nor are these extremes real-world […]

Surprise: Released Taliban Vows to Resume Violent Jihad Against America – Thanks Mr. President

There’s a reason the five recently-released Taliban commanders were classified as “high risk” detainees by US military and intelligence officials: They’re exceptionally dangerous, evil extremists. I’ll once again link to these profiles, which detail their bloodthirsty exploits. Two of the five stand accused by the UN of war crimes for massacring Shiite Muslims. Villagers in […]

Catholic parents group calls for archdiocese to drop Common Core

Abby Figi sent her three school-age children to St. Alphonsus Catholic School in Greendale because the school’s test scores were high and she valued parochial education. Now she says she’s pulling them out and home-schooling them instead, because St. Alphonsus started teaching to a new set of nationwide academic standards in math adopted by public […]

GOP Sen. Cochran forced into runoff against Tea Party-backed challenger

June 3, 2014: Supporters and volunteers of the Chris McDaniel campaign at his address at the Lake Terrace Convention Center in Hattiesburg, Miss.AP JACKSON, Miss. –  Six-term Mississippi GOP Sen. Thad Cochran has been forced into a runoff with Tea Party-backed challenger Chris McDaniel, after neither candidate was able to win 50 percent of the […]

Report: Bergdahl Declared Himself a ‘Warrior for Islam’

We’re learning more details about the circumstances surrounding Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s captivity every day, and today is certainly no exception. Fox News’ James Rosen is out with a new report that shines some light on what Bergdahl’s five years with his captors were like, from converting to Islam and declaring himself a warrior for Islam […]

Now There Are Three: Oklahoma, South Carolina Join Indiana in Exiting Common Core

Common Core is on the chopping block.  Oklahoma today became the third state to exit the national education standards and reclaim its decision-making authority in education. The move comes on the heels of South Carolina, which days ago put an end to Common Core—setting precedent for other states to follow. South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley […]

South Carolina Throws Out Common Core Standards

Common Core has no shortage of critics. The national education standards have been pilloried by pundits, parents, comedians, teachers, and lawmakers alike. The chief concern, perhaps, is that Common Core introduces frivolous and illogical teaching techniques to no apparent purpose, while at the same time introduces new standards that aren’t making meaningful improvements in student […]

Gold Star mom: ‘This guy was worth my son’s life?’

Sondra Andrews’ son, 2nd Lt. Darryn Andrews, is one of six soldiers killed reportedly while searching for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. The sergeant’s return from captivity has stirred “very raw emotions.” “It gets really hurtful when I think, this guy was worth my son’s life? My son who was patriotic? Who was a true soldier? Who […]
