July 27, 2024

Donald Trump Projected Winner of Michigan State Convention

Former President Donald Trump is the projected winner of the Michigan Republican Convention, according to the Hill and Decision Desk HQ. Saturday’s convention saw 39 of the state’s delegates at stake after Trump won Tuesday’s primary in the Wolverine State by more than 40 points, where 16 delegates were on the line. Trump earned twelve

REPORT: Riley Gaines Temporarily Denied Entry to NCAA Convention

Former NCAA swimmer and activist Riley Gaines was reportedly denied entry at the NCAA annual convention despite having previously been nominated Woman of the Year. Speaking with Outkick, Riley Gaines said that people in charge of entry would not let her into the convention even after she showed the proper credentials. “I said, ‘Hold on

Report: Worry Mounts About Violent Protests at Democrat Convention After DNC Riot

Worries have sprouted about the potential for violent protests at the Democrat National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, in August on the heels of a violent pro-Palestinian demonstration at the Democrat National Committee (DNC) in Washington, DC, on Wednesday night, according to a report. After a meeting with the Chicago Police Department (CPD) on Thursday surrounding

Sen. Collins Defends Mitt Romney, Anti-Trump Republicans After Booing At Utah GOP Convention

Republican Maine Sen. Susan Collins defended fellow Republicans who are critical of former President Donald Trump on Sunday, saying she was “appalled” when Republican Utah Sen. Mitt Romney was booed at his state’s GOP convention. Some argue the booing of Romney and the continued attacks against Republican Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney are evidence that Trump’s…

Trump at NRA Convention: Trusting The People with Guns Is Part of Trusting Them with Freedom.

While speaking to the NRA convention on May 4, President Trump made clear that trusting the people with guns is part of trusting them with freedom. Trump commented on freedom and his enduring trust in American citizens in the portion of the speech in which he addressed arming teachers to protect students. He literally advocated […]

Bannon on Fire in CA: Three Standing Ovations at GOP Convention Keynote

(Orange County, CA)  Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon delivered a fiery keynote address to about 500 people at the opening dinner of the California Republican Party’s Fall Convention Friday night, praising President Trump and declaring war on the GOP establishment. Stepping out from behind the podium, comfortably walking […]


This is a brief synopsis regarding The Article V Convention of States movement (Con Con). Because it has been coming up in different circles as a positive effort, this author is compelled to expose it for what it really is. The Convention of States movement is a deception and a very dangerous movement! It is […]

Harvard Prof Behind Effort to Overturn Election, Call Article V Convention

Many Republicans are understandably disgusted at the audacious effort underway to usurp the results of the 2016 presidential election by persuading enough presidential electors to break their pledges to vote for Donald Trump, the Republican nominee. It should be instructive and alarming that one of the leaders in this effort to deny Trump the presidency […]

DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson Speaks at Convention of HAMAS-LINKED Group

It was bad enough that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson spoke at the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a group with demonstrable ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. But what he said made it even worse. What is ISNA? According to Discover the Networks: [ISNA] was established in July […]

No Mention of Clinton Foundation During DNC Convention

After nearly three days of speeches and video propaganda one major part of Democrat Nominee Hillary Clinton’s life’s work has gone virtually unmentioned during the Democrat National Convention in Philadelphia. Even as speaker after speaker lauded Hillary’s career in public life, no mention of the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation has been uttered from the […]

Trump Responds to Clinton’s ‘Fantasy’ Acceptance Speech at the Democratic Convention

Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president, unloaded on his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in a blistering series of tweets and a bold statement Thursday night following the former secretary of state’s acceptance speech at her party’s convention. He asserted Clinton is “unfit to lead the country” because she wants to increase the number of […]

6 Things You Need To Know About Hillary’s Democratic National Convention

So, the Democratic National Convention is over. As the balloons dropped, the networks declared that the DNC had been an overwhelming success, that Hillary Clinton was beloved by the populace, and that she would undoubtedly become the next president of the United States. Donald Trump’s convention, they said, had been a chaotic failure; Hillary’s had […]

DNC Convention 2016: Soviet Flags, Palestinian Flag – BUT NO US FLAGS

The Democrat Convention kicked off Monday in Philadelphia. The far left Bernie supporters marched with Soviet flags down the street.   Photo by Rebel Pundit Democrats waved the Palestinian flag from inside the Wells Fargo Convention Center. Didn’t see any Palestinian flags at the #RNC. @TheDemocrats aren’t hiding anything anymore. #DNCinPHL pic.twitter.com/Oo2fEuBQVo — John Cardillo […]

BLACK LIVES MATTER DNC CONVENTION MARCH: White People Told to Get to End of the March (VIDEO)

The Black DNC Resistance March was held today in Philadelphia. They described their event as an “anti-police march.” The lead speaker read a poem against whitey. Then he ranted against whitey, capitalism, America and Christians. Before the march started the female speaker told whitey to get to the back of the march: “This is a […]

DNC Attendee Waves Palestinian Flag On Convention Floor. Crowd Cheers. Welcome To The Scary, New Openly Anti-Israel Democratic Party.

Every four years, the Democratic National Convention attracts the most patriotic Americans in the country. Marxists. Anarchists. Feminists. Black Supremacists. Islamists. All lovely folks. This year, the DNC playground didn’t disappoint. Pro-Palestinian activists were out in force, displaying their Israel-hatred in an open forum and cheering alongside supposed liberals. Israel National News (Arutz Sheva) reports: […]

Shameful: Look who’s NOT invited to speak at the convention

This morning we awoke to learn a shooter had killed 2 teens and wounded 17 others at a Club Blu, a nightclub in Ft. Myers, Florida in the early hours of Monday morning. Very quickly, law enforcement assured everyone it was not an act of terrorism. Of course, there’s that little story from earlier this […]

No Visible American Flags Present At The Democrat Convention

PHILADELPHIA — The Daily Caller is at the Democratic National Convention and it doesn’t look like there are any American flags. The stage is bland and grey, with no red, white or blue present. A thorough look at the crowd present also turns up no American flags. PHILADELPHIA, PA – JULY 25: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand […]

BREAKING: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Dropped From Convention After WikiLeaks Scandal

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chair of the Democratic National Committee has been dropped from the party’s lineup of convention speakers following WikiLeaks’ release of explosive DNC emails showing members of the organization actively working against the Bernie Sanders campaign. A Democratic insider told CNN that Schultz has been dropped from the lineup to “keep the peace” […]

FULL SPEECH: Donald Trump accepts nomination at GOP convention

Thank you very much. Friends, delegates and fellow Americans: I humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for the presidency of the United States. Who would have believed that when we started this journey on June 16th of last year, we…and I say we…because we are a team…would have received almost 14 million votes, the most […]

BREAKING: Ted Cruz Loudly Booed Off Stage After Refusing to Endorse Trump at RNC Convention

Cleveland, OH – After much anticipation, a week of floor fights and rumors of a Cruz delegate walkout, former GOP presidential candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz took the stage Wednesday night in Cleveland. Cruz walked out to roaring applause and after failing to endorse GOP nominee Donald Trump during his remarks, he was loudly […]

HILLARY CLINTON Tells Police to Quit Killing Black People at NAACP Convention (VIDEO)

On Sunday three police officers were shot dead in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in an ambush attack by a Nation of Islam member. Three more were injured. This came a week after five police officers were shot dead in Dallas by a Black Power activist. On Monday Hillary Clinton told police officers to quit killing black […]

First Night at GOP Convention Reminds America of Obama Administration’s Deadliest Scandals

Cleveland, OH – As Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton set their sights on the White House, Monday night’s speaker lineup at the RNC convention in Cleveland gave us a reminder of the Obama administration’s deadliest scandals. Operation Fast and Furious:  The family of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry delivered a message to the convention via […]

Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell Rocks GOP Convention With Powerful Speech (VIDEO)

If you missed it, you really need to see this. Retired Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, who was the subject of the 2013 film Lobe Survivor, spoke at the Republican convention tonight, giving a powerful and moving speech. Many people in the audience were moved to tears. Here’s a partial transcript from the Washington Times: Retired […]

VIDEO=> GOP CONVENTION ATTENDEES Stand and Applaud Cleveland Police in the Street

Attendees at the Republican convention applauded the police in Cleveland yesterday. That’s the proper way to thank people who put their lives on the line keeping law and order and protecting communities. Can you imagine something like this happening at the Democratic Party convention? Twitchy has the story: We challenge Dem delegates to do THIS […]

Watch: Chaos at NV Dem Convention… Team Hillary Disqualifies Bernie Delegates… Clinton, Sanders Fans Clash

Supporters of Bernie Sanders lost their cool at the Nevada Democratic convention Saturday night after the Hillary Clinton campaign successfully challenged the credentials of 60 Sanders delegates–mostly for not being official Democrats.  Videos quickly emerged online showing Sanders supporters clashing with Clinton supporters and shouting down Clinton surrogate Senator Barbara Boxer of California. According to […]

Bernie Warns DNC Over Stacking Convention in Hillary’s Favor

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) urged Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) to not stack the rules and platform committees against him at the party’s convention — and warned a mobilization of his supporters in Philadelphia if the unfairness continues. In a letter to Wasserman Schultz today, Sanders indicates that he’s following up on […]

EXCLUSIVE: Secret Agenda For The 2016 Democratic National Convention Revealed!

Cub Reporter Biff Spackle scoops the world with this exclusive, tippity-top secret agenda for the DNC. 2016 Democrat National Convention Schedule of Events  7:00 pm OPENING FLAG BURNING  7:15 pm PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED NATIONS  7:20 pm Actor Portraying Ted Kennedy PROPOSES A TOAST TO Hillary Clinton  7:25 pm OPENING ISLAMIC PRAYER – […]

What Is a Contested Convention?

This year’s presidential primary season has been a time of unforeseen events, with surprisingly strong showings by Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Bernie Sanders. Both parties have had members openly entertain the idea of holding a “contested convention,” which has not been undertaken by either Democrats or Republicans in decades. So what exactly is a […]

Cruz Hater Karl Rove: Let’s Go with a Fresh Face at the Convention!

Karl Rove, establishment hack extraordinaire, has cobbled up a new plan to deny a proven conservative (read: Ted Cruz) the nomination. In an interview with Hugh Hewitt, the former George W. Bush strategist also known as The Architect explained what he and his fellow establishmentarians have in mind: I think, though, that let’s say this. […]

Norway Warns Sweden Will Collapse, PM Will Defy Geneva Convention To Protect Border

As you might have heard, Sweden has a refugee problem. We’ve spent quite a bit of time documenting the country’s trials and travails over the course of the last 12 months during which time Sweden has taken on more than 160,000 asylum seekers. Last month, on the heels of reports from Germany that men of […]
