July 26, 2024

MSNBC’s Hayes: Lots of People, Including Me, Are ‘Permanently Scarred’ by Trump’s 2016 Victory

MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes said Wednesday on his show “All In” that many people, including him, were “permanently scarred” by Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential victory. Hayes said, “Even by the standards of our time, of this day and age in the avalanche of news and spectacle, this sort of dizzying clawing for your attention the

ChatGTP confession: Global warming? Not much since 2016

ChatGPT proves A.I. more dangerous than we think New York attorney and writer Alexander Zubatov weighs in on how A.I. is rapidly changing society and says he’s concerned about A.I. being used as a weapon against dissent on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’  The popular artificial intelligence bot ChatGPT was forced to admit that global warming has […]

Report: Marxist Black Lives Matter Co-founder Bought Four Homes since 2016

Patrisse Khan-Cullors, one of the co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement and a “trained Marxist,” is reported to have bought four homes over the past several years, as her activist profile grew and protests raged around the country. Last week, real estate website Dirt.com reported that the “37-year-old social justice visionary” Khan-Cullors had bought…

Democrat Raphael Warnock in 2016 Condemned White Christians, Called Trump a ‘Fascist, Racist, Sexist Xenophobe’

HUSD Centennial Convocation Symposium Lecture Georgia Senate Democrat candidate Raphael Warnock in 2016 criticized white evangelical Christians and Catholics for supporting President Donald Trump. Warnock also charged that Trump campaigned in 2016 as a “fascist, racist, sexist xenophobe.” Warnock delivered a lecture at the Howard University School of Divinity on November 16, 2016, right after…

Tucker Carlson: Google executive clearly wanted Hillary elected in 2016 — What is big tech planning now?

On, Monday Tucker Carlson shares the alleged threat Russia poses to our election has become an obsession. Also, Tucker exposes Google political agenda to increase voter’s turnout in favor of the Clinton campaign in the last election. For two years, the alleged threat that Russia poses to our elections has been official Washington’s obsession. The […]

Soros-Backed Priorities USA Requests 2016 Ballots Via ‘United Impact Group’

The nonprofit arm of Priorities USA is undertaking a massive effort to collect voting data in Michigan by requesting copies of ballots cast in the 2016 elections across the state—but is doing so via an opaque limited liability company and not under the actual name of the group, whose super PAC counts George Soros as […]

New Evidence Provides Additional Support that the UK Interfered with the 2016 US Election More Than Russia!

In May TGP reported… New evidence proves that a foreign government meddled in the 2016 US Election. But the government identified is the UK, not Russia! We shared the following: After more than a year of the Mueller investigation, millions of dollars and the Mainstream Media’s (MSM) relentless attack on President Trump, what do we have? […]

Chairman Nunes Calls For Testimony From 17 FBI, DOJ Officials On FISA Abuse During 2016 Election.

House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) is calling for 17 FBI and DOJ officials to testify on Capitol Hill about FISA abuse during the 2016 presidential election. FBI lovebirds Lisa Page and Peter Strzok are among the officials Nunes is calling to testify. Fox News reported: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., wants 17 […]

Judicial Watch: Newly Uncovered Strzok Email Suggests Decision Not to Prosecute Hillary Clinton Made in April 2016.

On Thursday, conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained 16 new FBI documents relating to the Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting. In the latest batch of newly uncovered docs is an email from Trump-hating FBI agent Peter Strzok suggesting the decision to exonerate Hillary Clinton from her criminal email investigation was made in April of 2016. As previously reported, […]

BREAKING: DOJ Inspector General Says Investigation Into FBI Misconduct During the 2016 Presidential Election is Ongoing.

The Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General released a semi-annual report to Congress Friday morning showing the review into how the FBI handled a number of issues, including the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information and matters during the 2016 presidential election, is ongoing. Semiannual Report describes ongoing reviews, including: […]

Who Is Stefan Halper? Meet the ‘FBI Informant’ Inside Trump’s 2016 Campaign.

Last week, reports indicated Stefan Halper, a Cambridge professor and longtime aide to some of Washington’s most powerful figures, was outed as an FBI informant planted inside Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. The New York Post writes: Halper made his first overture when he met with Page at a British symposium. The two remained in […]

Here’s How Much The Federal Government Paid Alleged Trump Campaign ‘Spy’ In 2016

More details have begun to emerge about the Cambridge professor who allegedly acted as an FBI informant on the Trump campaign, including how much money the federal government paid him in 2016, when he was allegedly attempting to draw out information from campaign advisers about “collusion” with Russia. According to public records, Stefan Halper, a […]

NEW BOOK: Hillary Clinton Went On ‘F**k-Laced’ Tirade Against Trump During 2016 Debate Prep

A new book claims Hillary Clinton melted down during debate preparation against Donald Trump in 2016. Amy Chozick, who covered Clinton for The New York Times during the 2016 campaign, wrote in her book that Hillary went on expletive-laced rants against her staff. The Guardian reports that Chozick wrote, “Aides understood that in order to keep it […]

TOTAL LOSERS: DNC Suing Trump Campaign, Russia, And Wikileaks For Colluding To Win 2016 Election.

They still can’t get over it. They can’t. The talking heads for the Democratic Party say let’s move on from 2016, but Hillary Clinton, her inner circle, and the Democratic National Committee keep bringing us back there. In the process, they reopen the wounds of 2016, the internal campaign strife, the rift with the progressive […]

BREAKING: Trump Sanctions Russian Nationals For Meddling In 2016 Presidential Election.

President Donald Trump’s administration will sanction 19 Russian nationals for meddling in the 2016 presidential election, multiple senior national security officials told reporters Thursday morning. The sanctions will also target Russian nationals and entities for cyber attacks on the U.S. energy grid along with other U.S. based companies and persons. The sanctions include new authorities […]

Breaking: Australian Labor Party Sent Operatives to Work Against Trump During 2016 Campaign …When Will They Be Indicted?

It is well documented that the Australian Labor Party sent staffers to work against Donald Trump in the 2016 campaign. The story was well documented and raised a bit of a stink in Australia because the operatives were funded by Aussie taxpayers. When will Dirty Cop Robert Mueller indict these foreign nationals? This makes the […]

Immigrants Sent $140 Billion From U.S. Back To Homelands in 2016.

Legal and illegal immigrants wired almost $140 billion from the United States back to their home countries and foreign relatives in 2016. The huge loss of domestic spending by of immigrants’ remittances is spotlighted in a new report by the Pew Research Center, which also noted that $6.5 billion was sent back to the United States […]

Senate Judiciary Chair Grassley Confirms Russia Dossier “Unverified in 2016” When Obama FBI Used it to Obtain FISA Warrant to Spy on Trump.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) confirmed Wednesday from the Senate floor the Russia dossier was “unverified in 2016” when Obama’s FBI/DOJ used it to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his private associates. Paul Sperry of the New York Post reported: “BREAKING: Senate Judiciary chair Grassley today from floor of Senate […]

WSJ: There’s Mounting Evidence of 2016 Election Meddling Coming From the FBI.

There is something rotten at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I mean all of this is just absurd. We have two FBI agents texting one another, one of which is having an extramarital affair with the other, cryptically talking about “insurance” against a Trump presidency. That text between these two agents was delivered on August […]

Total Losers: Yep, Anti-Trump Voters Just Threw A Nationwide Tantrum On Anniversary of 2016 Election

Enjoy: Here Are Some Anti-Trump Voters Who Shouted At The Sky On Anniversary Of Hillary’s Stunning Defeat We said this was going to happen and now it’s over. In case you missed it, Wednesday marked the one-year anniversary of Donald Trump beating Hillary Clinton. It was one of the most stunning upsets in American political […]

One Year After 2016 Election – Economy Is on Fire – Trump Keeps Promises – Americans Winning Again!

President Trump kept his promises.  The US Economy is on fire! Candidate Trump said in April of 2016 in Buffalo, New York – We’re going to win so much you’re going to get tired of winning.  You’re going to be saying from Buffalo, “Please, please Mr. President we don’t want anymore business.  We’re doing too […]

Major Networks Ignore Donna Brazile Claim that DNC Rigged 2016 Primary for Clinton

The Big Three networks, ABC, CBS and NBC ignored claims by former Democratic National Chairwoman  and Clinton supporter Donna Brazile that the organization rigged the 2016 Democratic primary in Clinton’s favor. In an excerpt of her new book, “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House,” […]

Paul Manafort Indicted on 12 Counts Unrelated to 2016 Campaign

The first indictment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “Russia Investigation” was unveiled Monday morning against Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump’s campaign manager from March to August of 2016, and his partner Richard Gates. The charges, first teased Friday, bear no immediate connection to the Trump campaign or the 2016 presidential race more broadly. Instead, the […]

Police Were Assaulted Nearly 60,000 Times In 2016

Nearly 60,000 officers across the United States were assaulted in the line of duty in 2016, according to FBI statistics released Monday. The FBI released its annual report on law enforcement officers killed or assaulted and showed that 118 officers died or were killed and 57,180 were assaulted in 2016, roughly one in 10. The […]

Markets Hit Another Record! DOW Has Increased 23% Since Election of President Trump on November 8th, 2016

It’s Official – the US Stock Market Reached Another All Time High Today – The Markets Under President Trump Have Now Increased the All Time Highs to More than 22,500! * The DOW has risen 23% since the election on November 8th. (On November 9th the DOW closed at 18,332 – on October 2nd the DOW closed at […]

Figures. Trump Bashing San Juan Mayor Was Big Hillary Clinton Supporter in 2016

Just four days ago San Juan, Puerto Rico Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz Soto praised FEMA for the work on the island. Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Irma and then Hurricane Maria a categaory 5 monster hurricane two weeks later. But Caren Yuliz Cruz Soto is a Democrat so she expects everything to be given […]

Clinton Book Offers Laundry List of Excuses for Why She Lost in 2016

An angry Hillary Clinton was quick to blame a host of factors Sunday for why she lost the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump, the interview coming days before the release of her 500-page campaign post-mortem. Clinton, whose book What Happened is to be released September 12, told CBS News in an interview the many reasons […]

Hillary: I Take Responsibility For 2016 Loss, But Sexism, Biden, Sanders, Comey, And Obama Helped Me Lose

Well, the release of What Happened is upon us. If you thought Hillary Clinton would take responsibility for the 2016 loss, you were right. If you thought she would also heavily pepper it with blaming others for that defeat—you would also be correct. There’s always a “but” with this lady. I take responsibility, but so-and-so […]

BOMBSHELL: FBI, DHS Warned About Antifa In Early 2016. Obama Said Nothing.

In a bombshell, Politico reported on Friday that the federal government has been worrying about the rise of Antifa since “early 2016,” and even labeled their activities “domestic terrorist violence” — yet the Obama administration said nothing publicly about Antifa despite ample opportunity to do so. According to Politico: Previously unreported documents disclose that by […]

Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016

Employees of a hedge fund founded by the king of the Institutional Left, billionaire and Democratic Party mega-donor George Soros, donated tens of thousands of dollars to top Republicans who fought against President Donald Trump in 2016, donation records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics show. Soros Fund Management, a former hedge fund that […]
