July 26, 2024

Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell poisoned the minds of American people: Devin Nunes

Former House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes joined “Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy” to weigh in on Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy blocking California Democrats Reps. Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff from appointments to the committee, saying McCarthy was “absolutely” right in doing so. “I think it’s very important, one of the things […]

Watch: ‘My Son Hunter’ Full Theatrical Trailer Premiere and Truth Social Panel Discussion Hosted by Devin Nunes with Donald Trump Jr., Robert Davi, Peter Schweizer, and Alex Marlow

Watch the world premiere of the full theatrical trailer for the highly anticipated feature film My Son Hunter broadcast tonight on Truth Social at 9:00 p.m. ET. Stay tuned after the trailer debut for an all-star panel discussion hosted by Truth Social CEO and former California congressman Devin Nunes. The panelists are: Donald Trump Jr.;…

Nunes: Democrats Will Further Weaponize Intel Community Against ‘Domestic Extremists’

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, Pool House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes (R-CA) said Republicans expect Democrats to further weaponize the intelligence community against “domestic extremists,” much as how they used it to further the Russia collusion hoax against former President Donald Trump. Nunes said in his opening statement at Thursday’s committee hearing on worldwide threats:…

Nunes Plans Criminal Referrals To DOJ Following Release Of Strzok’s Internal FBI Messages

Rep. Devin Nunes accused the Justice Department and FBI officials of misleading Congress regarding documents Republicans sought as part of their investigation into abuse of the FISA program.  Nunes said Sunday that he plans to submit criminal referrals to the Justice Department regarding information found in newly declassified FBI messages from Peter Strzok.  Nunes said…

TRUMP FIRES WARNING SHOT AT DEEP STATE: Devin Nunes to Release Depositions from 70 Witnesses Before Election (VIDEO)

Rep. Devin Nunes: We believe those depositions need to be published before the November election: “I think full transparency is in order here.” House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday morning to discuss the ongoing investigation into the Obama administration interference in the 2016 elections. Rep. Devin Nunes: Maria, the American people […]

Devin Nunes says ‘pay close attention’: Top Obama DOJ official Bruce Ohr will become ‘more and more important’

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said on Monday that Bruce Ohr, a former top official in the Justice Department, will become “more and more important” as GOP lawmakers look for evidence of power abuse and corruption at the highest levels of the Obama administration. “I think people should pay close attention to it,” […]

Chairman Devin Nunes: American People Will Be “Shocked” If Remaining Pages of Carter Page FISA Application are Unredacted…

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes told Maria Bartiromo today that the American public will be “shocked” when/if we see the remaining blacked out portions of the FBI’s FISA Title-1 Surveillance Application against Carter Page. The House Intelligence, Judiciary and Oversight committees have requested that President Trump declassify 21 additional pages from […]

Congressman Nunes: “Electronic Voting Systems … Are Really Dangerous”

Congressman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, described electronic voting systems as dangerous during an interview on Hill TV that was aired Thursday. Buck Sexton asked Nunes how confident he was that the election process would be secure this fall. Nunes responded: The one thing that we have been worried about for […]

House Intel Chair Devin Nunes: Mueller Indictment Left Out Russians Also Targeted Republicans (VIDEO)

House Intelligence Committee Chairman joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures to discuss Mueller’s junk indictments on Friday.Rep. Nunes told Maria Bartiromo every bit of the Mueller Special Counsel indictments were already published by the House Intelligence Committee in April. Dirty cop Robert Mueller indicted 12 more Russians on Friday in his ongoing witch hunt to discredit […]

Lisa Page Testimony Highlights Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Lied To Chairman Devin Nunes…

On January 3rd, 2018, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes and DOJ Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein entered an agreement for witness testimony.   One of those witnesses was FBI Attorney Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe’s former special counsel. href=”http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/01/04/doj-deal-gives-nunes-access-to-all-documents-witnesses-sought-in-russia-probe-letter-says.html” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>WASHINGTON – January 4th – House investigators will get access this week to “all remaining investigative documents” […]

Devin Nunes looks ready to dismantle deep state.

Is Devin Nunes out to dismantle Deep State? Sure looks that way, based on the torrent of referrals he has made to seek testimony from a combined total of 42 Obama minions, all of whose names came up in a series of three letters sent to fellow House chairmen outlining the names of those that […]

Devin Nunes: Democrats “Have All the Blood on Their Hands – They Completely Destroyed the FBI and DOJ” (VIDEO)

Last week Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) called for 17 FBI and DOJ officials to testify on Capitol Hill about FISA abuse during the 2016 presidential election. FBI lovebirds Lisa Page and Peter Strzok are among the officials Nunes is calling to testify. On Monday Nunes went on with Laura Ingraham to discuss the upcoming testimony […]

Chairman Nunes Calls For Testimony From 17 FBI, DOJ Officials On FISA Abuse During 2016 Election.

House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) is calling for 17 FBI and DOJ officials to testify on Capitol Hill about FISA abuse during the 2016 presidential election. FBI lovebirds Lisa Page and Peter Strzok are among the officials Nunes is calling to testify. Fox News reported: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., wants 17 […]

The Deep State Mob Targets Nunes

In an absurd tweet on Wednesday, Lawfare’s executive director suggested that Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) should be replaced as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee: This is a hugely significant story. DOJ and the IC do not trust the HPSCI chair to protect sources and methods that directly risk human lives. Nunes simply cannot continue […]

Just what is the FBI hiding in its refusal to fork over documents for Nunes committee?

House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes is threatening another legal fight, this time over the Rosetta Stone of the Russia collusion investigation: the FBI document, (or E.C., for electronic communication) showing exactly what triggered it. According to the Daily Wire: On Wednesday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) sent a letter to Deputy Attorney General […]

Devin Nunes: Deep State FBI and DOJ Fought Hard to Hide from Congress that Hillary and DNC Paid for Crap Dossier.

House Intel Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) joined Lou Dobbs on Wednesday to discuss the unprecedented resistance by Deep State FBI and DOJ to hide the truth about the Russian dossier. For months the deep state refused to cooperate with Congressional leaders on who funded the poorly written Russian hit-piece on Donald Trump. Rep. […]

Nunes: FBI May Have Violated Criminal Statutes In FISA Application To Spy On Trump Adviser Carter Page

The FBI may have violated criminal statutes, as well as its own strict internal procedures, by using unverified information during the 2016 election to obtain a surveillance warrant on onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee charged Thursday in a letter obtained by Fox News. House Intelligence Committee Chairman […]

Nunes says Obama was in cahoots with Russia

WASHINGTON – House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes is blaming former President Obama for being in cahoots with Russia for eight years and setting the stage for orchestrating a conspiracy theory of collusion between Moscow and Donald Trump during the 2016 election. “We went through a whole European infrastructure consolidation process of military installations across […]

How the Criminal Referral on Christopher Steele Corroborates the Nunes FISA Memo.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., (Photo By Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call via AP Images) A criminal referral on Christopher Steele by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), sent on Jan. 4 to the Justice Department and the FBI, is now declassified — and it helps corroborate the claims in the […]

Exclusive: CIA Ex-Director Brennan’s Perjury Peril

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes next plans to investigate the role former CIA Director John Brennan and other Obama intelligence officials played in promoting the salacious and unverified Steele dossier on Donald Trump — including whether Brennan perjured himself in public testimony about it. In his May 2017 testimony before the intelligence panel, Brennan […]

Here’s the FISA Memo Nobody’s Talking About. It’s Much More Damning Than the Much-Discussed Nunes Version.

WSJ Columnist: Why is the Media Ignoring the Real Bombshell FISA Memo? We’ll bring you Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberly Strassel’s tweetstorm in a moment, but I’ll take a stab at answering her question about the media right out of the gate.  Three possibilities: (1) The GOP hyped the Nunes memo, which quickly became the center […]

I Wrote Hundreds of Warrants. Here’s Why the Nunes Memo Is Troubling.

FBI Director James Comey (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio, File) Since the release of the Nunes Memo on Friday, people on both sides of the political divide have been laboring to persuade the public that the facts alleged therein are, or are not, proof of sinister (or at least questionable) motives on the part of some in […]

Nunes: ‘Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton Campaign Colluded with the Russians’

Rep. Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, declared Monday evening that there was “clear evidence of collusion” with the Russians — but it was on the Democratic side. During an appearance on Fox News’ Hannity, Nunes blasted the mainstream media, calling their failure to report honestly on the growing scandal “embarrassing.” […]

The Facts Currently Known About Nunes Memo, FBI Bias Accusations.

On Friday, the House Intelligence Committee released the so-called Nunes memo, after Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the chairman of that committee. The much-anticipated, four-page memo was advertised as containing “shocking” and “jaw-dropping” evidence of abuse by the FBI in seeking an order (and three subsequent renewal orders) from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to spy […]

16 Bombshells in the Nunes Memo the Media Do Not Want You to Know About.

In its partisan zeal to protect the ongoing witch hunt against President Trump, our Nixonian media went into hyper-drive last week to ensure that the unethical and un-American behavior of President Obama’s FBI and Justice Department remained covered up from the public. After this cynical effort failed with the release of the Nunes memo Friday, […]

The Most Extreme Democratic Responses to the Nunes Memo.

The highly-anticipated memo has finally been released to the public and Democrats are blasting it as an untrustworthy partisan political tool. A statement released by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi refers to the document as “Nunes’ partisan spin memo” and expresses her disapproval with the president, declaring that “he just sent his friend Putin a […]

Brett Baier Interviews Devin Nunes After HPSCI Memo Release.

I have been a treeper for a few years but never commented before. I feel I need to after today. I am a Canadian and I have a fairly long message, hope you don’t mind. I think a few key things this memo surfaces and needs to be hi-lighted and we have to wake the […]

“Destruction of Evidence” – A Transparently Obvious Direction.

All of the evidence points in one transparently obvious direction; toward a 2016 collaborative effort structured to use a counterintelligence operation to conduct wiretaps and surveillance on the presidential campaign of candidate Donald Trump. House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte appears on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo to discuss his ongoing investigation into the DOJ […]

Democrats Target Nunes After He Reveals Trump Transition Team Was Surveilled

Democrats are running a smear campaign against House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), after he revealed last week that members of Trump’s transition team were caught up in “incidental surveillance” targeting foreigners. Nunes’ revelation appeared to bolster President Trump’s assertion that the former Obama administration had spied on the incoming president. But now Democrats […]
