July 26, 2024

Tim Scott rolls out bill to protect sensitive military and intel sites, strengthen review process

EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., is introducing a measure that would “protect our bases” by requiring government agencies to ensure that updated information on sensitive military and intelligence sites is provided to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) so that the panel can properly assess the national security risk of certain […]

House Intel chair touts upcoming special counsel testimony

Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio) said he wanted to assure accountability in investigative processes. | Efrem Lukatsky/AP Photo House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner said Sunday that he hopes that testimony from special counsel John Durham about his recent investigation will shed light on government misconduct. Speaking on CNN’s “State of the Union,” the Ohio Republican

Russia threatens Ukraine eastern supply lines as it has ‘likely’ seized Bakhmut town center: UK intel

Russian forces are threatening a key supply route for Ukrainian troops and have “likely” seized the center of Bakhmut after more than six months of brutal fighting over the town, the U.K. defense ministry said Friday.  Russian troops, largely led by Wagner mercenary forces, have been attempting to encircle the town to pinch it from […]

Ukraine Sees ‘Significant’ Victory in Kharkiv, UK Intel Claims Russian Army ‘Taken by Surprise’

Ukraine is reportedly on the precipice of a major victory, with its counter-offensive around the eastern city of Kharkiv (Kharkov) unexpectedly putting the Russian army on the back foot. According to British intelligence, Russian forces appear to have been “taken by surprise” by the Ukrainians, who have reportedly advanced “up to 5src kilometres (31 miles)

Nunes: Democrats Will Further Weaponize Intel Community Against ‘Domestic Extremists’

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, Pool House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes (R-CA) said Republicans expect Democrats to further weaponize the intelligence community against “domestic extremists,” much as how they used it to further the Russia collusion hoax against former President Donald Trump. Nunes said in his opening statement at Thursday’s committee hearing on worldwide threats:…

McCarthy Calls For Entire Intel Committee To Receive Briefing On Alleged Swalwell Spy

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Sunday that every member of the House Intelligence Committee should receive a classified briefing from the FBI about Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell’s connections to a alleged Chinese spy. McCarthy told Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” that the Friday briefing concerning Swalwell’s relationship with an accused Chinese spy is…

Here’s The Latest Intel On The Georgia Senate Races

Georgia flipped blue for the first time since the 1992 presidential race, making the senate runoff races critical for Republicans who want to maintain control of the Senate and retain significant power in the political arena. Here’s what’s going on. Incumbent Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue and Democratic challengers Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon…

Senate Intel Chairman Burr: 19 Months Into Investigation, Still No Evidence of Russian Collusion.

Senate Intel Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) Chairman of the Senate Intel Committee Richard Burr once again came out and defended President Trump against Russia witch hunt. Burr, no ally of the President said on Wednesday in a FOX News interview that 19 months into the investigation and he has seen no evidence that Donald Trump […]

Intel Chair: FBI, DOJ Obstructing Trump Probe in Hope of Dem Takeover in Congress.

The chair of the House Intelligence Committee accused the FBI and Department of Justice of stonewalling a sprawling investigation into claims the Trump campaign colluded with Russia with the hope of running out the clock until the November elections, when they anticipate Democrats will regain control of the House and dissolve an ongoing probe that […]

House Intel Chair Devin Nunes: Mueller Indictment Left Out Russians Also Targeted Republicans (VIDEO)

House Intelligence Committee Chairman joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures to discuss Mueller’s junk indictments on Friday.Rep. Nunes told Maria Bartiromo every bit of the Mueller Special Counsel indictments were already published by the House Intelligence Committee in April. Dirty cop Robert Mueller indicted 12 more Russians on Friday in his ongoing witch hunt to discredit […]

Mueller Indicts 12 Russian Intel Officials For Hacking DNC, Hillary Campaign

The DOJ announced charges against 12 Russian intelligence officers for hacking offenses during the 2016 presidential election. The indictments were announced by Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein as part of Mueller’s counsel probe into potential coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia. The charges include conspiracy to commit an offense against the U.S., conspiracy to launder […]

James A. Wolfe, former Senate Intel panel security director, indicted for allegedly lying to FBI.

A former security director for the Senate Intelligence Committee — who was in charge of maintaining all classified information from the Executive Office to the panel — was indicted for allegedly giving false statements to FBI agents looking into possible leaks to reporters, the Justice Department announced Thursday night. James A. Wolfe, 58, served as […]

Jeff Sessions Delivers: DOJ Nails Senate Intel Committee’s Security Chief as Deep State Leaker.

Senior Justice Department officials announced late Thursday criminal charges against Senate Intelligence Committee’s long-time director of security James Wolfe. The indictment charges Wolfe with making false statements to the FBI and details how Wolfe passed classified information, including presumably information related to one-time Trump campaign aide Carter Page, to a series of media outlets, confirming […]

BREAKING: Senate Intel Committee Employee Charged In Media Leaks Investigation.

Law enforcement officials arrested former security director for the Senate Intelligence Committee James Wolfe on Thursday for allegedly lying to federal agents in the FBI’s investigation into illegal leaks to the media. A federal grand jury indicted the 58-year-old “on three counts of making false statements in December about contacts with reporters, including providing sensitive […]

Former Obama Intel Czar: ‘A Good Thing’ The FBI Was Spying On Trump Campaign. Also, They Weren’t Spying.

Since The Daily Caller, The Washington Post, and The New York Timesreported that the Federal Bureau of Investigation were spying on the Trump campaign the linguistic gymnastics the liberal news media has employed to say that none of this happened is astounding. There was no spy, there was just an informant trying to gather information […]

BREAKING: House Intel Committee Votes Unanimously to Release Dem Spin Memo – Schiff Spreads More Lies (VIDEO)

On Monday, suspected leaker Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) announced the House Intel Committee voted unanimously to release the Democrat spin memo. The Democrats penned a 10-page memo in response to Nunes’ damning 4-page FISA memo which was released Friday. Suspected leaker Adam Schiff was happy to announce the House Intel Committee voted unanimously to release […]

Here’s what the controversial House Intel surveillance memo says.

The controversial memo purportedly detailing federal surveillance abuses was declassified and released Friday following approval from President Trump. Compiled by the House Intelligence Committee leadership, the memo states that surveillance warrants used on an American citizen was largely requested due to controversial dossier produced by Fusion GPS, a firm that was at one point hired […]

‘SHOCKING’ – The Classified House Intel Memo That Is Rocking Washington.

GOP Lawmakers Shocked By House Intel Report Alleging Surveillance Abuse A classified House Intelligence Committee memo viewed by Republican lawmakers Thursday has been described as “shocking” and “explosive” by the congressmen who read it. National security journalist and Fox News contributor Sara Carter reported Thursday that the memo shows “extensive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse.” The […]

Fusion GPS Admits They Used Dopey Trump-Hater John McCain to Pass Russian Dossier to Intel Community.

Fusion GPS knew they needed to find an extremely gullible politician to pass on their fake dossier about Trump hiring hookers to piss on bed to the US intelligence community… And they found one! John McCain was more than eager to pass the ridiculous document to the intelligence community out of his unhinged hatred for […]

House Intel Committee Chair Tears Into DOJ & FBI for Stalling, Lying About Russia Dossier Subpoenas

Back in August, congressional subpoenas were issued to the DOJ, seeking documents and testimony relating to the scandalous (and uncorroborated) Fusion GPS dossier. The deadline of those subpoenas was ignored, and the DOJ claimed that the documents in question did not exist. Unfortunately, that was a lie. At least, that’s the claim made by House […]

Former Intel Watchdog Says Hillary’s Allies Threatened Him Over Email Probe – VIDEO

Former federal intelligence watchdog Charles McCullough on Fox News. Image via YouTube A former government watchdog says Hillary Clinton’s campaign threatened retribution against him and his loved ones when he raised concerns about classified info on Clinton’s private email server while it was being investigated in 2016. “There was personal blowback. Personal blowback to me, […]

Here We Go: House Intel Chairman Opens Investigation Into Russian Uranium Deal Tied to Clintons

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes announced Tuesday morning he will look into a Uranium deal struck by the Russians, at the direction of Vladimir Putin, while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. .@DevinNunes: "We are here today to announce an inquiry into Russia's involvement into the uranium deal that was done several years ago." […]

BREAKING: Senate Intel Investigating ‘Fake News’ Reporting On Russia Probe

The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Thursday that some news outlets will be left “with egg on their face” over their reporting on the Russia investigation. North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr issued the warning in an interview with CNN. He had been asked to respond to a tweet from President Trump calling on […]

Obama Admin Hid Intel on Iranian Militants in Syria to Push Nuclear Deal

The Obama administration, so bent on ramming through its Iran deal and ensuring it could work with the country’s airline industry, “likely hid information” about the Islamic Republic “illicitly ferrying militants into Syria on commercial aircraft,” reports the Free Beacon. Citing lawmakers and sources privy to information concerning President Obama’s Iran-dealings, the Beacon summarizes thusly: […] Congressional leaders are […]

EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Obama Official Responds To Allegations She Spread Trump Intel [VIDEO]

A former Obama administration official is responding in an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller to recent claims that she helped disseminate intelligence about Donald Trump and his advisers throughout the federal government. Evelyn Farkas, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia until 2015, says she had no hand in […]

Circa: Obama Intel Changes Could Have Allowed NSA Intercepts Of Americans To Fall Victim To ‘Political Espionage’

Was Donald Trump wiretapped? Was the transition team under surveillance? There are more questions than answers, especially with the latter question, but one thing is clear: our intelligence community caught the Trump transition team through incidental collection. John Solomon and Sara Carter of Circa News reported that those logs are expected to be turned over […]

House Intel Chairman Visited Secure Facility On White House Grounds Before Announcement

The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee visited the White House grounds to view highly sensitive information last week, on the night before he announced that he had received bombshell information about Obama administration surveillance of then-President-elect Donald Trump. Devin Nunes, a California Republican, acknowledged to CNN that he visited a secure facility on White […]

They Go Low — Report: Obama Intel Officials Used ‘Russia Blackmail’ Claims to Undermine Trump Relations with Israel

TEL AVIV – U.S. intelligence officials warned their Israeli counterparts not to trust President-elect Donald Trump with intelligence secrets, citing alleged fears that Russia held blackmail information over Trump, according to a report today in Israel’s respected Yediot Ahronot daily newspaper. The alleged blackmail information that U.S. officials reportedly warned Israel about seems to be […]

US Intel Says Russian Hacking ‘Not Involved’ In Targeting Vote Tallies

The Department of Homeland security found no evidence of Russian attempts to influence the vote tally of the 2016 presidential election, the unclassified ODNI report released Friday says. The long anticipated report details purported Russian attempts to influence the U.S. presidential election. The ODNI report brings together the assessments of the nations 17 intelligence agencies […]

Obama Lectures Trump for “Flying Blind” w/o Intel Briefings – But SKIPPED HALF of His (VIDEO)

President Obama went on The Daily Show on Monday to lecture racist Americans on Jim Crow and colonialism. He also took a potshot at Donald Trump who announced he would likely prefer just one defense briefing a week. Barack Obama: I think the president-elect may say one thing and do another once he’s here because […]
