July 26, 2024

‘All Allies Agree’ Ukraine Will Join NATO, Says Alliance Boss

Beata Zawrzel, LUDOVIC MARIN, Sean Gallup/Getty Images NATO reaffirms its long-term support for Ukraine and says its members all agree the nation will join the alliance, but not while the war is ongoing, and not before it has reformed. The Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Jens Stoltenberg again spoke of NATO

Report: Biden Administration ‘Scrambling’ to Assure Allies that Ukraine Aid Will Continue

The Biden administration is “scrambling” to try to assure U.S. allies that American aid to Ukraine will continue despite growing Republican opposition to it, according to a report. Four sources told Axios that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken plan to call several of their counterparts in Europe and will hold a

Biden allies say president’s ‘inability to say no’ to Hunter caused ‘avoidable political distractions’: Report

Allies of the president reportedly told the New York Times that Joe Biden’s “inability to say no” to his son, Hunter Biden, with regard to his business dealings has caused “avoidable political distractions.”  The report says that his allies “have privately criticized Mr. Biden’s apparent inability to say no when Hunter sought to pull him […]

McConnell quickly convenes with allies after second public freeze

Mitch McConnell’s latest health scare guarantees Republican senators will return from recess next week just as they left — publicly and privately discussing the future of their 81-year-old leader. The Senate GOP leader paused for roughly 3src seconds during a press availability in Kentucky, a little more than a month after a similar episode in

GOP Sen. Mullin on OPEC Cut: Biden Has Increased Dependence on China’s Allies, Countries Cozying up to Iran

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Bottom Line,” Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) reacted to OPEC+’s announcement that it will cut production by pointing to Saudi Arabia’s recent China-brokered deal with Iran and arguing that President Joe Biden’s energy policy has now made us more dependent on China’s allies. Mullin said, “He cut 8srcsrc,srcsrcsrc

Biden’s ‘Summit for Democracy’ Attracts Apathy from Allies, Mockery from Dictatorships

The U.S. State Department’s second Summit for Democracy, running from Tuesday to Thursday this week, was a disappointing affair — snubbed outright by Pakistan and mocked by the rising authoritarian powers of China and Russia. Pakistan pulled out of the summit at the last minute, stating it could “promote and strengthen diplomatic principles” just fine on

Actress Charisma Carpenter Pens 17 Commandments for ‘Allies’ of Abuse Victims

Actress Charisma Carpenter was inundated with phone calls, emails, public comments, and private messages of support in response to her open letter detailing the psychological abuse she allegedly suffered from director Joss Whedon on the sets of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Hoping to add her two cents to create an “evolved, empathetic society,”…

‘An Absurd Deflection’: McConnell Accuses Trump Allies Of Using 74 Million Voters ‘As A Human Shield’

February 13, 2021 7:56 PM ET Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell accused former President Donald Trump’s allies of using 74 million voters as “a human shield against criticism.” McConnell lashed out at former President Donald Trump and his associates during a Saturday speech at the end of the impeachment trial. He defended his own “not…

NYT: Trump Allies Gave Documents On Hunter Biden To The Wall Street Journal

Before the New York Post broke the story about Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop, Trump allies and one of Hunter Biden’s business partners, met with a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reporter to discuss a similar story, The New York Times (NYT) reported. Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender reportedly met with White House lawyer Eric Herschmann,…

Warning: Russia/China Owning The Arctic, U.S., Allies Behind

Hat tip to Senator Sullivan of Alaska for recognizing the mission and threat of Russia so much that he brought legislative attention to Russia’s military activity in the Arctic. As a side note, this activity is not without China participating with Russia. As noted below from the NDAA 2019: Senator Sullivan included a number of […]

Trump Administration Slaps New Steel and Aluminum Tariffs on Major Allies.

The Trump administration slapped new steel and aluminum tariffs on Europe, Canada and Mexico Thursday morning after President Trump issued a proclamation from the White House laying out the terms. “Today, President Donald J. Trump signed two proclamations, which note that measures are in place to address the impairment to the national security threatened by […]

Trump, allies praise Syria strikes as Moscow seethes.

A Syrian soldier inspects the wreckage of a building described as part of the Scientific Studies and Research Centre (SSRC) compound in the Barzeh district north of Damascus, during a press tour organised by the Syrian government after US-led strikes (AFP Photo/LOUAI BESHARA) Washington (United States) (AFP) – US President Donald Trump and his British […]

U.S. strikes on Syria, launched in concert with British, French allies, are “now underway.”

President Donald Trump says the United States has “launched precision strikes” on targets associated with Syrian chemical weapons program. Trump spoke from the White House Friday night. He says a “combined operation” with France and the United Kingdom is underway. Trump says that last Saturday, Syrian President Bashar Assad deployed chemical weapons in what was […]

Trump Puts Off Syria Strike Decision, Will Consult with Allies.

WASHINGTON (AP) — US President Donald Trump on Thursday put off a final decision on possible military strikes against Syria after tweeting earlier that they could happen “very soon or not so soon at all.” The White House said he would consult further with allies. US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis warned such an attack carried […]

Colombia Probes Voter Registration Cyberattacks Traced to Russia’s Allies

Colombian government and military officials say the government is investigating tens of thousands of cyberattacks on the country’s voter registration systems, and traced the incidents to Russia’s key allies in the region. More than 50,000 attacks on the web platform of Colombia’s national voter registry were detected during the run-up to March 11 parliamentary elections, […]

Trump Warns European Allies: Fix Iran Nuclear Deal’s ‘Disastrous Flaws’ — or America Withdraws.

WASHINGTON, DC – President Donald Trump’s decision to keep the United States in the Iran nuclear deal on Friday was coupled with a warning to his European allies: “Fix the deal’s disastrous flaws, or the United States will withdraw.” “Despite my strong inclination, I have not yet withdrawn the United States from the Iran nuclear […]

Clinton Allies Paid Firm $700K For Women Who’d Accuse Trump Of Sexual Misconduct Week Before Election.

Two close Clinton allies dumped at least $700,000 to prominent sexual harassment lawyer Lisa Bloom to fund women willing to accuse then-candidate Donald Trump of sexual misconduct the week before the presidential election, reports The New York Times. David Brock — a Democratic operative and the founder of left-wing Media Matters, described by the Times […]

Former Intel Watchdog Says Hillary’s Allies Threatened Him Over Email Probe – VIDEO

Former federal intelligence watchdog Charles McCullough on Fox News. Image via YouTube A former government watchdog says Hillary Clinton’s campaign threatened retribution against him and his loved ones when he raised concerns about classified info on Clinton’s private email server while it was being investigated in 2016. “There was personal blowback. Personal blowback to me, […]

WATCH: Netanyahu – Four Million Lives Would’ve Been Saved If Allies Had Bombed Death Camps Immediately.

TEL AVIV – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday slammed western powers during his speech on Holocaust Remembrance Day, saying that Allied powers knew of the atrocities happening to Jews in death camps and had they have acted on that knowledge they would have saved the lives of four million Jews and millions of others. […]

BREAKING: Report: Obama Allies Torpedoed Flynn to Protect Iran Deal

Extraordinary stuff from the Washington Free Beacon’s Adam Kredo — a well-sourced, solid reporter who nevertheless leans very heavily on unnamed sources to piece together this scoop. What he’s hearing is that a cabal of hardcore supporters of President Obama’s reckless and unpopular Iranian nuclear deal set their sights on Gen. Michael Flynn months ago, moving behind […]

EMAILS: Clinton Allies ‘Believe The Obama Forces’ Committed Voter Fraud In ’08

Two attorneys with close ties to the Clinton family believe then-Sen. Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign “flooded” the caucuses with “ineligible voters,” according to leaked emails. Emails hacked from Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta cites two attorneys and “old friends of the Clintons,” James Lyons and Michael Driver, tasked with “caucus protection, election protection […]

The Gathering Threat of Russia, China, and Their Allies Against America

This book discusses how President Barack Obama has made the United States a superpower in complete retreat in the world. The enemies of America, including Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, and radical Islam, do not fear President Obama. The allies of America do not trust or respect Obama to defend them from their […]

Vladimir Putin’s Russia is a Geopolitical Enemy of the United States and its Allies

Russia has been violating the START arms treaty signed with the United States and the Intermediate Missile Agreement for some time as recognized by the Department of State. President Barack Obama has not taken any action to stop dictator Vladimir Putin as he is rapidly improving Russia’s nuclear arsenal and modernizing its weapons. Bill Gertz […]

Obama’s Allies Release 6,000 Criminals into America’s Streets

President Barack Obama’s allies are releasing roughly 6,000 criminals back into America’s streets by Nov. 2, supposedly to ease “overcrowding” and to offset harsh sentences, according to the Washington Post. The new releases include roughly 2,000 criminal foreign migrants, contradicting claims that illegal immigrants don’t contribute to crime. The migrants are to be repatriated to […]

US stands by helplessly as Russia bombs the stuffing out of our rebel allies in Syria

CIA backed rebels in Syria are pleading for anti-aircraft weapons to shoot down Russian bombers who have been pounding them mercilessly for 3 days.  U.S.-backed rebels in Syria appealed to the Obama administration Friday for anti­aircraft missiles to defend their positions against relentless Russian airstrikes that have so far mostly targeted the moderate opposition to […]

Obama’s Iran Deal Violated the Constitution and Endangers the Security of the USA and its Allies

The Iran nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administration violated the Constitution. No matter what President Obama may say about his right to do executive international agreements or deals, he does not have the authority to negotiate treaties with other nations without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate. Article 2 Section 2 of […]

US blocks attempts by Arab allies to fly heavy weapons directly to Kurds to fight Islamic State

President Barack Obama pauses speaks at Taylor Stratton Elementary School in Nashville You need to have the Adobe Flash Player to view this content. Please click here to continue. • West is losing the Twitter battle with fanatics, says general • Allison Pearson: We should demand military action against Islamic State “If the Americans and […]
