July 26, 2024

Drudge Report: Trump closes Palestinians’ office in DC, citing their refusal to move forward on peace deal.

Trump closing Palestinian mission in pro-Israel move WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is closing the Palestine Liberation Organization’s mission in Washington, the latest U.S. blow against the Palestinians and an international court during the stalled Mideast peace process. Some things to know: THE GIST The administration’s move to close the PLO office in Washington […]

Pentagon withdraws $300M in funding to Pakistan’s military.

Sept. 2 (UPI) — The U.S. Department of Defense suspended $300 milllion in military funding to Pakistan, citing the country’s failure to suppress militant groups. Pentagon spokesman KonĂ© Faulkner said Saturday that the agency suspend the funding to the Coalition Support Fund, which reimburses Pakistan’s military for fighting against terrorists. “Due to a lack of […]

It’s Official: Trump Admin Announces End of U.S. Aid to UN Palestinian ‘Refugee’ Agency.

The Times of Israel reports: The Trump administration announced Friday it is cutting nearly $300 million in planned funding for the UN agency that aids Palestinian refugees, and that it would no longer fund the agency after decades of support. Instead, it said it would seek other channels by which to aid the Palestinians. The […]

U.S. Kills 220 Taliban in Four Days.

U.S. airpower killed more than 220 Taliban over the past four days, as its fighters tried to overrun the southeastern Afghanistan city of Ghazni last week, according to a spokesman for the U.S.-led NATO mission in Afghanistan. “From a U.S. Forces-Afghanistan perspective, U.S. airpower has killed more than 220 Taliban since August 10,” said Resolute […]

Hamas, Thanks to Iran, Just Launched Hundreds of Rockets at Innocent Israelis.

In recent days Islamic terrorist organization Hamas, which is funded and sponsored by Iran, launched hundreds of rockets into Israel. Their goal was to kill as many innocent people as possible. Since last night:?Approx. 180 rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip at Israel. ?The Iron Dome aerial defense system intercepted over 30 launches. The […]

Israel shoots down Syrian warplane as Golan frontier heats up.

* Enemies dispute location of the targeted jet * Israeli sirens sound on Golan for second day * Assad army closes in on southern Syria rebels (Adds Netanyahu, Mladenov statements) JERUSALEM/BEIRUT, July 24 (Reuters) – Israel said it shot down a Syrian warplane that crossed into the occupied Golan Heights on Tuesday, but Damascus said […]

First Win for Trump-Putin Summit: Agreement to Restrain Iran in Syria.

President Donald Trump has been criticized by the media and by Beltway politicians of both parties for his meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday. But the summit has already produced a very significant win: namely, agreement to avoid a war in the Middle East by restraining Iran in Syria. As Breitbart […]

Who Financed The Hamas Riots Targeting Israel? One Guess.

You’ll never guess who financed the violent riots instituted for weeks by Hamas on the Israel-Gaza border. Go to the head of the class if you answered Iran. And the revelation that Iran was backing the attempt for Hamas operatives to gain access to Israel and possibly slaughter innocents didn’t come from Israel; it came […]

Parents Enraged at Moment of Silence Held for Gaza Dead at School.

(AP Photo/Nasser Nasser) Parents of children attending an elite public school in New York City were outraged when they learned a student asked for a moment of silence over the loudspeaker for the 60 Palestinians killed in a violent attack on the IDF last week. New York Post: The school-wide announcement Tuesday stunned some students […]

Thousands of Gaza Hamas Thugs Attack Israel for $100 a Day

They attack for $100 a day. And Israeli soldiers fight them for $13 a day. Hamas supporters in Gaza held the world’s first peaceful protest with hand grenades, pipe bombs, cleavers and guns. Ten explosive devices were peacefully detonated. There were outbursts of peaceful gunfire and over a dozen kites carrying firebombs were sent into […]

Watch: Gaza Man ‘On Crutches’ Miraculously Starts Running During Violent Riots.

At the direction of terrorist group Hamas,  40,000 Palestinians living in Gaza participated in violent riots Monday along the border with Israel. The individuals who stormed the fence with weapons or to plant bombs were shot and unfortunately, many people Hamas used as human shields were also killed. During the riots, Hamas’ usual propaganda efforts […]

Hamas Violence is “The Great Return March” to Overtake Israel.

American big-media has been spreading the fake news story that the Hamas violence at the Israeli border is about the American Embassy. Turns out, this is false. Straight from the source, we learn that this is not what the riots are about. What the Palestinians want is to overtake Israel. Hamas has a Facebook page […]

Hamas Planned The Violence On The Gaza Border. The Media Act As Their Propaganda Arm.

The media coverage of terror group Hamas’ deliberately-crafted border assault on Israel has been egregious: from CNN to MSNBC to The New York Times, mainstream outlets have acted as propaganda vehicles for one of the worst regimes on the planet. Hamas has spent weeks ginning up attacks on the border with the Gaza Strip — […]

Media Spreading FAKE NEWS by Calling Palestinian Violence “Protest”

Mainstream media is at it again, promulgating fake news. I woke up this morning to a slew of stories about “Palestinian Protestors Killed in Gaza Protests.” The imagery of a man holding up a cardboard sign while getting shot comes to mind, from such a headline, doesn’t it? I became concerned, read further. Turns out, […]

EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Lieberman Praises Trump: USA in Position to Bring Stability in Middle East and Asia.

Former Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) discussed the Iran nuclear agreement on Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily, stating that President Donald Trump’s announcement on Tuesday that the United States is pulling out of the deal “took guts.” ï»ż “I actually think it’s a great thing,” Lieberman told Breitbart Editor-in-chief Alex Marlow. “I think the president made the correct decision, and, […]

Israel strikes dozens of Iranian targets in Syria.

Iran targets Israel from Syria, Israel responds Israel struck 50 Iranian targets in Syria after 20 rockets were fired towards Israel’s front defensive line in the Golan Heights early Thursday morning by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp’s Quds Force, the IDF announced. The targets all belonged to IRGC’s Quds Force and included intelligence sites, logistics […]

Projectiles fired towards Israeli forward defensive line in the Golan.

IDF forces mobilize in the north of Israel following Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, May 9, 2018. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST) Iranian forces on the Syrian-held side of the Golan Heights fired around 20 projectiles towards Israeli army positions in the forward defensive line of the Golan Heights causing no […]

Syria accuses Israel of new strikes while IDF orders bomb shelters opened.

An Israeli air force F-15 fighter jet flies during an exhibition as part of the graduation ceremony of air force pilots at Hatzerim air base in southern Israel. (photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS) The army also said it raised preparedness of “troops for an attack” and deployed air defenses in the north of the country. Israeli […]

Kabul Suicide Bombing Leaves 30 Dead, Including At Least Eight Journalists.

Two suicide bombings in Kabul, Afghanistan left at least 30 people dead Monday, including at least eight journalists. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack. The bomber targeted journalists, disguising himself as a cameraman going to the site after a first explosion, according to Agence France Presse. AFP photographer Shah Marai is among the dead. […]

WATCH: Syrian army says ‘enemy’ rocket attacks strike at military bases.

Israeli Air Force F15 planes fly during an aerial demonstration at a graduation ceremony for Israeli air force pilots at the Hatzerim air base in southern Israel, December 27, 2017.. (photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS) An opposition source said one of the locations hit was an army base widely known as a recruitment center for Iranian-backed […]

On 70th anniversary, Netanyahu says Israel’s light will beat enemies’ ‘darkness’

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at the opening of Israel’s 70th anniversary celebrations, at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, April 18, 2017. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a fiery address at a torch-lighting ceremony marking Israel’s 70th Independence Day, declared that the Jewish state is becoming a “world power” and said its light will overcome its enemies’ […]

US found chlorine gas, nerve agent in samples from Syria attack: report.

Blood and urine samples from the site of a suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria have tested positive for chlorine gas and a nerve agent, according to U.S. officials. MSNBC reported Thursday that the U.S. obtained samples from the attack site in Douma, a suburb of Damascus, and determined that they contained traces of chlorine […]

BATTLE ASSESSMENT: Here Is How The Devastating Strike On Syria Went Down.

The early morning coalition strikes on Syria’s chemical weapons infrastructure Saturday destroyed three critical targets, crippling the Syrian regime’s ability to create chemical weapons. “We sent a very clear message last night,” Pentagon spokesman Dana White explained Saturday, further commenting, “We hope he [Syrian President Bashar al-Assad] heard it.” Around 4 a.m. in Syria, American, […]

US, Britain and France launch joint strikes on Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal.

US President Donald Trump announced late Friday that a joint US-British-French operation had been launched on Syria, targeting the “criminal” regime of Bashar Assad for his alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians and to deter him from doing it again. Loud explosions lit up the skies over the Syrian capital as Trump announced the […]

Armada of US warships steaming toward Middle East.

The guided missile destroyer USS Arleigh Burke gets under way as part of the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group deployment toward the Middle East. An armada of 12 warships — the largest US strike force since the 2003 Iraq war – is steaming toward the Middle East as President Trump mulls an attack on […]

Trump Puts Off Syria Strike Decision, Will Consult with Allies.

WASHINGTON (AP) — US President Donald Trump on Thursday put off a final decision on possible military strikes against Syria after tweeting earlier that they could happen “very soon or not so soon at all.” The White House said he would consult further with allies. US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis warned such an attack carried […]

Pompeo: Iranian Proxy ‘Hezbollah Threatens Us Right Here in the Homeland’

WASHINGTON, DC — Hezbollah, Iran’s narco-terrorist proxy, “threatens” Americans in the U.S. homeland, Mike Pompeo, President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of State (DOS), declared Thursday during his Senate confirmation hearing. Pompeo, who served as director of the CIA until he was recently chosen by President Trump to serve as secretary of state, […]

U.S. Navy Destroyer Heads Towards Syria as Trump Vows ‘Major Decision’

A U.S. Navy destroyer reportedly entered waters near Syria shortly after President Donald Trump promised to make a “major decision” Monday on whether to order airstrikes against Bashar al-Assad. The Associated Press reports that the USS Donald Cook is now closing in on Syrian shores, armed with the same Tomahawk cruise missiles the U.S. used on a […]

Disaster: Obama’s ‘Smart Power’ Syria Policy Was a Catastrophe, and Trump is Trying to Clean Up the Mess.

The wages of the Obama administration’s shambolic foreign policy on Syria were felt again over the weekend, as dozens of Syrians in a rebel-held city — including young children — were gassed to death in a horrifying apparent chemical weapons attack.  The New York Times reports that the slaughter appears to have helped the Assad […]

WATCH: Team Obama Said Syria Had Been Cleansed Of Chemical Weapons. Over And Over And Over Again.

The Obama administration spent its years routinely stating that the arc of history bent toward justice, that human rights violations violated the world’s sensibilities, and that unlike cowboy-esque Republicans, Democrats would ensure that the world remained safe from the predations of monsters like Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. In fact, President Obama issued a “red line,” […]
