July 27, 2024

Kentucky bank mass shooter planned out attack and intended to livestream, police say

Louisville gunman Connor Sturgeon planned out his massacre ahead of time and intended to livestream the crime, according to authorities. Sturgeon, 25, began a livestream on Instagram and positioned the phone in his shirt pocket to capture the murders, according to police warrants. “Messages and notes from the device were shown to have plans on […]

Republican Bill Would Defund Planned Parenthood

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) introduced a bill that would defund Planned Parenthood and redirect funding to community health centers that do not perform abortions. Boebert introduced the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2023 on Friday with the support of 29 House Republican co-sponsors, Fox News reported. The legislation would place a one-year moratorium on federal

Former Disinformation Board Executive Nina Jankowicz, Other DHS Officials, Planned Meeting with Facebook’s Head of Security

Records obtained by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) show that Nina Jankowicz – the executive director of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) now-terminated Disinformation Governance Board – and other DHS officials planned to meet with Facebook (now known as Meta) Head of Security Nathaniel Gleicher, who served under that title when the company suppressed the New

Planned Parenthood Advertises Puberty Blockers to Minors

Planned Parenthood released an advertisement for puberty-blocking drugs aimed at minors. The new advertisement, which is aimed at minors, incorrectly markets puberty-blocking drugs as safe substances that can be used “like a stop sign” to halt puberty. Puberty blocker ad put out by Planned Parenthood, which tells children that they can get puberty blockers to

Donald Trump Announces Visit to ‘Nations Decimated Southern Border’ Before Kamala Harris Has Planned Trip There

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Former President Donald Trump announced he accepted an invitation to visit the “Nation’s decimated Southern Border” with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on an official visit before Vice President Kamala Harris has made any plans to visit. Trump will visit the “Nation’s decimated Southern Border on Wednesday, June 30, 2021.” “The Biden Administration inherited from…

Arkansas Bill Banning Planned Parenthood from Public Schools Sent to Governor

The Arkansas legislature has overwhelmingly passed a bill that would ban Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers from providing resources in the state’s public schools. The legislation, which passed in the state Senate Monday by a vote of 27-5, and earlier in the state House by a vote of 73-18, would block Planned Parenthood from…

Sen. Rand Paul Blocks Democrats from Funding Planned Parenthood Through Paycheck Protection Program

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) claimed a win Friday after forcing Democrats to remove from their COVID “liberal wish list” bill a provision that would have allowed every Planned Parenthood facility in the country to receive free taxpayer funds through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). “Democrats knew this was never about COVID relief or helping small…

EXCLUSIVE: SBA Hid Comms With Planned Parenthood Amid GOP Criticism Over PPP Loans

The Small Business Administration hid communications with Planned Parenthood regarding allegedly illegal COVID-19 loans, emails obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation show. The DCNF filed a Freedom of Information Act request in May 2020 for communications regarding Planned Parenthood’s Paycheck Protection Program loans after GOP lawmakers called for an investigation into the $80 million…

Feds admit Capitol “siege” was planned in advance by Trump haters, not Trump supporters

Federal law enforcement officials are blowing the lid on the Capitol false flag “siege,” revealing that it was planned long in advance by bad actors who hate President Donald Trump rather than support him. Many conservatives are already aware of the fact that those who “stormed” the chambers of Congress on Jan. 6 were not […]

Who Knew About And Planned The “Insurrection?”

By: Cliff Kincaid The violence on January 6 was planned ahead of time, and we should not be surprised to learn that the same intelligence agencies that have been trying to bring down the Trump presidency knew about this in advance and were planning to blame it on the president. Evidence has already surfaced — […]

Planned Parenthood sues pop-up church over noise, but pastor says there’s more to the story

The Church at Planned Parenthood (TCAPP) in Spokane, Wash., is being sued for making too much noise and allegedly harming patients, but the anti-abortion pastor says, “it’s false accusations across the board.”TCAPP’s First Amendment rights are at odds with the health care of the patients at Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho (PPGWNI), according to the suit filed in…

‘Ultimate Form Of Civilization Jihad’ Planned For This Michigan City

With wounds still fresh from a divisive plan to build a massive mosque in a residential area of Sterling Heights, Michigan, a group of Pakistanis are moving forward with plans for another project, and this one involves the conversion of a church into a house of Islamic worship. The group held an “open house” last […]

Alveda King: Starbucks Should Stop Funding Planned Parenthood if Serious about Ending Racism.

The pro-life niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. said that if Starbucks truly wanted to end racism, it would stop funding Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. Alveda King, who serves as director of Civil Rights for the Unborn at Priests for Life, noted in a column at the Washington Examiner the attempt by Starbucks Tuesday […]

Planned Parenthood Caught Performing Abortions on 12-Year-Old Girls – Not Reporting Crimes to Police.

A new study by Live Action reveals that Planned Parenthood was caught performing abortions for girls as young as 12-years-old and not reporting the sexual crime to authorities. This is not the first time Planned Parenthood was accused of abusing children. Life News reported; The Planned Parenthood abortion chain has been caught repeatedly performing abortions […]

The Government Is One Step Closer To Defunding Planned Parenthood.

The Department of Health and Human Services issued a proposed rule Tuesday that would ban abortion providers from getting Title X funding. The proposed regulation, which has not been submitted for public comment yet, requires that abortion services be separated “physically and financially” from family planning services receiving Title X funding. The services had to […]

Report: Trump Administration Has Found A Way To Cut Some Planned Parenthood Funding.

The Trump administration believes they’ve found a way to cut some taxpayer funding that’s being funneled to America’s leading provider of abortion, Planned Parenthood. According to an official who spoke with the Weekly Standard, the administration will propose a rule that would prevent some $260 million annually in Title X funds marked for contraception and […]

Hamas Planned The Violence On The Gaza Border. The Media Act As Their Propaganda Arm.

The media coverage of terror group Hamas’ deliberately-crafted border assault on Israel has been egregious: from CNN to MSNBC to The New York Times, mainstream outlets have acted as propaganda vehicles for one of the worst regimes on the planet. Hamas has spent weeks ginning up attacks on the border with the Gaza Strip — […]

Critics Blast Trump’s Planned Deployment of National Guard Troops to the Border, But Guess Who Else Did That?

President Trump is proposing to send National Guard troops to the Southern border, apparently in response to reports about a ‘caravan’ of migrants making its way through Mexico toward the United States.  Under pressure, the Mexican government has moved to break up part of the caravan, but it looks like some number of these would-be […]

Outrageous! Paul Ryan’s $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill Funds Planned Parenthood, Sanctuary Cities – Won’t Fund Trump Wall.

Speaker Paul Ryan is set to pass the largest spending bill in US history next to Barack Obama’s trillion dollar failed stimulus. President Trump spoke on Monday about the importance of the border wall with Mexico to enhance national security and battle the opioid crisis in America. But once again it is unlikely that funding […]

Trump’s planned meeting with Kim Jong Un a ‘potential breakthrough,’ top defense officials say.

Senior officials at the Pentagon said Thursday night that plans for President Trump to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un in May are “good news” that could mark a “potential breakthrough.” Fox News learned from senior leaders at the Pentagon that Washington has welcomed North Korea’s invitation to meet saying that “there’s no […]

Hollywood’s Love Affair With Abortion: Planned Parenthood President Appears On Stage at the Oscars.

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards appeared on stage at the Oscars Sunday during a musical performance by the rapper Common and singer Andra Day. The singers performed their Oscar-nominated song “Stand Up For Something,” customizing it for the ceremony and including a lyric saying the NRA was “in God’s way.” Richards stood on stage during […]

WALSH: The NRA Has Killed Zero People. Here’s How Many Planned Parenthood Has Killed.

Planned Parenthood has joined the war against the NRA and gun rights. I’m impressed they could find the time, considering they’re also wrapped up in their war against babies and life itself. It was revealed today that the Parkland survivors-turned-activists are being funded, in part, by the abortion giant. This is no surprise, as Planned […]

PragerU: What You Need To Know About Planned Parenthood.

The apple of the far Left’s eye is the radical abortion organization Planned Parenthood. The pro-choice company misleads the public and a willing mainstream media with obfuscations and misleading statistics. Prager University debunks some of the myths surrounding the abortion giant in their new video “What You Need to Know About Planned Parenthood,” hosted by […]

So, NRA Donations Are Stained With Blood, But Planned Parenthood’s Are Just And Moral?

Let’s cut the holier than thou antics. Every time there’s a mass shooting and politicians from the GOP offer their thoughts and prayers to the victims, the liberal media doles out the tired National Rifle Association donation talking point. Here’s how much money NRA gave to x congressman or x senator. Okay—what’s the issue? We […]

Here’s How Planned Parenthood Celebrated Christmas Eve.

Americans across the country celebrated Christmas Eve by attending church, spending time with family, or decorating their trees, but Planned Parenthood celebrated the festive occasion by aborting unborn babies. The abortion giant makes no exception for the holidays, charging forward with its mission to provide life-ending services to women no matter the day. “Many women experience […]

EXCLUSIVE: How A Pro-Trump Group Will Troll ‘Morning Joe’ For A Whole Week — First Round Planned For Christmas Day.

Pro-Trump group America First Policies plans to air its “Merry Christmas” 11 times over a week on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” beginning on Christmas day, The Daily Caller has learned. The ad, previewed on Fox News Wednesday, quickly went viral on social media for featuring citizens “thanking” President Trump for various achievements in the last year. […]

Former Minnesota Planned Parenthood Exec to Replace Al Franken.

Now that Minnesota Senator Al Franken has stepped down in the face of sexual assault allegations, his successor has been nominated. You will be as shocked, shocked as I was to hear that it’s a woman, Minnesota Lieutenant Governor Tina Smith. Governor Mark Drayton appointed her to the one-year term, concluding in January 2019. Smith […]

Planned Parenthood under investigation by Justice Department.

The Justice Department is requesting unredacted documents from the Senate Judiciary Committee’s investigation into the sale of human body parts by Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. Chairman Chuck Grassley had referred the case to the FBI for criminal prosecution in December of 2016, but the Justice Department ignored it. Planned Parenthood is accused of […]

Planned Parenthood Is in Deep Trouble With the Law. This Could Be a Turning Point.

We are living through a remarkable time in history. Almost daily, those in influential positions who once appeared untouchable are falling out of popular favor as their abuses are exposed. Just last week, one particularly corrupt institution was dealt back-to-back blows: Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business. On Nov. 13, The Hill reported that […]

Feds Indict MS-13 Members Who Planned Murders To Fill Violence Quota

A federal grand jury indicted four MS-13 members for attempted murder and several other charges Thursday after the thugs planned a gang killing in order to maintain their membership. MS-13 requires potential members to commit acts of violence before being admitted to the gang, and once in, they are required to keep committing violent crimes […]
