July 26, 2024

Dave Brat: $850B Spending Bill ‘Good for the Swamp,’ Fails to Fund Wall.

Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA) says the more than $850 billion funding package that increases military spending is “good for the swamp” while failing to fund President Trump’s key campaign promise: A border wall on the United States-Mexico border. As President Trump signals that he will sign the $852 billion funding package, which expands spending for […]

Senate approves $854B spending bill.

The Senate is racing to avoid the third government shutdown of the year ahead of a looming end-of-the-month deadline. Senators on Tuesday voted 93-7 to pass a sweeping $854 billion spending bill that includes funding for the departments of Defense, Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor and Education, which make up the lion’s share of […]

Keep the Contagious Despair of the Democrats from Becoming a Pandemic.

While they praise and pay hideous homage to the false god of Marxism, millions in the masses will be praising the true Prince of Peace as usual this Palm Sunday President Donald Trump signed the outrageous Omnibus Bill yesterday but the sun still came up this morning. The shock of Trump signing a bill he […]

Congress Passes Huge Budget, But It’s Not Trump’s.

The Senate followed the House by passing a $1.3 trillion spending bill early Friday morning that funds the government through September, after taking 11 hours to consider the 2,232-page bill. The spending bill and its contents attracted ire from both parties, but Republicans in the majority took issue with both the substance and the process […]

OUTRAGEOUS! Paul Ryan’s Omnibus Bill Funds Border Security in TUNISIA and JORDAN — But Not US! (VIDEO)

The Paul Ryan-Nancy Pelosi Uniparty easily passed the record $1.3 trillion omnibus bill on Thursday. The final vote was 256 to 167. A majority of Democrats helped Paul Ryan pass the bill. The bill funds all of the Democrat pet projects and spends less than .1% on the border security barriers and no wall. Senator […]

Trump ‘Unhappy’ With Omnibus, But Is ‘Forced’ to Sign it for This Reason

Despite his threat to veto the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill passed by the Senate, President Trump announced his intentions to sign it into law Friday from the White House. He did so, he said, as a matter of national security. The omnibus bill, the president said, necessarily boosts our military, increasing defense funding by […]

Trump signs massive spending bill, backing away from veto threat.

President Trump on Friday signed a $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill, averting a government shutdown just hours after he created drama and uncertainty by threatening a veto. Trump blasted the measure as “ridiculous,” in large part because it contained only a fraction of the money he asked for a wall along the Mexican border and did not […]

Trump ‘Considering’ Veto — Cites Lack of Wall, and… Lack of DACA Amnesty??

Donald Trump: ‘I Am Considering a Veto of the Omnibus Spending Bill’ President Donald Trump announced on Twitter on Friday that he was considering a veto of the omnibus spending bill. “I am considering a VETO of the Omnibus Spending Bill based on the fact that the 800,000 plus DACA recipients have been totally abandoned […]

Senate approves $1.3 trillion spending bill, sending to Trump.

The Senate rushed to approve a $1.3 trillion government funding bill early Friday morning, sending the mammoth legislation to President Trump‘s desk less than 24 hours before a deadline to avert another government shutdown. Senators voted 65-32 on the measure, well over the simple majority needed to approve it, despite late drama after the bill easily cleared the House on Thursday […]

Omnibus Bill Includes Specific Clause Barring Funding for Donald Trump ‘Wall’

The 2,232 page Omnibus bill includes a specific clause barring funding for a wall on the southern border that mirrors the new prototypes already there. The bill reads: The amounts designated in subsection (a)(2) through (a)(4) shall only be available for operationally effective designs deployed as of the date of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017, […]

House votes to advance $1.3T omnibus.

The House has voted to advance a $1.3 trillion omnibus spending package, overcoming objections from conservative Republicans. The rule governing debate on the measure was approved in a 211-207 vote, setting up a final vote on the bill later on Thursday. The Senate will also have to approve the package to send it to the […]

Gohmert on Omnibus: ‘This Is Really Tragic,’ ‘A Rather Dark Day’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox News @ Night,” House Freedom Caucus Member Louie Gohmert (R-TX) reacted to the omnibus bill by stating “This is really tragic,” and “This is a rather dark day.” Gohmert said, “This is really tragic, a massive spending bill. And the truth is, the House did our […]

GOP posts text of $1.3T spending bill with shutdown deadline days away.

Congressional Republican leaders released the final version of a proposed $1.3 trillion spending bill Wednesday evening, approximately 52 hours before the deadline to avoid a partial government shutdown. The 2,232 page “omnibus” bill was made public hours after House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., dashed through a Washington snowstorm to meet with President Trump at the […]

White House backs omnibus spending bill.

President Trump on Wednesday threw his support behind a $1.3 trillion spending bill, defying House conservatives and handing a victory to GOP congressional leaders. The White House announced Trump’s backing after he discussed the proposed deal with Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). “The president and the leaders discussed their support for […]

Outrageous! Paul Ryan’s $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill Funds Planned Parenthood, Sanctuary Cities – Won’t Fund Trump Wall.

Speaker Paul Ryan is set to pass the largest spending bill in US history next to Barack Obama’s trillion dollar failed stimulus. President Trump spoke on Monday about the importance of the border wall with Mexico to enhance national security and battle the opioid crisis in America. But once again it is unlikely that funding […]

Congress Blew Through the Budget Caps, Again. Here’s What Needs to Change.

The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 signed into law last week really should be renamed the Bipartisan Budget Crash Act. This spending spree takes a Mack Truck and rams through the hard-fought budget caps under the 2011 Budget Control Act to the tune of at least $300 billion. When all is said and done, the […]
