July 27, 2024

Biden Co-Chair Clyburn on Lack of Biden Pressers, Interviews: He’s ‘Pacing Himself’, Don’t Need ‘Trials’ of a Presser

On Friday’s broadcast of NBC’s “Today,” Biden Campaign Co-Chair Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) responded to a question on President Joe Biden doing fewer news conferences and interviews than his predecessors by stating that he thinks Biden “is pacing himself.” And that while Biden should do more town hall-style events, “I don’t want people to think

Report: ‘Nervous’ Democrats Sound Alarm on Biden’s 2024 ‘Lack of Urgency’

“Nervous” Democrats are reportedly raising the alarm about the “lack of urgency” surrounding President Joe Biden’s 2src24 campaign. The Biden campaign’s “lack of urgency” indicates the president might not be taking seriously his Democrat opponents or his likely Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump. Some signs that seem to point to a lack of urgency: Biden’s

Bob Iger Admits Disney “Made Too Many” Marvel Sequels – But Blames ‘The Marvels’ Poor Box Office Performance On A Lack Of “Supervision On The Set”

Disney CEO Bob Iger has some ideas about what led to the The Marvels‘ lackluster performance at the box office last month. While speaking at The New York Times’ DealBook Summit earlier this week, Iger explained that the movie was “shot during Covid,” which meant “there wasn’t as much supervision on the set, so to […]

‘Jeopardy!’ fans unleash wrath over ‘pathetic’ lack of response to biblical clue: ‘Sad world we’re in’

“Jeopardy!” contestants made an error of biblical proportions on last night’s game show. Fans were enraged Tuesday after all three contestants failed to answer what many believed to be a very easy question about the Lord’s Prayer. Host Mayim Bialik read a clue that began, “Matthew 6:9 says, ‘Our Father, which art in heaven, [THIS] […]

Hero kid who saved busload of children credits lack of cellphone

The heroic teenager who saved a busload of students from an accident after the driver suffered a medical emergency was one of the few who was not using a cellphone at the time of the incident. Dillon Reeves, a seventh-grader in Warren, Michigan, was seated in the fifth row of his bus last month when […]

‘Now It’s a Truck and Crew at Every House’: Jim Harbaugh Bemoans the Lack of ‘Kids Mowing Lawns’

Michigan Wolverines head coach Jim Harbaugh is lamenting the lack of initiative in America today as kids have stopped going door-to-door asking to mow people’s lawns for pocket cash. Speaking to Sports Illustrated, Harbaugh spoke of the joy he derived from cutting lawns and even insisted that if he had not gone into sports, he

Sarah Huckabee Sanders rips Biden’s campaign launch video: ‘Lack of energy and enthusiasm’

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders criticized the lack of enthusiasm from President Biden after he announced his re-election campaign with a video ad instead of live address. On “Fox & Friends” Tuesday, Sanders said Biden can’t offer the energy and change that Americans are looking for in 2024.  TRUMP SLAMS BIDEN’S ‘CALAMITOUS AND FAILED PRESIDENCY’ […]

Biden showed complete lack of leadership in failing to address China in State of the Union

Just days after a Chinese spy balloon spent an entire week floating over the heads of Americans before finally being shot down, President Biden had an opportunity to send China a strong message in his State of the Union address. Unfortunately, the president once again chose not to lead.  Instead, he put issues like climate […]

Carney on ‘Kudlow’: Lack of Regulatory Guardrails Means FTX Won’t Be the Last Crypto Exchange to Collapse

The arrest of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried has exposed the dire lack of regulatory guardrails in the crypto world; and without proper oversight, FTX will not be the last crypto exchange to collapse, Breitbart Economics Editor John Carney explained. In an interview Tuesday on Larry Kudlow’s eponymously named Fox Business show, Carney noted that the

Chinese Citizens Protests Against Lockdowns and Lack of Freedom

Chinese in over 80 cities protests against the Covid Lockdowns and lack of freedom Sadly Communist China always ends protests with blood and arrests. China Joe did not speak since his entire family has been bought by China. In January 2023, Republicans in the House of Representatives must investigate the corruption of the Biden family […]

Obama’s Top Economist: Unemployment Benefits, Not Lack Of Childcare, Could Be Harming Recovery

Harvard University economist Jason Furman suggested in a new study that the American Rescue Plan’s expansion of unemployment benefits could be harming the United States’ post-pandemic economic recovery. Furman’s study argues that a lack of childcare options for working parents of young children is not causing the country’s poor jobs numbers. Instead, he writes in…

TX Lt. Gov. Patrick: We Received Complaints about Sexual Assault, Lack of COVID Separation in San Antonio Migrant Facility

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) said that the state has sent the Texas Rangers into a migrant facility in San Antonio because there have been complaints to state agencies about a lack of supervision, sexual assault between teenagers in the facility, people not being…

#Spygate and Leftists’ Lack of Patriotism.

Leftists, despite their continual condemnation of America’s values and their steadfast insistence that all international problems are due to America, become incensed if their patriotism is questioned. The reality is that all that matters to leftists is obtaining the power necessary to control the lives of all Americans.  If you doubt that leftists feel they have […]

Trump ‘Considering’ Veto — Cites Lack of Wall, and… Lack of DACA Amnesty??

Donald Trump: ‘I Am Considering a Veto of the Omnibus Spending Bill’ President Donald Trump announced on Twitter on Friday that he was considering a veto of the omnibus spending bill. “I am considering a VETO of the Omnibus Spending Bill based on the fact that the 800,000 plus DACA recipients have been totally abandoned […]

WATCH: Mike Pence Slams Obama’s Lack Of Leadership On Iran.

“We looked for American leadership, and there was none.” In an interview Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence slammed former President Barack Obama for his handling of the Iranian protests in 2009. “We looked for American leadership, and there was none,” he said. In an interview with Voice of America News contributor Greta Van Susteren, Pence […]

The Lack of Security on the Border.

The circumstances of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Rogelio Martinez’s death this week remain murkier than the Rio Grande River. Martinez succumbed to critical head injuries early Sunday morning. An unnamed partner, who came to Martinez’s aid after he radioed for help from a remote area of the Big Bend Sector in Texas, also suffered serious […]

FBI Denies Request for Files on Hillary Clinton, Citing ‘Lack of Public Interest’

An attorney in New York City thinks former President Obama may still be running the FBI after the bureau cited a “lack of public interest” in rejecting an open records request related to its investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails. Ty Clevenger filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request way back […]

Paul Ryan’s Catastrophic Lack of Political Skill and Judgment

Everyone knows that a competent lawyer never asks a question in court to which he doesn’t already know the answer. And likewise, a competent political leader never puts a piece of legislation up for a vote without having a good idea of what the vote will be. But when Paul Ryan released his American Health […]

Is ‘The View’ the Dumbest Show on TV? – The women’s lack of knowledge about Fidel Castro was embarrassing.

Want to get a quick brain boost? Watch “The View,” the long-running, syndicated chat fest. You’re bound to feel better about your educational status after a few of the show’s patented political debates. This week, “The View” discussed the death of Fidel Castro. You can practically predict where this is going without watching a single […]

Is ‘The View’ the Dumbest Show on TV? – The women’s lack of knowledge about Fidel Castro was embarrassing.

Want to get a quick brain boost? Watch “The View,” the long-running, syndicated chat fest. You’re bound to feel better about your educational status after a few of the show’s patented political debates. This week, “The View” discussed the death of Fidel Castro. You can practically predict where this is going without watching a single […]

Lack of Clinton Charges Sends Dangerous Message to Intelligence Professionals – VIDEO

I am appalled that there are high-level policymakers in this country who still fail to recognize the serious national security implications of the use of a personal email server by Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. They brush it off as though it were just some other political controversy; as if it has […]

Hillary’s ‘Serious Lack of Competence’ Cost Lives At Benghazi

Former CIA officer D. W. Wilber noted in The Hill Monday that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s actions leading up to the Benghazi attack, and the Obama administration’s foreign policy in Libya as a whole were “lunacy on a grand scale”: “Additional security was denied even though intelligence reports clearly indicated the presence in […]

Obama admin says states lack authority to block refugees

WASHINGTON (AP) — Amid a growing political controversy, the Obama administration on Wednesday reminded state officials across the country that states do not have legal authority to refuse to accept Syrian refugees. The Office of Refugee Resettlement said in a letter to state resettlement officials that states may not deny benefits and services to refugees […]

Carly Fiorina Blasts Obamatrade Secrecy, Hillary’s Lack of Transparency

On Breitbart News Sunday, GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina blasted President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for their lack of transparency, saying Obama’s secrecy around the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal and Hillary Clinton’s family foundation scandals have shown that the two top Democrats cannot be trusted to lead effectively. “If you don’t have transparency […]
