July 26, 2024

Green Energy Stocks Rocked by High Interest Rates

Green energy stocks have dropped significantly in the last few months, underperforming compared to oil and gas companies, as high interest takes its toll. The S&P Global Clean Energy Index, which comprises 100 of the biggest companies in green energy, has dropped over 20 percent in the last two months, Financial Times reported Monday. In

‘Center of the Energy Universe’: Industry, Political Leaders Convene in Oklahoma for Energy Security Summit

OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma — Political and energy industry leaders are convening for a two-day summit on energy security on Monday in what Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) told attendees is “the center of the energy universe.” Lankford’s comments came at a welcome ceremony ahead of the American Energy Security Summit, a first-of-its-kind gathering of industry and

Climate activists forcibly dragged from event with Biden energy secretary Jennifer Granholm

A group of climate activists were forcibly removed from an event Monday in eastern Michigan where Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm spoke about the Biden administration’s green energy agenda. Security officers were seen forcing several activists to leave the event — hosted by the Detroit Free Press in Birmingham, Michigan — as others chanted anti-fossil fuel […]

Sarah Huckabee Sanders rips Biden’s campaign launch video: ‘Lack of energy and enthusiasm’

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders criticized the lack of enthusiasm from President Biden after he announced his re-election campaign with a video ad instead of live address. On “Fox & Friends” Tuesday, Sanders said Biden can’t offer the energy and change that Americans are looking for in 2024.  TRUMP SLAMS BIDEN’S ‘CALAMITOUS AND FAILED PRESIDENCY’ […]

Rhodes: Biden Has Shown Saudis Can Buy a Reputation with Oil, Money, They’re Taking Advantage of Energy Situation

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” former Obama Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said that President Joe Biden visiting Saudi Arabia after vowing to make them a pariah “sends kind of a message that if you have enough oil and you have enough money, you can buy your way into having a

House GOP eyes a new demand in debt talks: Energy permitting

“This is the litmus test of whether we’re serious to get energy independent. I think we will,” said Rep. Ralph Norman, when asked about linking the GOP’s energy permitting bill to its debt offer. | Francis Chung/POLITICO A growing bloc of House Republicans is urging Speaker Kevin McCarthy to consider demands beyond the budget —

Fossil fuel profits are vital for green energy projects Dems routinely tout

Oil and utility companies — which earn the vast majority of their profits from fossil fuel production, generation and sales — have invested billions of dollars in offshore wind ventures highly touted by Democratic leaders opposed to oil and gas development. Offshore wind projects that are expected to provide nearly 20 gigawatts to millions of […]

2022: The Year Food and Energy Security Fears Hit Europe

With Ukraine in flames and the EU green agenda in pieces, 2022 was the year that fears over food and energy security once again hit Europe. Brussels, Belgium, December 12 2022. Ursula von der Leyen takes to the stage alongside International Energy Agency head Fatih Birol to diuscuss the energy situation of her European Union

Biden Wants to Move Blackout-plagued South Africa Off Coal, Its Main Energy Source

President Joe Biden pledged Wednesday to move South Africa off coal, its main source of energy, toward green energy sources — despite the fact that the country lacks the power to keep its electricity on 24 hours per day. Speaking to a gathering of African leaders in Washington, DC, Biden promised his administration’s joint efforts

Pinkerton: Like Carter, Biden Crushes American Energy and Enriches Foreign Producers

Biden Twisting in the Wind  So Joe Biden went there. To borrow a phrase, he said the green part out loud. On November 4, he pronounced of coal plants, “We’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America.” Immediately, the Republican National Committee tweeted, “Joe Biden celebrates coal plant workers losing their jobs.”  Then

Senate moves forward to fund government despite snags over Manchin’s energy plan

That vote to advance the stopgap, likely to occur on Tuesday or Wednesday, would require 6src senators. The New York Democrat is determined to attach the energy permitting provisions to the funding patch, stemming from a deal with Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin that cemented the West Virginia centrist’s support for the party’s health care, tax

Democrat Mandela Barnes Wants ‘Clean Energy’ Economy: ‘Climate Crisis Is Already Here’

Democrat Mandela Barnes, during Friday night’s debate with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), said that the “climate crisis is already here” and “impacting places all over the country and globe,” which is why he wants to work towards a “clean energy economy.” When asked about specific solutions to address climate change, he argued the “climate crisis is

Senate advances funding bill after Manchin punts his energy plan

Before the vote, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on the floor that he and Manchin would “continue to have conversations about the best way” to move forward on the permitting effort before the end of the year. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had encouraged Senate Republicans to take down Manchin’s effort in a floor…

Hageman: Cheney Lost Due to Obsessive Focus on Trump When Voters Cared about Inflation, Energy, Illegal Immigration 

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” Wyoming Congressional candidate Harriet Hageman (R) stated that her opponent Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) lost in large part because “She’s not focusing on Wyoming. She’s not focusing on our issues. She’s still focusing on an obsession [with] President Trump.” And that inflation, illegal immigration, and energy…

Manchin appeals for ’15 or 20′ Republicans to save energy bill

Next Video DeSantis warns Hurricane Ian could be ‘catastrophic’ Browse Videos Watch Video ‘Worst case scenario’: Florida officials brace for Hurricane Ian impact Watch Video State Dept. says Snowden’s Russian citizenship may enlist him in the war Watch Video DeSantis warns Hurricane Ian could be ‘catastrophic’ Watch Video Trump helps N.C. hold Republican base as…

Dems’ Climate Bill Overrules Supreme Court, Expands EPA’s Control Over Energy Industry

The Inflation Reduction Act defines “air pollutants” including carbon dioxide as “greenhouse gases.” Some experts argue this legally authorizes the EPA to regulate greenhouse gases and encourage adopting renewable energy, while others were not so sure. “There’s no definition there, it’s just sort of in a list, and it’s casually mentioned,” former Trump EPA transition team…

Exclusive — Sean Parnell: Pennsylvania Is ‘Ground Zero’ for ‘Biden’s War on the Energy Industry’

Sean Parnell, a Republican candidate running for a U.S. Senate seat from Pennsylvania, said Wednesday the Keystone State is “ground zero” for the Biden administration’s “war on the energy industry.” “When we are not energy independent — I’m talking about natural gas, hydraulic fracturing right here in Pennsylvania — that’s what makes us energy independent.…

Fact Check: Biden’s Green Energy Agenda Threatens Union Jobs, Wages

MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP via Getty Images CLAIM: President Joe Biden’s green jobs agenda “will create millions of good-paying jobs that “Americans can raise their families on.” VERDICT: MOSTLY FALSE. Biden’s American Jobs Plan threatens American union jobs and the wages of millions of energy workers, union representatives have repeatedly said. “The American Jobs Plan will create…

Expert: Biden Actions Against American Oil, Gas Energy Production Could Kill as Many as 1 Million Jobs

Frank Macchiarola, senior vice president of Policy, Economics and Regulatory Affairs at the American Petroleum Institute (API), said in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday with host Matt Boyle that if President Joe Biden puts a permanent ban on oil and gas development on federal waters and land, it could cost 1 million American…

Kanye on Trump: ‘We Are Both Dragon Energy. He Is My Brother’

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said she was unaware of any recent communications between President Donald Trump and rap superstar Kanye West. “I don’t know of any conversation that they’ve had over the last week or so,” Sanders said when asked about the rapper during the White House press briefing. Sanders said that she […]

Low Energy: 90th Academy Awards Ratings Are A Total Disaster, Least-Watched Oscars in History.

Correction: Ratings drop was 20 percent from last year. BREAKING: Viewership for the Academy Awards plunged 20 percent from last year to a record-low 26.5 million. — The Associated Press (@AP) March 5, 2018 No, I did not watch the Oscars last night. Sorry, I was not going to be lectured to about gun control […]

Trump To Tap Rick Perry For Energy Secretary

WASHINGTON (AP) – President-elect Donald Trump has selected former Texas Gov. Rick Perry to lead the Energy Department. That’s according to two people with knowledge of the decision. The two-time presidential candidate had been a harsh critic of Trump during the 2016 race, calling him a “cancer to conservatism.” He later endorsed the Republican nominee and […]

CROOKS: Clinton Campaign Chief Owned 75,000 Shares of Putin-Connected Energy Company

These people are shameless crooks. Wikileaks emails revealed Clinton Campaign Chief John Podesta owned 75,000 shares of a Putin-connected company. Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign – and corrupt media – continue to slander Trump for being connected to Putin — while they were ALL MAKING MONEY from their Russian connections. Clinton campaign chief owned 75,000 shares […]

Obama to Announce the ‘Biggest, Most Important Step We’ve Ever Taken’ on Climate Change — Here’s What It Means for Your Energy Bill

WASHINGTON (TheBlaze/AP) — President Barack Obama is mandating even steeper greenhouse gas cuts from U.S. power plants than previously expected, while granting states more time and broader options to comply. The tweaks to Obama’s unprecedented emissions limits on power plants, to be unveiled at the White House on Monday, aim to address a bevy of […]
