July 27, 2024

Meghan Markle was hellbent on being ‘a superstar’ after quitting royal family: expert

Meghan Markle had her sights set on being “a superstar” after quitting royal life, according to an expert. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped down as senior members of the royal family in 2020 and high-tailed it across the pond in a desperate search for privacy. But according to royal commentator Jane Barr, the […]

Prince William ‘too tied up’ as ‘reliable’ Princess Anne only person who can save the royals: expert

It seems as though Princess Anne is the only “reliable” person who can save the crumbling monarchy, according to a royal expert. With senior members of the Firm pulling back from the royal fold one at a time, the royal family has faced a difficult start to the year. As King Charles and Kate Middleton […]

#TikTokMadeMeBuyIt: Biz expert says Stanley unleashed ‘perfect storm’ of viral marketing for Quencher mugs

A major marketing expert claimed that Stanley unleashed a “perfect storm” of viral marketing with social media monolith TikTok to get consumers crazy for its 40 oz. Quencher mugs.  Victor Lee, the president of marketing consulting group Advantage Unified Commerce, recently spoke to Fox News Digital about how the company used the social media platform to snag […]

Prince William, Kate Middleton’s new power move could lead to ‘even more backstabbing and intrigue:’ expert

Before Prince William touched down in America, he and his wife Kate Middleton had already planned out their latest power move. The Prince of Wales is in New York City on Monday and Tuesday for several engagements, including the second Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit. But before his visit, the Prince and Princess of Wales put […]

Princess Anne has soft spot for Prince Harry, but even she is furious: royal expert

Even as Prince Harry’s last royal lifeline, Princess Anne has been left “furious” by his recent antics, according to a royal expert. The Duke of Sussex, 38, unleashed a series of protocol-shattering revelations about his family in January with the release of his bombshell memoir, “Spare.” The book was closely followed by a slew of […]

AI expert in Congress warns against rush to regulation: ‘We’re not there yet’

The only member of Congress with an advanced degree in artificial intelligence says lawmakers should move slowly to impose new regulations on AI, in part because policymakers and even experts in the field have yet to lay out clear regulatory objectives. Rep. Jay Obernolte, R-Calif., says this deliberate approach is a good thing, despite pressure […]

Biden’s surprise visit to Kyiv will have ‘zero’ impact on Russia-Ukraine conflict, Putin expert says

President Joe Biden’s surprise trip to Kyiv, Ukraine, is not expected to have any impact on the Russia-Ukraine war, according to an expert who believes Putin will keep up military pressure in the hopes of forcing Ukraine to negotiate for peace. Biden arrived in Ukraine on Monday to unveil more U.S. assistance to Ukraine alongside […]

Expert: Biden Actions Against American Oil, Gas Energy Production Could Kill as Many as 1 Million Jobs

Frank Macchiarola, senior vice president of Policy, Economics and Regulatory Affairs at the American Petroleum Institute (API), said in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday with host Matt Boyle that if President Joe Biden puts a permanent ban on oil and gas development on federal waters and land, it could cost 1 million American…

Cybersecurity Expert Declares Election Fraud Orchestrated by Enemies of U.S.

In his nine-page affidavit, Keshavarz-Nia concluded with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states, resulting in hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to [former] Vice President [Joe] Biden. Read the sworn federal affidavit by an extremely qualified and experienced computer scientist, […]

Body Language Expert Catches Dr. Christine Ford in Several Lies, Insists: “Something’s Wrong Mentally” (VIDEO)

The body language expert analyzed Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testifying to her allegations that Judge Kavanaugh sexually abused her 36 years ago.  The overall analysis is that “Something’s Wrong Mentally” with Dr. Ford. The video below is riveting and can probably be summed up in a section where the body language expert described Dr. Ford’s […]

Judicial Watch Expert Panel: “Deep State Update”

Judicial Watch hosted a special educational panel on Tuesday, April 24 to discuss “The Deep State Update.” The expert panelists included Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Vince Coglianese, Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, Michael Bekesha, and Tom Fitton. 

TRUMP EFFECT: RECORD HOLIDAY SALES NEAR $600 BILLION; Expert: Spending Pace Not Seen Since Great Recession.

Retailers are reporting record holiday sales this season of $598 billion as of Christmas Eve, fueled by confidence in the pro-business, pro-jobs economic polices of President Donald Trump of cutting Obama-era regulations and enacting major tax cuts and reforms. Yet media reports by CBS, AP and the Wall Street Journal all failed to mention President […]

EXCLUSIVE – EXPERT: Iran Already Has Nuclear Weapons, Obama’s Iran Deal A Total ‘Joke’

“I think Iran has already got nuclear weapons mounted on missiles and has the potential to do an EMP attack against the United States right now.” A former high-ranking government official who is an intelligence expert regarding nuclear weapons told The Daily Wire in an exclusive interview that former President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal […]

Disaster Expert: FEMA’s Response in Puerto Rico Even Better Than in Texas and Florida

Former Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services Tevi Troy told Breitbart News: Sunday Edition that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) had actually done an even better job managing Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico than it had in dealing with Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Hurricane Irma in Florida recently. “I’ve been looking into this pretty […]

EXCLUSIVE – Terrorism Expert: McMaster Endangering National Security – ‘Same Refusal to Condemn Radical Islamic Terrorism’ as Obama Admin.

TEL AVIV — H.R. McMaster, the embattled National Security Adviser to President Trump, is threatening U.S. national security by refusing to recognize radical Islamic terrorism, a top terrorism expert told Breitbart News. The refusal to utter or condemn by name radical Islamic terrorism only helps makes the battle against Islamic terrorism impossible to win,” stated […]

Stress Expert: Media to Blame for Left’s Post-Trump Freakout

Dr. Pete Sulack, stress expert and founder of StressRX.com, told Breitbart News on Friday that the media bears some of the blame for the deep distress felt by some Hillary Clinton supporters, and the public unrest, after Tuesday’s election results. “The media is partly to blame for actively fueling fears of some kind of Nazi […]

Elections Expert: “We Now Have 4 Million Ineligible and Dead Voters on American Voter Rolls” (VIDEO)

Elections expert J. Christian Adams told FOX and Friends on Tuesday morning there are 4 million dead people on US voter rolls. Adams, who was the Voting Section Attorney at the US Department of Justice, filed six suits in the past year against Philadelphia and Broward County, Florida where the voter rolls are corrupted. Adams […]

US Tax Expert: NY Times and Clinton Crime Family Commit Criminal Act – Publish Donald Trump’s 1995 Tax Returns

Did the Obama IRS leak these documents too? The corrupt Clinton supporting New York Times released an article today on Donald Trump’s taxes.  The article reads: The New York Times obtained three pages of Mr. Trump’s 1995 tax returns, for filings in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, marking the first time any of his actual […]

EXCLUSIVE–Radical Islam Expert: Hillary Clinton ‘Most Corrupt and Deeply Flawed Democratic Candidate’ in History

Joel Rosenberg, a New York Times best-selling and award-winning author who focuses on radical Islam, said presumptive Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt and flawed Democratic candidate in history — but the Middle East expert isn’t too excited about presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump either. “We’re in a strange moment where Hillary Clinton […]


A 24-year veteran of the U.S. Army and retired Army Chemical Officer, David Jones taught nuclear biological and chemical warfare defense to military personnel all over the world. Being recognized as a weapon of mass destruction expert, six months after 9/11 occurred David was recalled to active duty. He spent the next 22 months in […]


“Common Core is a Trojan Horse. It is an ideological conduit into our schools.  At its core, it is an anti-truth curriculum. At its core, it is antithetical to what traditional Catholic education stands for.” — Dr. Duke Pesta TFP Student Action: Could you please give some background information about yourself and your education? Dr. Duke Pesta: For the last […]

Expert Says a “.44 Magnum Smoking Gun” Was Just Uncovered in Hillary’s Email

Hillary Clinton’s email scandal has gotten a lot bigger in the past week with the revelation that she had “beyond top secret” information on her private servers — information that put people’s lives in danger. Of course, Hillary continues to blame this on some right-wing conspiracy, but the rest of the world recognizes that this […]

Al Qaeda Bomb Expert Released From Gitmo

  Last week the Obama administration announced the release of a Gitmo detainee who once vowed to kill as many Americans as he could upon release. Today, the Pentagon made known the transfer of two more—one of which was (will continue to be?) an al Qaeda explosives expert. Tariq Mahmoud Ahmed al-Sawah, 58, developed specialized improvised […]

…Breitbart News Daily — FBI Expert: ‘Vast Majority’ of U.S. Mosques/Islamic Centers Part of ‘Jihadi Network’…

On Friday’s Breitbart News Daily (6AM-9AM EST) on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, former FBI counter-terrorism Special Agent John Guandolo argued that the “vast majority” of the 2,200 Islamic organizations, centers, and mosques in the United States are a part of a broader “Jihadi network” intent on imposing Sharia Law in America. Guandolo told host […]

National security expert: Clinton promised to silence those critical of Islam

In a recently-released book, national security expert Stephen Coughlin said that while serving as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton promised Islamic countries the U.S. government would intimidate Americans who speak out or criticize Islam, the Daily Caller reported Saturday. The 2011 closed-door meeting with Islamic countries lasted three days and, the Daily Caller said, puts […]

Expert Outlines The Three Grayest Areas Of Obama’s Big Nuclear Deal

With the Iran deal signed, President Barack Obama is trying to persuade Congress the agreement is acceptable, but some Washington analysts aren’t convinced. Robert Satloff, an expert at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, released an analysis of the agreement, pinpointing three major issues. In Sotloff’s first point, Iran will be able to postpone any inspection […]

Legal Expert SLAMS De Blasio’s Actions Against Trump

Civil liberty advocates are jumping all over New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s order to “review” all of Donald Trumps city contracts because of his recent comments on Mexican immigrants. “This is not the American Way,” observed Alan Dershowitz, Harvard’s most distinguished civil liberties law professor, about the chilling effect de Blasio’s action could […]

Brutal: Nuclear Expert Demolishes Obama’s Central Argument for Iran Deal

A devastating piece in the New York Times, penned by the head of the Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Project at the University of Texas. We’ve written at great length about the many reasons to reject the Obama administration’s expected deal with the Iranian regime. One expert termed the West’s likely inability to re-impose sanctions on Iran […]

Medical Expert: ‘The Power Of The Doctor Is Becoming Subsumed By The Government’

A doctor clutches a stethoscope. (Adam Berry / Getty Images News) As America hears of more doctors leaving the profession, the head of a patient-centered national health care organization based in St. Paul, Minnesota, sees both political parties in Washington making matters worse. “Huge things are happening under the surface that people don’t understand,” says […]

Expert: Disney Rewards Employees for Record Profits by Replacing Them with Cheaper Foreign Workers

An Economic Policy Institute expert is highlighting the disconnect between Disney Corporation’s high profits and the company’s subsequent replacement of its employees with less expensive foreign labor. In a recent blog post, EPI expert Ron Hira, a professor at Howard University, puts the layoffs at Disney and the employees under more scrutiny. He points out […]
