July 26, 2024

RNC Formally Adopts Trump’s 2024 Platform: Seal the Border, Demolish Radical Gender Ideology

The Republican National Committee (RNC) Platform Committee has officially adopted former President Donald Trump’s 2024 Republican Party Platform with what it described as “overwhelming” support, detailing the comprehensive plan in a press release with 20 main points. Before providing the specific points, the committee drove home the point that despite the United States’ great history

Donald Trump: ‘I’ll Keep the Radical Left Wing Gender Ideology Away from Our Youth’

Former President Donald Trump vowed to “keep the radical left-wing gender ideology away” from children during a roundtable event in Michigan on Saturday afternoon. “I’ll keep the radical left-wing gender ideology away from our youth,” Trump began, adding that he would “keep men out of women’s sports.” “I’ll keep the radical left wing gender ideology

Senate GOP Blocks Democrats’ ‘Radical’ Contraception Bill for Threatening Parental Rights, Religious Liberty

Tim Matsui/Getty Images Senate Republicans on Thursday successfully blocked a “radical” contraception bill, which they say undermined parental rights and religious liberty. In a cloture vote, the Senate voted 51-39 against the “Right to Contraception Act,” failing to meet the 60 votes needed to move forward. Sen. Ed Markey’s (D-MA) “Right to Contraception Act” was

Exclusive: Jessico Bowman Blows Lid off Radical Leftist Organizations Trying to Take Down MAGA

A high-powered network of leftist organizations is trying to end not only former President Donald Trump but the MAGA movement, Secretary of the Republican Liberty Caucus Jessico Bowman said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday. These organizations are led by a group, Indivisible, which Bowman describes as an entity that aims to “create what

UPenn group hosts ‘radical playdate’ event ‘programming’ 5-9-year-olds to explore their race, gender identity

The University of Pennsylvania’s Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies program partnered with the social justice advocacy group Colorful Stories to host a “radical playdate” event over the weekend, encouraging kids aged five to nine to explore their skin color and gender identity. A flyer for the event posted to Twitter by the program’s page on […]

Tom Cotton: Republicans Should Not Help Democrats Confirm Biden’s Radical Judicial Nominees

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) wrote on Saturday that Republicans should not help Democrats confirm President Joe Biden’s radical judges by allowing a “temporary” replacement to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) on the Judiciary Committee. Feinstein has faced calls to resign as she has continued her indefinite absence, which led the California Democrat to ask Senate Majority

Radical Left-Winger Brandon Johnson Wins Race for Chicago Mayor

Brandon Johnson, the far-left, self-professed “progressive” candidate who ran on a plan to defund the Chicago Police and raise the city’s taxes, has won his runoff campaign for mayor of Chicago. Moderate Democrat Paul Vallas led Johnson for most of the night until around 8 p.m. when Johnson began overtaking the former Chicago Public Schools

Mike Pence Calls Out Potential Trump Indictment as ‘Radical Left’ Act

Former Vice President Mike Pence stuck by his former employer on Sunday, arguing a potential prosecution of Donald Trump would amount to a political hit job.Pence appeared on ABC’s This Week, where he told host Jonathan Karl that a Trump indictment by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg would simply indulge the “radical left.” It follows similar

Exclusive–Wilcox: Even for Biden, Magnus Was Too Radical

Some big news came out of Washington recently, and it had nothing to do with midterm elections. It may have surprised many to learn that, yes, the Biden Administration has a limit for how much incompetence and radicalism it will accept in its agency heads. This was demonstrated in the forced resignation of the shamefully

Jennifer Lawrence Claims ‘A Radical Wing of the Republican Party Is Actively Dismantling Americans Rights to Vote’

Actress Jennifer Lawrence claimed this week that there is a “radical wing” of the Republican Party that is actively dismantling Americans’ right to vote. The Hunger Games and X-Men: Dark Phoenix star begged fans to support the far-left’s For the People Act, which would nationalize U.S. elections and gut voter ID provisions. “Whatever your personal politics are,…

Radical Democrat Priorities in Biden’s First 100 Days: Packing Courts, Amnesty, Reparations, Federalizing Elections, DC Statehood, Banning Electoral College

The Democrats have proposed, within President Joe Biden’s first 100 days, radical initiatives contrary to Biden’s “back to normalcy” campaign sold to the American people. Accordingly, the Democrats have introduced the following radical initiatives: Packing the courts, amnesty, reparations, federalized elections, D.C. statehood, and banning the Electoral College. These radical ideas and proposals run counter to what Biden said during…

Poll: Most Voters Consider Joe Biden a ‘Puppet of the Radical Left’

The majority of U.S. voters consider President Biden a “puppet” of the radical left, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Friday revealed. The survey, taken February 16-17, 2021, among 1,000 likely U.S. voters, asked respondents if they agreed or disagreed with the following statement: “Joe Biden’s not the moderate nice guy that they made him out…

Cotton: ‘Partisan and Radical’ Dems Voting for Giving Money to Schools That Don’t Reopen, Stimulus Checks for Illegals

On Thursday’s “Fox News Primetime,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said that Senate Democrats voting against withholding COVID relief money from schools that don’t reopen after their teachers are vaccinated and most Senate Democrats voting against prohibiting illegal immigrants from receiving stimulus checks show “just how partisan and radical the Democrats in Joe Biden’s Washington are…

Protesters Condemn Radical NJ Abortion Bill Backed by Gov. Phil Murphy

Pro-life leaders protested a radical abortion bill introduced in the New Jersey legislature that would allow abortion for any reason throughout all nine months of pregnancy, repeal all existing restrictions on abortion, and force taxpayers to fully fund the procedure. A coalition of pro-life groups held “Day of Outrage” protests this week at the offices…

Alyssa Milano: My ‘Defund the Police’ Support Is a Call for a ‘Radical Reconstruction of Society’

Actress Alyssa Milano said her support for the so-called Defund the Police movement was a call for a “radical reconstruction of society,” on Tuesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View.” Co-host Sunny Hostin said, “One of the other crises we’re going through is this sort of national debate on policing. You were in the news a…

Far-Left Radical Groups Behind 2018 Democrat Candidates.

Several candidates in the 2018 elections reportedly have ties to radical and far-left groups. One America’s Jack Posobiec sits down with world-renowned researcher Trevor Loudon to explain what he has uncovered about candidates in four different states. ï»ż

Trump: Democrat the ‘Party of Crime,’ Radical Socialism, Open Borders.

President Donald Trump branded the Democrat Party the “party of crime” during a Saturday West Virginia rally for Senate candidate Patrick Morrissey. “The Democrat Party is radical socialism, Venezuela, and open borders. it’s now called, to me, you’ve never heard this before, the party of crime,” Trump told the packed West Virginia rally crowd. “You […]

Ted Cruz heckled by radical protesters in DC restaurant: video

FILE: Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz takes part in a debate for the Texas U.S. Senate with Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke, in Dallas. (AP) A group of radical protesters in Washington, D.C., shouted down Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and his wife in a restaurant Monday night, sending the couple to an early exit in a […]

UPDATE: Christine Ford’s Unhinged Attorney Is Wearing Radical Socialist Power Fist T-Shirt at anti-Trump Protest (VIDEO)

In the past week anti-Trump activist Christine Ford accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of groping her over her swimsuit sometime around 36 years ago at an unknown place. The three men she accused of being present during the incident have all vehemently denied her accusations. Ford picked at least two far left attorneys to represent her […]

California Wildfires Caused By Radical Environmentalists, Not Climate Change

Our forests are now catastrophically overgrown, often carrying four times the number of trees the land can support. In this stressed and weakened condition, our forests are easy prey for drought, disease, pestilence and fire.—Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) The United States Forest Service was originally founded to protect forests from the ravages of fire to […]

Vice President Pence Rebukes Democrat Center’s Move Toward Radical Left in Calls to Abolish ICE.

Opposition to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) no longer comes from just the radical left, but from the “center of the Democratic Party itself,” Vice President Mike Pence declared at ICE Headquarters on Friday. “The sad fact is, though, it isn’t just the expression of the radical left that’s been speaking out against ICE […]

Donald Trump Defends ICE from Radical Left

President Donald Trump defended Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents after a growing number of Democrats called for the abolishment of the agency. “To the great and brave men and women of ICE, do not worry or lose your spirit. You are doing a fantastic job of keeping us safe by eradicating the worst criminal elements,” […]

RNC Releases Devastating Political Ad Attacking Radical Marxist Democrats
 “The Left In 2018: Unhinged”

The Republican National Committee (RNC) has released a killer ad against the left. The brutal campaign ad attacks Democrats and the left ahead of the 2018 midterms. In it, you see a montage of violent rhetoric and actions highlighting just how unhinged the left has become. The ad follows Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) calling for […]

Radical Democrat in Deep Red State.

Klein: Doug Jones is a George Soros-Tied Radical Leftist Rebranding Himself as Moderate Birmingham, ALABAMA — Despite efforts by Democratic senatorial candidate Doug Jones to pass himself off as a moderate, the politician has been deeply tied to radical groups financed by billionaire George Soros and has led efforts on behalf of those groups seeking […]

Trump Blasts Theresa the Appeaser: ‘Don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism in the UK’

President Donald Trump answered critics — including U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May — of his November 29 tweets on Islamic attacks with another tweet urging them to focus on “Radical Islamic Terrorism.” .@Theresa_May, don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine! — […]

Stop Denying the Obvious. Terror Attacks Are Motivated by Radical Islam.

“Shout ‘Allahu akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers.” Who knew hijacker Mohammed Atta’s parting words, discovered in his journal after the 9/11 attacks, would become a national punchline? The louder and more frequently jihadists around the globe shriek their signature battle cry, the more fervently multicultural apologists deny its meaning. […]

Two New Totalitarian Movements: Radical Islam and Political Correctness

Political correctness (PC) has been bolstering radical Islamism. This influence was most recently shown again in an extensive exposĂ© by the Clarion Project in July 2017, which demonstrates the practice of telling “deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them in order to forget any fact that has become inconvenient” — or, as George Orwell called […]

In Their Own Words: The Radical Political Goals Of ‘Anti-Fascists’

In the days since violent clashes at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville culminated in a neo-Nazi sympathizer driving his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, journalists have mainstreamed the self-described “anti-fascists” (or “antifa”) at the rally — largely ignoring their involvement in the escalating political violence in this country. Many establishment political figures insisted […]

EXCLUSIVE – Terrorism Expert: McMaster Endangering National Security – ‘Same Refusal to Condemn Radical Islamic Terrorism’ as Obama Admin.

TEL AVIV — H.R. McMaster, the embattled National Security Adviser to President Trump, is threatening U.S. national security by refusing to recognize radical Islamic terrorism, a top terrorism expert told Breitbart News. The refusal to utter or condemn by name radical Islamic terrorism only helps makes the battle against Islamic terrorism impossible to win,” stated […]

Rollins College Suspends Student After He Challenged Radical Muslim Hate Speech.

The school’s academic double standard and complacency with dangerous hate speech is on full display. Not even a year after Radical Islamic terrorist Omar Mateen killed 49 people at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub, Rollins College officials are punishing a Christian Conservative student who challenged a liberal Muslim professor and radicalized Muslim student during a conversation on […]
