July 26, 2024

Ted Cruz to Battle Democrat Colin Allred in Texas Senate Race

Tom Williams-Pool/Getty, AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta, Breitbart News edit Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) hopes to fend off a challenge from Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX) after Super Tuesday. Media outlets declared Allred the winner of the Texas Senate Democrat primary. This will be one of the more hotly contested races for Republicans in the 2024 Senate

‘Abusing His Government Power’: Ted Cruz Pushes For Biden Impeachment

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz called for the House to impeach President Joe Biden after allegations from two IRS whistleblowers revealed a “stunning” amount of government corruption, he said during an episode of his podcast released Friday. Citing recently released testimony from two IRS whistleblowers regarding the investigation into Hunter Biden for tax evasion and

EXCLUSIVE: Ted Cruz Explains How He Tanked Biden’s Nominees

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz outlined his efforts to tank President Joe Biden’s nominees as the ranking member of the Senate Commerce Committee, in an exclusive interview with the Daily Caller. Cruz, mentioned that in the first five months of 2023, three non-judicial Biden nominees have been defeated in the Senate, after failing to make

‘Re-Running The Ted Cruz Playbook’: CNN Panelist Dismisses DeSantis’ Chances In Republican Primary

A guest on “CNN This Morning” dismissed on Wednesday Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida’s chances in the Republican presidential primary and claimed he is using a strategy that failed to beat former President Donald Trump in 2016. “One thing that’s interesting about this primary is that Ron DeSantis is sort of re-running the Ted Cruz playbook.

Sen. Cruz: Biden ‘Willing to Tank the Economy’ with Debt Ceiling Stalemate

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that President Joe Biden was “willing to tank the economy” over the debt ceiling debate. Cruz said, “It is really unfortunate to see how Joe Biden is approaching this job. It is all politics all the time and he consistency goes to

Cruz: Trump Indictment a ‘Political Persecution’

Tuesday on FNC’s “Hannity,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) questioned the merits of the effort of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg to indict former President Donald Trump. Cruz called the effort a political persecution and said the charge was “bogus.” “Listen, the long and short of it is, this indictment, if it comes this week is

‘More Like A Two-Bit Politician’: Ted Cruz Says ‘Its Time For Dr. Fauci To Go’

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said Tuesday that it was time for Dr. Anthony Fauci “to go.”  During an interview with The Michael Berry Show, Cruz expressed displeasure with Fauci, who serves as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). “He behaved more like a two-bit politician than a scientist. That…

Cruz: If Biden ‘Wants to Show He Can Do Something,’ He Should Get E.U. to Bar Huawei from Europe

On Wednesday’s “Fox Business Tonight,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) argued that if President Joe Biden wants to prove he can accomplish things, he should use his trip to Europe to get the European Union to agree “to keep Huawei out of Europe.” Cruz stated, “I’ve got to say, as Joe Biden goes to Europe, I…

Ted Cruz Dines With Donald Trump, Says Former President Is In ‘Great Spirits’

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz dined with former President Donald Trump on Tuesday at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida, Cruz announced Tuesday evening. Cruz was among the first Republican senators to meet with Trump since leaving office. Trump has gone to great lengths to maintain and even strengthen his grip on the GOP now that…

Ted Cruz Tells Biden That ‘The American People Deserve To See The Truth’ About Border Crisis

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on Sunday sent a letter to President Joe Biden saying that Americans “deserve to see the truth” about the conditions at southern border facilities. In the letter posted on Twitter, the Texas senator informs Biden that he also intends to visit another detention center on Monday that is operating at…

Exclusive – Ted Cruz Amendment Would Block Stimulus Checks for Illegal Aliens in Coronavirus Package

An amendment by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) to the proposed coronavirus relief package passed out of the House last week would ensure that stimulus checks are not awarded to illegal aliens living in the United States, Breitbart News has exclusively learned. Senate Democrats opened debate on the $1.9 trillion relief package without any GOP support,…

‘I’ve Demanded A Meeting’: Ted Cruz Unloads On Military Twitter Accounts Targeting Tucker Carlson

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz launched a challenge Sunday to military personnel who have publicly attacked Fox News host and Daily Caller cofounder Tucker Carlson. “Under Biden, the military is launching political attacks to intimidate Tucker Carlson & other civilians who criticize their policy decisions,” Cruz tweeted along with a copy of the letter he…

Ted Cruz: ‘Crystal Clear to Everybody’ Trump Will Be Acquitted

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Thursday expressed confidence that former President Donald Trump will be acquitted in the U.S. Senate’s second impeachment trial. “I think the end result of this impeachment trial is crystal clear to everybody 
 Donald Trump will be acquitted,” Cruz said, according to The Hill. “And every person in the senate…

CNN’s Tapper on Cruz’s Criticism of Paris Accords’ Impact on PA: Cruz Voted to Throw out PA’s Votes

During CNN’s Inauguration coverage on Wednesday, host Jake Tapper responded to Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) tweet criticizing President Biden for rejoining the Paris Climate Accords as Biden being “more interested in the views of the citizens of Paris than in the jobs of the citizens of Pittsburgh” by stating that Cruz voted “to throw out…

Ted Cruz explains how plan to oppose Electoral College certification is a ‘third option’

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) responded Sunday to criticism over his plan to oppose the certification of Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory, which is scheduled to happen during a joint-session of Congress on Jan. 6. What’s the background? Cruz revealed the plan on Saturday, and he is being joined by 10 other Republican senators. In […]

Media scrutinizes Kavanaugh but gives Ted Cruz challenger a pass.

Beto O’Roarke, the Democrat candidate for Senate in Texas (l); and embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh (r). (AP/Reuters) Rest assured that if there’s a rumor that, in third grade, young Brett Kavanaugh yanked on the ponytails of the girl in the second row (war on women!), The New York Times, NBC News and phalanxes […]

Ted Cruz heckled by radical protesters in DC restaurant: video

FILE: Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz takes part in a debate for the Texas U.S. Senate with Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke, in Dallas. (AP) A group of radical protesters in Washington, D.C., shouted down Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and his wife in a restaurant Monday night, sending the couple to an early exit in a […]

How the Left Created Nikolas Cruz.

Did you know that the same reckless juvenile delinquency policies that effectively green-lighted high school spree-killer Nikolas Cruz’s descent into infamy are now in effect all across America? No organization has done more to keep juvenile offenders across the nation on the streets instead of behind bars than the Baltimore-based Annie E. Casey Foundation, which […]

BOTCHED: FBI Admits “Protocols Were Not Followed” To Escalate Tip About High School Gunman Nikolas Cruz

In a statement released Friday, the FBI says ‘protocols were not followed,’ to escalate a tip the bureau received about Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School gunman Nikolas Cruz. “We are still investigating the facts. I am committed to getting to the bottom of what happened in this particular matter, as well as reviewing our processes for responding […]

WATCH: Ted Cruz Shuts Down Bernie Sanders’ Thoughts on Taxes, Socialism.

CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash on Tuesday moderated a townhall on taxes. Republican Sens. Ted Cruz (TX) and Tim Scott (SC) debated Maria Cantwell (WA) and Bernie Sanders (VT). Sen. Cruz was asked, “What do you say to employees if wages don’t increase but investors and executives benefit?” His response was beyond epic. Democrats […]

Reporter Asks Ted Cruz If It’s Time for Gun Control — His Response Flips the Argument on Its Head

On Sunday, a man named Devin Kelley opened fire on a small Texas church using a “Ruger AR-type of assault rifle” and killed 26 people. Since the catastrophe, politicians, celebrities, and activists have urged President Donald Trump and politicians in Congress to do something about gun control. Many have even stated that “thoughts and prayers” […]

Ted Cruz Calls for $14 Billion Seized from ‘El Chapo’ to Fund Border Wall.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced a bill calling for the use of $14 billion seized from cartel drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman to be used to pay for the President’s border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. “Fourteen billion dollars will go a long way toward building a wall that will keep Americans safe […]

Ted Cruz Introduces Bill To Designate Muslim Brotherhood As Terrorist Organization

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) have introduced a bill to ask the Secretary of State to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as an international terrorist organization. The bill, dubbed the “Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act,” states that the group has met the criteria of a terrorist group, and thus should be designated […]

Ted Cruz Reveals The Real Reason Dems Are Terrified Of Jeff Sessions

On Monday, one day before the confirmation hearings begin for Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala. (C, 78%), Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas (A, 97%) published a fiery op-ed in Politico, explaining why Sessions is a “superb” choice for attorney general, and why Democrats are shaking in their boots. Cruz, who served alongside Sessions in the Senate, vouches […]

Senator Cruz, Rep. DeSantis Introduce Constitutional Amendment to Impose Term Limits

Get rid of Nancy Pelosi: impose term limits.(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) This is an amendment every rational thinking conservative and libertarian can and must support: U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) today proposed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to impose term limits on members of Congress. The amendment would […]

Sens. Cruz, Heller, and Rubio Introduce Bill To Move U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV), and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) have introduced the Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act, which would move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and therefore recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city. Currently, the U.S. Embassy is located in Tel Aviv. In a statement, Sen. Cruz said that […]


Senator Ted Cruz, always known as a staunch friend of Israel, issued a blistering statement on Facebook targeting Secretary of State John Kerry after Kerry’s speech on Wednesday. Cruz started by noting that Barack Obama and Kerry are using “their last breath in office” to strike at Israel, adding, “History will record and the world will […]

Ted Cruz: ‘No $ for UN’ Until Anti-Israel Resolution Reversed

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) tweeted on Saturday that he would oppose funding for the United Nations until the UN Security Council reversed an anti-Israel resolution that it approved on Friday, with the acquiescence of the Obama administration. Spoke w/ Israeli PM @netanyahu tonight to wish him Happy Chanukah & assure him of strong support in […]

Cruz: Obama Administration Has Strengthened ‘Tyrannical’ Castro Regime

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) said President Barack Obama’s administration has strengthened the “tyrannical regime” of the late Fidel Castro and his brother RaĂșl Castro in Cuba. Cruz said, “What the Obama administration has done is strengthen Raul Castro. Raul is the dictator now. I asked my dad at dinner last […]

Ted Cruz ANNIHILATES whiny anti-Trump protesters in just 46 seconds

Over the last week, we’ve witnessed the single greatest collective liberal temper tantrum in the history of this country, as lefties have protested, rioted, blocked traffic, and destroyed property as they refuse to accept that Donald Trump is our new president. What’s ironic is the fact these people use the slogan “Love trumps hate,” yet it’s […]
