July 26, 2024

WATCH: Iranian Missiles Intercepted over Islamic Holy Site Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem

David Silverman/Newsmakers via Getty Images Israel intercepted missiles over one of Islam’s holiest sites, the Dome of the Rock, during the attack launched by the Iranian regime this weekend. Video captured several missiles being intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome in the sky above the Dome of the Rock, one of the world’s oldest surviving works

Handful of Christians defy war for Easter services in Jerusalem, Gaza

A handful of Christians in Jerusalem and Gaza City defied the raging conflict in the war-torn region for Saturday night Easter services. About 100 Palestinian Christians made their way to the Holy Family Church in Gaza City for a service there, while another small batch of worshipers gathered at the Holy Sepulchre Church in Jerusalem […]

Israel Declares Itself ‘Jewish State’. Jerusalem as Eternal Capital.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said “Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people, which honors the individual rights of all its citizens, I repeat this is our state, The Jewish state.” “Lately, there are people who are trying to destabilize this and therefore destabilize the foundations of our existence and our rights, so today […]

Another Country Follows U.S. Lead, Opens Embassy in Jerusalem.

For decades, our leaders have been promising to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Donald Trump was the latest to make such a promise, and last week he made good on his word. Now, it appears the President’s move has emboldened other world leaders, as another country moved its embassy from Tel Aviv […]

President Trump Fulfills Prophecies and Moves Our Embassy to Jerusalem.

The Western Wall of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem (Photo credit: Majamski) In but a few moments ancient prophecies will be fulfilled and veritable truths realized when the United States moves its embassy to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem. It will also be a day when we will remember the strength and courage of the man who […]

Iranian Student Group Offers $100K Reward to Blow Up U.S. Jerusalem Embassy.

An Iranian student group known as the Iranian Justice Seeker Student Movement has been putting up posters offering a $100,000 bounty to anyone who will blow up the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. The Washington Free Beacon: “The Student Justice Movement will support anybody who destroy the illegal American embassy in Jerusalem,” the poster states in Farsi, […]

VIDEO: President Trump’s Historic Statement to People of Israel On US Embassy Opening in Jerusalem.

President Donald Trump spoke to the people of Israel on Monday via a video feed at the new US Embassy in Jerusalem. Here is President Trump’s historic speech. "On December 6th, 2017, at my direction, the United States finally and officially recognized Jerusalem as the true capital of Israel. Today we follow through on this […]

Report: Iranian Group Offers $100,000 To Blow Up American Embassy In Jerusalem.

On Monday, it was reported that an Iranian group has offered $100,000 to anyone who blows up the new American embassy in Jerusalem. That news came courtesy of the University Student News Network, a regional Farsi-language site, as The Washington Free Beacon reports. The Iranian Justice Seeker Student Movement reportedly distributed posters with a message […]

Democrats Are a No-Show for Jerusalem Embassy Move.

Four U.S. Senators addressed members of the press at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on Monday morning, hours before the official relocation of the U.S. embassy — and all four were Republicans. Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX), Dean Heller (R-NV), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Mike Lee (R-UT) made the trip, along with ten Republican U.S. […]

US Embassy opens in Jerusalem: ‘When Trump makes a promise, he keeps it’.

President Donald Trump was the only president to fulfill his promise to move the American embassy to Jerusalem—this was the message repeated by all speakers at the inauguration ceremony for the new US Embassy in the Israeli capital on Monday. Trump’s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner, along with Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, led the […]

‘Thank You President Trump’ on Walls of Jerusalem on Eve of Embassy Move.

“Thank You President Trump.” That was the message projected onto the ancient walls of Jerusalem, together with the American and Israeli flags, on the eve of the formal transfer of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem on Sunday evening. Inside those walls — most recently rebuilt by the Ottoman sultan Suleiman I in the 16th century […]

24 Hours Before US Embassy Opening in Jerusalem City Soccer Team Renames itself After President Trump.

24 hours before the official opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem the city’s soccer team officially renamed the squad “Beitar Trump Jerusalem” after President Donald Trump. 24 hours before The United States open their new embassy in Jerusalem, Beitar Jerusalem FC have announced that from now on they will be know as Beitar " […]

First Signs Posted to U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.

The Jerusalem municipality has proudly mounted the first street signs pointing the way toward the U.S. embassy, which is set to open one week from today, on the 70th secular anniversary of Israel’s independence on May 14. Mayor Nir Barkat posed atop a ladder as the first sign went up as part of ongoing celebrations […]

Abbas: Palestinians Won’t Allow Any Country to Open Embassy in Jerusalem.

The Times of Israel reports: The Palestinians will not allow US President Donald Trump or anyone else to say that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Saturday. The Palestinians, Abbas said, will continue to fight Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital as they have been doing for […]

Al-Qaeda Leader Calls on Muslims ‘Everywhere’ to Kill Jews, Americans over Jerusalem.

(AFP) A senior Al-Qaeda leader has called on Muslims “everywhere” to rise up and kill Jews and Americans in response to US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. In a video released Monday, Khalid Batarfi said Trump’s decision was “a declaration of a new Jewish-Crusader war” and every Muslim had a […]

Why Guatemala Chose to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital.

Guatemala announced it is going to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem following US President Donald Trump’s controversial decision to officially recognize the city as the country’s capital. Guatemala President Jimmy Morales said he met with Israel Prime Minsiter Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss relations between the two countries, which ultimately resulted in a decision to return the Guatemalan embassy […]

Here’s How Much The US Would Save If Trump Cut Aid To Every Country That Voted ‘Nay’ On Jerusalem Move.

There was global outcry after President Trump announced his intention to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, but that might actually turn out to be a good thing for America’s economy if the White House makes good on the threat made to the countries opposing the move. The move officially recognizes the city […]

New Jerusalem Train Station To Be Named After President Trump.

Israel will name a new train station after President Trump announced the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv will move to Jerusalem. Daily Caller reports: Israel’s transportation minister is planning to name a train station in Jerusalem after President Donald Trump as a gesture for recognizing the holy city as the capital of Israel. The nation’s transportation […]

SPITTING ON TRUMP: Iran Declares Jerusalem Eternal Capital Of ‘Palestine’

On Wednesday, the government of possibly the most anti-Semitic government on earth shocked the world by announcing that Jerusalem will never be the capital of Israel and the Jewish people. According to the Iranian news agency Fars, the government of Iran passed a bill declaring Jerusalem forever as the capital of the non-existent country “Palestine” […]

Guatemala follows in Trump’s footsteps, announces embassy move to Jerusalem.

Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales.  (AP, File) Less than a month after President Trump announced the U.S. would move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Guatemala became the first nation to follow his lead, announcing on Christmas Eve that it would move its embassy as well. Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales posted to Facebook Sunday […]

President Trump Taunts Past Presidents For Failing To Recognize Jerusalem As Israeli Capital.

Late Thursday night, President Trump tweeted a video taunting past presidents for failing to keep promises to officially recognize Israel’s preferred capital city, Jerusalem. The president’s montage shows former presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama making campaign promises to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. I fulfilled my campaign promise – […]

Venezuela, Cuba Lead Regional Leftists Against Trump Jerusalem Declaration.

The leftist governments of Latin America — including Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, and Bolivia — have all issued statements condemning American President Donald Trump for officially recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Cuba and Venezuela maintain close ties to the government of Iran, which regularlythreatens the complete destruction of Israel. Cuba’s foreign ministry issued a […]

Netanyahu Slams European ‘Hypocrisy’ On Trump’s Jerusalem Move.

TEL AVIV – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed European “hypocrisy” and “double standards,” saying EU leaders were quick to condemn President Donald Trump for his recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital but remained silent in the face of retaliatory rocket attacks into Israel from Gaza. The prime minister made his remarks ahead of a two-day trip […]

Who’s Following Trump’s Lead on Jerusalem?

Malta EU Africa Migration Summit According to reports in the Israeli press, several other countries will follow President Trump’s lead and move their Israeli embassies to Jerusalem. Who is doing this and why speaks volumes about the moral condition of the world. Hungary’s President Viktor Orban reportedly vetoed a European Community resolution condemning Trump’s action, […]

Jerusalem: Why Trump Succeeded Where Others Failed.

After months of stalling and waiting, President Trump finally officially recognized Jerusalem as the Eternal Capital of Israel. He further directed his cabinet and the State Department to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The transition will take time, but it’s underway. Of course, the Palestinian terrorists and their liberal enablers are […]

15 Hysterical Reactions to Trump’s Jerusalem Announcement.

It’s safe to say that people around the world are very excited by President Donald Trump’s decision to formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and begin the process of moving the American embassy there. Here are some of the most excitable folks and their reactions to the announcement: Ismail Haniyah, head of the […]

WATCH: HISTORIC: President Trump’s Speech Recognizing Jerusalem As Capital Of Israel.

On Wednesday, President Trump finally kept the promise made to the State of Israel by Congress in 1995, but ignored by every president since, announcing that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Jerusalem has been the heart and soul of the Jewish people for over 3,000 years. The transcript of President […]

Full text of Trump’s speech recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel.

ï»ż   Full text of the White House remarks given by US President Donald Trump on December 6, 2017, in which he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. When I came into office, I promised to look at the world’s challenges with open eyes and very fresh thinking. We cannot […]

Trump: ‘I Have Determined That It Is Time to Officially Recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel’

President Donald Trump announced Wednesday in a televised address from the White House that the United States officially recognizes the city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and will begin moving its embassy there. “I have determined that it is time to official recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,” President Trump said. “While previous […]

‘An Event of Almost Biblical Significance’ – President Trump Makes History: Will Move USA’s Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

Jerusalem 101: Why President Trump’s New Policy Is Such a Big Deal President Donald Trump is announcing Wednesday that the U.S. officially recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and that the State Department will begin the process of moving the embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. It might be unclear at first why that […]
