July 27, 2024

Apple Moves into Home Robotics as Next Frontier After Car Project Fizzles

Apple is exploring the field of personal robotics as a potential new growth area following the cancellation of its electric vehicle project earlier this year. Bloomberg reports that according to people familiar with the situation, Apple has teams investigating a push into personal robotics, with engineers exploring a mobile robot that can follow users around

Marjorie Taylor Greene moves to censure Rashida Tlaib over ‘antisemitic activity’ 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced a measure to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib on Thursday, accusing the far-left Michigan congresswoman of “antisemitic activity” dating back to 2019 and culminating in an “antisemitic insurrection” at the US Capitol.  The Georgia Republican’s measure was introduced as a privileged resolution, meaning House leadership will be forced to take action […]

Marjorie Taylor Greene Moves to Defund the Special Counsel Against Trump

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) announced Monday she was writing legislation to defund the special counsel investigation against former President Donald Trump. “This morning, I’m writing an appropriations rider to DEFUND Special Counsel Jack Smith’s office and entire investigation,” she tweeted. She also pledged to vote against any appropriations bill that funded the “weaponization of

State Attorney General Moves To Block Trans People From Changing Birth Certificate

The Kansas attorney general filed a request in federal court late Friday which would end a requirement that allows trans-identifying people to change their birth certificates, according to the Associated Press (AP). Republican Attorney General Kris Kobach is challenging a 2019 ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Daniel Crabtree, the AP reported. The judge’s ruling

Ivy League university moves to prioritize ‘free expression’ months after students heckled conservative pundit

Cornell University will announce plans to feature “free expression and academic freedom” as its theme for the 2023-2024 academic year on Monday, dealing another blow to censorship on college campuses. The preliminary announcement came Friday, months after students heckled conservative speaker Ann Coulter, a Cornell alumna, at a November 2022 event by blasting music, blowing […]

Debt Standoff: House GOP Moves to Lock Down Package to Force Biden’s Hand on Spending Limit

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and other top House Republicans raced Tuesday to lock down votes for a legislative package that would raise the debt ceiling while cutting spending that they believe will strengthen their negotiating position with Democrats as a standoff looms later this year. McCarthy hosted GOP members in the speaker’s office all

House GOP budget chief moves forward after McCarthy beef

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) confers with House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-Texas) at the Capitol in Washington, March 8, 2src23. | J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo A congressional budget chief’s job often looks thankless: Toil to unite your party around a detailed fiscal plan — and then watch your opponents use it

Florida moves one step closer to universal school choice

What is it? School Choice With school choice debates in states across the country, author Neal McCluskey helps us answer important questions such as, ‘what is it’ and ‘why is it controversial?’ School choice supporters scored a win on Friday with the Republican-led Florida House of Representatives passing legislation making state-funded vouchers for students universal. […]

Rand Paul leads investigation into ‘disturbing’ $5.4B in pandemic fraud as Biden moves to end COVID emergency

EXCLUSIVE: Sens. Rand Paul and Joni Ernst are launching an investigation into over $5.4 billion in small business loan fraud as the Biden administration prepares to wind down the COVID-19 pandemic emergency. Paul, R-Ky., and Ernst, R-Iowa, sent a letter to Inspector General of the Small Business Administration Monday, demanding an assessment into the “extent” […]

Senate moves forward to fund government despite snags over Manchin’s energy plan

That vote to advance the stopgap, likely to occur on Tuesday or Wednesday, would require 6src senators. The New York Democrat is determined to attach the energy permitting provisions to the funding patch, stemming from a deal with Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin that cemented the West Virginia centrist’s support for the party’s health care, tax

Biden’s State Pick Tony Blinken Praises Trump for Being ‘Tougher’ on China, Other Moves Abroad

President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee to head the State Department, Antony Blinken, during his Senate confirmation hearing on Tuesday afternoon lauded President Donald Trump for being “tougher” on China. Blinken faced questions from members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the last day in which Republicans have full control of the panel, allowing them to…

NC State moves classes online after off-campus parties spread COVID-19

North Carolina State University abruptly ended in-person instruction for its undergraduate students just weeks into the fall semester after a surge in coronavirus cases was traced back to large, off-campus parties.As of Wednesday, the school reported that more than 500 students were in quarantine and isolation, mostly off-campus. The students have either tested positive themselves or been in…

President Trump Fulfills Prophecies and Moves Our Embassy to Jerusalem.

The Western Wall of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem (Photo credit: Majamski) In but a few moments ancient prophecies will be fulfilled and veritable truths realized when the United States moves its embassy to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem. It will also be a day when we will remember the strength and courage of the man who […]

Mexico Moves to Disband Caravan of Illegal Aliens After Being Blasted By President Trump on Twitter.

After a series of scathing tweets from President Trump, the Mexican government has stopped a caravan of illegal aliens traveling through Mexico from Honduras and on their way to the United States. The caravan was organized by People Without Borders, a far left organization. From WAPO: The Mexican government on Monday evening moved to break […]

House Passes Senate Budget, Moves One Step Closer To Tax Reform

The House narrowly passed the Senate’s fiscal year 2018 budget equipped with reconciliation instructions for tax reform in a 216-212 vote Thursday. Passing the measure brings Republicans one step closer to their plans to overhaul the tax code. The bill, which allows for $1.5 trillion in deficit spending, provides the GOP with the tools needed to […]

EPA moves to repeal Obama climate rule ‘in its entirety’

The Trump administration will soon propose repealing the Obama administration’s climate change rule for power plants, but won’t commit to replacing it with another regulation. A draft of the proposal obtained by The Hill on Friday asserts that under former President Barack Obama, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a Clean Power Plan that “is […]

Krauthammer: Obama’s Sudden Russia Moves Meant to Delegitimize Trump as ‘Revenge’ [Video]

On the same day that WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange told Fox News that, contrary to the Obama administration’s claims, the Russian government was not the source for their leaked Democratic Party documents, conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer said President Obama’s newfound adversarial stance and actions against Russia are “largely political,” intended to delegitimize President-elect Donald Trump. Krauthammer went as far as to suggest that Obama was […]

BREAKING: Ryan Moves For “Appropriate Sanctions” Against Hillary Clinton

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton thought when FBI Director James Comey announced Tuesday that the FBI would not recommend an indictment to the Department of Justice that her private email server troubles were behind her and she could move on. She was very wrong. Thursday morning, House Speaker Paul Ryan Thursday formally requested that […]

Obama Moves To Sell Weapons To The Communist Vietnamese Government

After spending his entire presidency surrendering to various foes of the United States, President Obama is now moving to make the loss of the Vietnam War complete. Vietnam, which largely disappeared from the stage of history after the United States cut and ran at the behest of Democrats who defunded a won war, has remained […]

The War On Women Moves to Restrooms

To accommodate the perceived wishes of a very small number of people, the federal government and many states are placing women and girls at risk of rape and assault in restrooms. There are about a mere 700,000 transgender individuals in the U.S., or 0.3% of the adult population. As John Hinderaker correctly notes — that makes […]

Congress moves to endorse Islamic blasphemy laws

  There is a bill before Congress (HR569) that singles out hate speech against Muslims.  And then some.  As of this writing, the resolution, which is nothing short of sharia law, has 82 co-sponsors.  All of them are Democrats.  And while the bill has little to no chance of passing, it is a window into […]

Obama moves to ‘increase and accelerate’ admission of Syrian refugees

The Obama administration is moving to increase and accelerate the number of Syrian refugees who might be admitted into the United States by opening new screening outposts in Iraq and Lebanon, administration officials told Reuters on Friday. The move comes after President Barack Obama pledged in September to admit an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees in […]

Putin moves in as Obama’s Syrian strategy against ISIS collapses

A very sharp analysis of the Syrian situation from the New York Observer‘s John Schindler who lays out a case that Russian influence in the Middle East is on the rise while America’s is being frittered away by the incompetents at the White House. How incompetent? The forces Mr. Putin has just deployed to Syria […]
