July 26, 2024

Bloomberg’s Abramowicz: Biden Has a Conflict Between Lowering Oil Prices, Enforcing Iran Sanctions

On Tuesday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Surveillance,” co-host Lisa Abramowicz stated that the Biden administration faces a direct conflict between its desire to bring down oil prices in the United States and clamping down on Iranian oil revenue through the strict enforcement of sanctions on Iran’s oil supply, because if you want to lower American oil prices

US imposes sanctions on 9 Sinaloa Cartel affiliates and Clan Del Golfo leader in drug trafficking crackdown

The U.S. Treasury has imposed sanctions on ten individuals associated with the Sinaloa drug trafficking cartel and Clan del Golfo in Colombia due to their involvement in drug trafficking.  This move blocks their assets in the United States and prohibits U.S. citizens from engaging with their assets. The sanctions also encompass others involved in security, […]

Hunter Biden’s Attorneys Face Sanctions over ‘Misrepresentations to the Court’

Hunter Biden’s attorneys face potential sanctions over “misrepresentations to the court” after his legal team allegedly lied to the clerk in his criminal case. The president’s son is set to enter a plea agreement on Wednesday after his legal team secured a sweetheart plea agreement on Biden’s charge by federal authorities of illegally possessing a

United States Sanctions Six Chinese Firms amid Spy Balloon Incident 

The U.S. Commerce Department on Friday announced sanctions against six Chinese aerospace companies in connection with the Chinese spy balloon that U.S. military officials shot down last weekend after it traversed U.S. airspace.  The six companies were added to an export blacklist because of their links to the People’s Liberation Army aerospace programs, “including airships

Issa: Biden’s Boosting Carbon Emissions by Easing Venezuela Oil Sanctions for Nothing

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Evening Edit,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) reacted to the Biden administration easing some sanctions on Venezuelan oil production by pointing out that the United States is lifting sanctions without any meaningful actions by the Venezuelan government and also questioned why the Biden administration is so intent on trying

Report: Biden Admin To Ease Trump Sanctions Regime On Key American Adversaries

President Joe Biden is reportedly set to chart a new course away from his predecessor’s foreign policy. The Biden administration is re-evaluating how the U.S. uses economic sanctions and is in the midst of planning a new approach that will do away with widespread economic pressure campaigns, unilateral sanctions and excessive collateral damage, according to…

Mark Ruffalo: ‘It’s Time for Sanctions on Israel to Free Palestinians’

Hollywood star Mark Ruffalo is the latest left-wing celebrity to condemn Israel, calling for sanctions against the country as punishment for its treatment of Palestinians. The Avengers star tweeted a petition from the leftist activist group Avaaz calling for the international community to take action against Israel. “Sanctions on South Africa helped free its black…

Religious Freedom Commissioners ‘Flattered’ by China’s Sanctions

The leaders of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) said Sunday they are “flattered” to be on the list of those the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has sanctioned. Gayle Manchin and Tony Perkins, the chairman and vice chairman of the USCIRF, wrote in Sunday’s Wall Street Journal that the CCP sanctions represent “a…

‘Collusion’ Fail: Trump Slaps Even More Sanctions On Russia; Russia Issues Snarky Response.

“Let us welcome the United Sanctions of America!” All that “collusion” really hasn’t paid off for Russia, which has once again been slapped with more sanctions by the Trump administration, this time for trying to poison a former spy and his daughter. If Russia doesn’t satisfy certain demands over the next few months, even more […]

Trump Administration Approves New Sanctions On Russia That Could ‘Reach Potentially Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars’

The Trump administration is preparing new sanctions against Russia following its use of a nerve agent in the U.K. in “violation of international law.” Heather Nauert, spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of State, said Wednesday it notified the Kremlin about the impending sanctions, which will likely be imposed on Aug. 22 after the required 15-day congressional […]

Trump reinstates Iran sanctions, slams ‘horrible’ nuclear deal.

President Trump’s national security adviser says the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions on Iran is an indication of how strongly the Trump administration feels that the regime’s ‘belligerent activity’ must end. John Bolton: We want to put ‘unprecedented pressure’ on Iran President Trump on Monday renewed sanctions on Iran as he followed through on vows to […]

Haley Slams Russia for Violating North Korea Sanctions.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley directs comments to the Russian delegation at the conclusion of a U.N. Security Council meeting to discuss the recent ballistic missile launch by North Korea at U.N. headquarters in New York on July 5, 2017. (Reuters/Mike Segar) The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations criticized Moscow on Aug. […]

President Trump Announces New Sanctions on Turkey For Ongoing Detainment of Christian Pastor.

President Trump announced new sanctions on Turkey Thursday morning for the ongoing detention of Christian pastor Andrew Brunson. The United States will impose large sanctions on Turkey for their long time detainment of Pastor Andrew Brunson, a great Christian, family man and wonderful human being. He is suffering greatly. This innocent man of faith should […]

Venezuela Expels Top U.S. Diplomats in Retaliation for Sanctions.

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro announced Tuesday that he is expelling the top two U.S. diplomats in the country in retaliation for U.S. sanctions put in place by the Trump administration after what U.S. officials called a “sham” election. Maduro claimed U.S. charge d’affaires Todd Robinson was involved in “a military conspiracy,” ordering him and senior […]

WATCH: Pompeo promises strongest sanctions in history on Iran.

ï»ż Now that America is out of the Iran deal, what’s next for US-Iran relations? WASHINGTON — The Trump administration will embark on an “unprecedented” pressure campaign against Iran meant to fundamentally change its foreign policy, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Monday. Delivering his first major foreign policy address as top diplomat […]

BREAKING: Trump Sanctions Russian Nationals For Meddling In 2016 Presidential Election.

President Donald Trump’s administration will sanction 19 Russian nationals for meddling in the 2016 presidential election, multiple senior national security officials told reporters Thursday morning. The sanctions will also target Russian nationals and entities for cyber attacks on the U.S. energy grid along with other U.S. based companies and persons. The sanctions include new authorities […]

U.S. Imposes Even More Severe Sanctions On Those Trading With North Korea

Likely media narrative: Mean Yankee capitalists make Pyongyang’s sweetheart cry, but she is stoic and unbowed with minimal eye makeup. Oh, in case you missed it, there’s also a rogue regime threatening nuclear holocaust, and its greatest vulnerability is that virtually no wealth is produced in the giant prison country, so it’s entirely reliant on […]

China Caught Violating UN Sanctions on Oil Exports.

China has been caught red-handed illegally selling oil to North Korea, thanks to U.S. spy satellites, which captured images of the deals roughly 30 times since October. The U.S. Treasury released the photos showing ships from both nations trading oil illegally in the West Sea. North Korea was barred in September by the United Nations […]

Treasury and Commerce Departments Issued New Sanctions Against Cuba

  On June 16, 2017, President Donald Trump signed his Cuba policy directive on new sanctions against the communist regime at the Manuel Artime Theater in Miami. However, it took several months for the Departments of the Treasury, Commerce, and State and the White House National Security Council to implement the Cuban sanctions based upon […]

If Socialism Is the Problem in Venezuela, More Sanctions Are Not the Solution

Overshadowed by his remarks concerning North Korea’s “Rocket Man” and the “worst ever” Iranian nuclear deal, President Donald Trump’s views on Venezuela in his speech at the United Nations on Tuesday were soft-pedalled by the mainstream media. But they were spot on: The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but […]

Trump’s latest sanctions push North Korea further into a corner

President Donald trump issued new sanctions on North Korea on Thursday. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images) President Donald Trump continues to exhaust all non-military options to curb North Korea’s nuclear weapons development, and Thursday he signed an Executive Order that will severely limit North Korea’s ability to participate in the international economy. “Foreign financial institutions must choose between […]

U.S. Sanctions Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea, Sierra Leone for Failing to Take Back Deported Nationals

U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration has slapped sanctions on Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea, and Sierra Leone for “lack of cooperation” in accepting their citizens who face deportation from the United States, including many who have committed serious crimes like murder in American communities, reveals the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). “International law obligates each country to accept […]

US sanctions 4 countries for not accepting deportees

The Department of Homeland Security announced that the U.S. would impose sanctions on four countries for not accepting their nationals who have been deported from the United States. Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea, and Sierra Leone will not be allowed to issue visas for various classes of individuals. The sanctions had been discussed for several months, as […]

Trump and Mnuchin Threaten China with Trade Sanctions After North Korea Nuke Test

North Korea’s latest nuclear test is also a test of China and the resolve of the United States. On Sunday, North Korea set off its sixth nuclear explosion. Tremors from the explosion, which was as much as 10 times bigger than the previous test last year, could be felt in cities in China’s northeast. The […]

United States Imposed Severe Economic Sanctions Against Venezuela

President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order imposing strong, new financial sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela. The Statement by the Press Secretary on New Financial Sanctions on Venezuela The statement by the White House press secretary stated the following: “The Maduro dictatorship continues to deprive the Venezuelan people of food and medicine, imprison […]

New US Sanctions Deliver Financial Blow to the Venezuelan Dictatorship

US President Donald Trump and his administration are aiming to squeeze out the regime by depriving it of its most essential financial resources.  (Twitter) The United States announced its first economic sanctions against the Venezuelan government this Friday, August 25, which represents a serious blow to the country and NicolĂĄs Maduro’s regime. US President Donald […]

US Preparing New Wave of Sanctions against Venezuelan Regime, Including Bond Trade Ban

The US has sanctioned Venezuela on three previous occasions, including more than a dozen high-standing regime members and Maduro himself. (flickr) The United States is preparing to issue a new wave of sanctions against the dictatorship in Venezuela. The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday, August 24 that US President Donald Trump and his adminsitration will […]

Trump Admin Unloads Block of 271 Sanctions on Assad Regime for Chemical Weapons Attack.

The U.S. Treasury announced on Monday that it is putting into place 271 new sanctions in Syria following a chemical weapons attack on April 4 that killed dozens of people, including many children. Treasury said in a press release that the sanctions are “in response to the attack on innocent civilians in Khan Sheikhoun, Syria, […]

Trump Considers Shredding Nuclear Deal, Re-Imposing ALL Sanctions On Iran.

President Trump has ordered his National Security Council (NSC) to conduct an interagency review of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), colloquially known as the Iran Nuclear Deal. Citing the Islamic Republic’s terror-funding campaigns across the Middle East, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson briefed Congress on the Trump administration’s increasingly hardline stance against Iran […]

Obama Softens Sanctions On Terrorism Sponsor Sudan On His Way Out

The Obama administration plans on easing sanctions against Sudan as part of a larger effort to initiate limited talks with the government in Khartoum, the Associated Press reported Thursday. The White House will make the announcement on Friday. The State Department designated Sudan as a State Sponsor of Terrorism in 1993 “due to concerns about support to […]
