July 26, 2024

Muslim Mob Stones Three Christians to Death in Kenya.

An Islamist mob stoned three Christians to death in western Kenya this week in apparent retaliation for the recent killing of three suspected al Shabaab militants. An eyewitness said that the killing happened at a construction site where one of the Christian victims, Fredrick Mukanda Bahati, was building a house along with two assistants. The […]

President Trump Announces New Sanctions on Turkey For Ongoing Detainment of Christian Pastor.

President Trump announced new sanctions on Turkey Thursday morning for the ongoing detention of Christian pastor Andrew Brunson. The United States will impose large sanctions on Turkey for their long time detainment of Pastor Andrew Brunson, a great Christian, family man and wonderful human being. He is suffering greatly. This innocent man of faith should […]

Muslims attack Christian church and kill 15 people during mass.

The attack occurred in Bangui, capital of the Central African Republic. On Tuesday (1), a group of Muslim soldiers invaded the Church of Our Lady of Fatima, in Bangui, capital of the Central African Republic. According to witnesses, a group of men with weapons and grenades invaded the morning mass and began to execute the […]

Walmart Declares War On Christian Music.

Walmart recently announced that it would not be carrying — in its stores — Christian metal act Stryper’s newest release, “God Damn Evil.” I have listened to this record nearly a hundred times (and reviewed it here) and it is an incredibly well-crafted heavy metal record; quite possibly one of Stryper’s very best over a […]

6 Christian Communities that Can’t Practice Their Religion Freely This Easter.

As Christians around the world prepare to observe the holy weekend of Easter, many will be asked at their services to pray for the persecuted around the world. After years of advocacy groups raising awareness, the plight of the Christians of the Middle East, particularly in the former Islamic State territories, has become common knowledge […]

Iraqi Christians Prepare for First Easter Since Liberation From ISIS: ‘There Will Be Life Again’

Iraqi Christians attend an Easter celebration at St George Chaldean Church in Baghdad, Iraq, April 15, 2017. For the first time since the Islamic State terrorist group drove thousands of Christians from Iraq’s Nineveh Plains, the village of Qaraqosh is preparing to celebrate Easter as believers slowly return to their hometown. Open Doors, a Christian […]

Delusion: More Dems Think U.S. Muslims Mistreated Than Think Islamic World Mistreats Christians.

A victim is seen on a stretcher after a bomb went off at a Coptic church in Tanta, Egypt, April 9, 2017. (REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany) A February Rasmussen report sheds light on just how divorced from reality millions of American liberal voters are. After pointing out that “Democrats are more likely to think Muslims […]

Report: Middle East Christians on the Eve of Destruction.

Egypt, Jordan, Syria and the Palestinian territories are amongst the most dangerous places on earth for Christians, according to a new report. Although Christians claim the area as their Biblical heartland alongside Israel, persecution and discrimination, especially in the past 15 years, means they now constitute no more than three to four per cent per cent of the […]

The Top Ten Underreported Stories of 2017.

Is It Because Trump Would Benefit? The Top Ten Underreported Stories of 2017 Well, we already wrote about one of these stories before Christmas; the U.S. and its allies have all but destroyed the Islamic State. They literally hold zero territory. President Donald Trump has won a war, but there’s a rather conspicuous silence from […]

North Korean defector describes ‘life of hell’ and hiding for Christians.

Choi Kwanghyuk was able to free himself from the clutches of a brutal dictatorship in his native North Korea. Like many others in the Hermit Kingdom, he was targeted and persecuted by the government for his Christian faith. North Korean Choi Kwanghyuk is one of the lucky ones. The 55-year-old managed to escape from the […]

Why So Much Hatred Against Christians in America Today?

On Sunday, the day of the church massacre, cultural commentator David French tweeted, “The amount of anti-Christian hate on Twitter the same day Christians were massacred is stunning and chilling.” If ever there was a time when we might have expected sympathy for Christians, or at least restraint in attacking them, the opposite proved true […]

Report: Texas Church Shooter Was Atheist, Thought Christians ‘Stupid’

The man who shot and killed 26 people in a Texas church on Sunday is reported to be a creepy, crazy, and weird outcast who preached atheism online. Former classmates of the Texas church shooter, Devin Patrick Kelley, said he was an atheist and outcast who thought Christians were stupid, the Daily Mail reported. “He was […]

U.S. Will Direct Humanitarian Programs in the Middle East; No More U.N. Funding

Funding that vile international body (driven largely by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation) is as good as funding jihad, Jew-hatred, creed apartheid, gender apartheid and sharia worldwide. The OIC is made up of 56 Muslim countries and the terrorist Palestinian Authority. The OIC, Bat Ye’or explains, is nothing less than a “would-be, universal caliphate.” It […]

How a Corrupted Understanding of First Amendment Is Leading to Court-Mandated Cross Removal

War memorials can be easy to miss. They’re often tucked away in small parks, virtually invisible to all but those who approach them on foot. Not so the Peace Cross. Standing more than 40 feet high, the concrete edifice was dedicated almost 100 years ago “to the heroes of Prince George’s County, Maryland who lost […]

Report: Persecution of Christians Around the World at an All-Time High

Anti-Christian persecution is at an all-time high world-wide, according to a recent report from the international Catholic charity, Aid to the Church in Need. The report, which tracks worldwide persecution from 2015-2017, found that 75 percent of religious persecution was directed at Christians. The report also found that “in 12 of the 13 countries reviewed, […]

The Southern Poverty Law Center Is the Most Dangerous Hate Group in America

Which is more insidious, the enemy that you recognize or the enemy that appears to be your friend? Which is more dangerous, a rag-tag bunch of poorly-funded White Supremacists or a well-organized, massively-funded, “civil rights” organization which demonizes Christian conservatives? And which lie is more likely to spread, one that is false from beginning to […]

Look what’s happened to CHRISTIAN refugees since Trump’s been in office

Having left their native land as political refugees, scores of people from all around the globe are seeking asylum in America and other nations.  Nearly everyone has watched or turned their head in horror as men, women and children have been butchered in the most gruesome of fashions all because of the faith they hold […]

The left’s war on Christianity and why it hates Trump

Do you remember the video that was played at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, “Government is the Only Thing We All Belong To”?  The title of that video is the crux of the beliefs of the left, not just in the U.S., but everywhere.   In contemporary America, Democrats have become congruent with the left, and […]

Sanders Attacks Christian Nominee Over Religious Beliefs

Sen. Bernie Sanders held nothing back in his scrutiny of Russell Vought’s religious beliefs, going so far as to seemingly apply a religious test to the White House Deputy Budget Director nominee. The Vermont senator’s ire was directed at Vought over an article he wrote in defense of his alma mater, Wheaton College, which read […]

Report: Gunmen Massacre Coptic Christians in Egypt, Killing at Least 28

CAIRO (AP) — Masked militants riding in three SUVs opened fire Friday on a bus packed with Coptic Christians, including many children, south of the Egyptian capital, killing at least 28 and wounding 25, the Interior Ministry said. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, the fourth to target Christians since December, but it […]

Egypt’s Coptic Christians Cancel Easter Celebrations After Palm Sunday Bombings

Churches in southern Egypt have canceled Easter Sunday celebrations in order to mourn the victims of dual suicide attacks on Palm Sunday. Dozens of worshipers were killed.   Christians in the region have been under attack by ISIS in recent years, suffering more than 40 attacks. According to the State Department, ISIS is waging a […]

Easter 2017, Christians ‘Most Persecuted Group in the World’

In many parts of the world, Christians gathering to celebrate Christ’s resurrection do so with the knowledge that any day their faith could cost them their lives as it has for thousands of their brothers and sisters. On Palm Sunday, twin bombings by jihadists at two Egyptian churches killed at least 45 worshippers and wounded […]

Why Don’t We Care About the Slaughter of Christians?

A United Airlines passenger is violently hauled off a plane, and there is national outrage, rightly so. Press Secretary Sean Spicer says that Assad is worse than Hitler, and again, there is national outrage, rightly so. Forty-five Egyptian Christians are slaughtered by ISIS while attending church services on Palm Sunday and scores of others are […]

44 Dead, Over 100 Injured: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Palm Sunday Dual Suicide Bombings Against Egyptian Coptic Christians

Egyptian authorities report that at least 44 people were killed and more than 100 people were injured in dual suicide bombing attacks against Egypt’s besieged Coptic Christian community. The explosions occurred as Christians joined together in prayer to commemorate the birth of Christ on Palm Sunday. Reuters reports: The first bombing, in Tanta, a Nile […]

Christian Student Suspended After Challenging Muslim Prof’s Denial of Christ’s Crucifixion

The chapel rises above the trees of Rollins College as viewed from Lake Virginia in Winter Park, Fla., Friday, Oct. 30, 2015. (Phelan M. Ebenhack via AP) Welcome to “Surreal Tuesday,” where your absolute worst nightmares about how bad a college can be will come true. The college in question is Rollins College, a tiny […]

2016 ‘Worst Year Yet’ for Christian Persecution

A new report by a leading watchdog group has identified 2016 as the “worst year yet” for Christian persecution, ever since the organization began monitoring persecution 25 years ago. The report, which is produced annually by Open Doors USA, found that persecution of Christians rose globally for the third year in a row, reaching “unprecedented […]

Migrant Stabs Christian Woman Because She Was Reading Bible

An Afghan migrant attacked a woman at an asylum centre in Austria because she was reading a bible. The attack took place in the town on Timelkam in the state of Upper Austria. The attacker was a 22-year-old migrant from Afghanistan who became annoyed that the 50-year-old woman had been invited by Christian residents to […]

90,000 Christians Killed in 2016, 1 Every 6 Minutes: Study

In an interview with Vatican Radio, Introvigne, the founder of the independent Center for Studies on New Religions based in Turin, Italy, cited statistics compiled by the Center for Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary for a annual report that is expected to be released next month. Introvigne said that there are between […]

12 Recent Cases Where Christians Were Punished for Their Beliefs on Marriage: FRC

The Family Research Council has compiled a reporting listing 12 cases this past decade in America where Christian business owners have been punished or threatened with punishment for holding traditional beliefs about marriage in order to comply with anti-discrimination laws regarding gay people. (Photo: Family Research Council/Carrie Russell)Aaron Klein talked before those gathered at the […]
